Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental ()

Planet On - International Environmental Film Festival


20 Nov 2023
Call for entries

31 Mar 2024
Festival closed

31 Jul 2024
Notification date

08 Nov 2024
17 Nov 2024


-,  -, Bogota, Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 10'<
Feature film festival >40' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2021
 Production countries: Required
 Shooting countries: Required
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 10'<
 Feature Films  >40' 120'<
 Any language
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Photo of Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental
Photo of Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental

Photo of Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental
Photo of Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental


Festival start: 08 November 2024      Festival end: 17 November 2024

November | 2024


Colombia becomes the stage for discussing current environmental issues. To this end, Planet On proposes to engage in a dialogue between filmmakers, science, industry, and the public through cinematographic works, a short film competition that seeks to be that necessary space where people can narrate, from their perspective, the different environmental challenges that humanity faces.

Planet On seeks to find the best stories about illegal wildlife trade and the protection of fauna in Latin America, as well as any other environmental issues that participants want to address.

The eighth edition of the International Environmental Film Festival, Planet On, will be the ideal place where we will gather to reflect on the impact that these problems have on our lives and, of course, to celebrate the best audiovisual works.

The Festival considers the creativity and free expression of artists as fundamental elements for understanding reality. For this reason, Planet On will have, as conditions for participating works in different categories, the relevance, quality, and relevance, both environmentally and cinematographically.

The call will be open for national and international short and feature films.

Call Dates

November 20, 2023

March 31, 2024

Announcement of Selected:
August 2024

All sections enabled on the FestHome platform will receive projects until 24 hours, Colombian time, on March 31, 2024.

NOTE: Participation in the call does not imply the acceptance of the works as part of the official selection or as winners of benefits and/or prizes until chosen by the Curatorial Committee of Planet On.



PLANET ON will schedule the winning short films and feature films as part of the Official Selection 2024.

Award Conditions

I. The winner of the category must be the rights holder to receive the award.
II. Each winner will be selected by a jury chosen by Planet On.
III. Short films must have musical rights, image usage, among others.
IV. If the chosen winner does not meet the requirements stated here and others considered by the committee and jury, the award may be declared void.

Description of Selection Categories

The selection of short films will be open for works produced between 2021 and 2024 with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, excluding final credits. The main theme should be the environment, presented in a free narrative. The selection will consist of a maximum of five (5) short films produced in Latin America.

The selection of feature films will be open for works produced between 2023 and 2024 with a maximum duration of 120 minutes, excluding final credits. The main theme should be the environment, presented in a free narrative. The selection will consist of a maximum of ten (10) feature films produced in any country.

1. Fiction

Fiction: This category will bring together works that reflect an imaginary context or situation created by the authors of the work. While they can reference specific aspects of the real world, this category allows authors to determine and play with the rules of reality. Telling stories with invented characters, imagining a utopian or ideal world, or even reflecting reality from an unusual point of view, such as an animal or a biome.

Sub-genres like short stories, drama, novel, experimental, comedy, among others, will have a place here. In essence, this category will allow participants a lot of creative freedom with ample space for imagination.

To participate in this category, shorts must be a maximum of 10 minutes long, and features 120 minutes, excluding final credits. Works must address environmental issues or solutions to them (e.g., biodiversity, climate change, endangered species, deforestation, pollution, among others).

The narrative and concept of the short film will be more relevant during evaluation compared to technical aspects such as sound and aesthetics. Nevertheless, they must meet the minimum quality requirements according to technical and visual aspects.

2. Non-Fiction: This category will bring together products that represent a specific aspect of the real world. Here is the opportunity to reflect reality, concrete facts, or real stories, with the experience (and participation if desired) of the real protagonists.

Sub-genres like documentary, essay, biography, chronicle, report, ethnography, among others, will be welcomed in this category. This category vividly highlights both individual and community experiences, using interviews, figures, and truthful data that give weight to the narrative.

To participate in this category, shorts must be a maximum of 10 minutes long, and features 120 minutes long, excluding final credits. Works must address environmental issues or their possible solutions (e.g., biodiversity, climate change, endangered species, deforestation, pollution, among others).

The narrative and concept of the short film will be more relevant during evaluation compared to technical aspects such as sound and aesthetics. Nevertheless, they must meet the minimum quality requirements according to technical and visual aspects.

The categories aim to stimulate and promote audiovisual proposals from individuals without a defined previous experience. Students, enthusiasts, and industry professionals are welcome to participate. The only essential condition is that the story must expose the problem and/or propose a solution to the illegal trade of species or any other environmental issue.

All techniques (animation, stop-motion, experimental narratives) are welcome and can participate.

Curatorial Criteria

The International Environmental Film Festival Planet On will include different film genres in which the environment is the central content in any of the pieces submitted through the website

The following genres will be accepted through the application:

Short film and/or feature film
- Documentary (author, essay, experimental, ethnographic)
- Animation
- Drama
- Comedy
- Science Fiction
- Experimental

The curatorial committee of the eighth edition of Planet On will have three judges who must choose works that satisfactorily meet technical and creative requirements such as importance, duration, originality, budget, and CO2 emissions reduction certificate*, among others.

*This certificate is not mandatory to participate in the call.


A call is a contract by association, and whoever registers a film in any of the sections proposed by Planet On on this platform subscribes to that contract on the terms published here.

It is established that the contract is law for the parties, in accordance with Article 1602 and S.S. of the Colombian Civil Code, so that by registering their film, they undertake to the conditions established in this call and those provided by the regulatory norms of the cinematographic activity Law 397 of 1997, Law 814 of 2003, Decree 1080 of 2015, and Resolution 1021 of 2016.

The International Environmental Film Festival Planet On reserves the right to make modifications, additions, deletions, or any adjustments that may be necessary to the initial conditions agreed upon in this call. Therefore, such adjustments cannot be the subject of subsequent claims by third parties, under the rules of the Colombian Civil Code and the special regulations governing cinematographic activity in Colombian territory.


All works without exception must adhere to the following general rules:

i. Comply with the condition of being short films, fiction or non-fiction as required in the call.

ii. Submit to the curatorial committee whether they are considered short films, fiction, or non-fiction as required in the applicable call, and the considerations that the committee finds relevant, to which the participant must adhere.

iii. Submit to all decisions that the committee makes, whether to include short films, fiction, or non-fiction in the section that the committee decides to place it or not include it in any section of the VI edition of Planet On, considering the committee's authority to redefine the category in which it should participate.

iv. All films or audiovisual

pieces must have a DCP screening copy with subtitles in Spanish or dubbed in Spanish.

v. Only films or audiovisual pieces produced and/or premiered worldwide between 2021 and 2024 will be considered.

vi. The cultural nationality of films or audiovisual pieces will be decided by the committee according to the criteria it considers relevant.

vii. The decisions made by the curatorial committee to include, exclude, reclassify, program in various sections, or not include in any section will be final.

viii. The committee is a group of film enthusiasts and experts who share criteria with the general direction and are responsible for viewing and deliberating on which films or audiovisual pieces will be part of the programming.

ix. Language and subtitling: films not spoken in Spanish must have subtitles or transcription of dialogues in Spanish (SRT format).

x. All films or audiovisual pieces must be registered through Festhome ( Films sent via email or physically will not be accepted.

xi. The programming team of the VIII Edition of the International Environmental Film Festival Planet On will communicate the curatorial committee's decision on the films or audiovisual pieces that have been registered on the Festhome platform to be part of the different sections.

xii. If, after the call is closed, the committee considers that the registered titles do not meet its expectations, it may invite films or audiovisual pieces with total freedom and according to its criteria to be part of the different sections and special programs, even if they have not been registered through the Festhome platform.

xiii. In exceptional cases, given the relevance or importance of the films, the committee may invite titles made before 2021 and 2024 to the sections it deems appropriate.

xiv. Whoever submits the film for consideration by the curatorial committee of Planet On must be the rights holder or have express authorization for the film to be exhibited at the festival if selected. Otherwise, Planet On will be indemnified against claims by third parties.


In the sections proposed on this platform for Planet On 2024, all short films can be made from real images or any form of animation and will have absolute freedom in terms of perspectives and forms, as long as it has an environmental focus.




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