+ RAIN Film Festival ()

+RAIN Film Festival


04 Dec 2023
Call for entries

03 Mar 2024
Festival closed

15 Mar 2024
Notification date

11 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024


Roc Boronat, 138,  08018 , Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Any language
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Photo of + RAIN Film Festival
Photo of + RAIN Film Festival

Photo of + RAIN Film Festival
Photo of + RAIN Film Festival


Festival start: 11 June 2024      Festival end: 13 June 2024

Second call of the first European festival of films generated using artificial intelligence (AI).+RAIN Film Festival is interested in the use of creative methodologies with AI in the service of storytelling. Beyond the visual dimension, this technology poses challenges in the ways of telling stories and also stresses concepts such as creativity and imagination. +RAIN Film Festival seeks to be the gateway to films that experiment with narrative language and these new technological approaches.

The authors of the selected projects will receive a payment of €300 for the presentation of their film on June 14, participation in the various Festival activities, and screening of the selected films at Sónar+D.

The Festival covers accommodation costs (a maximum of two nights) and travel for one author per project (up to a maximum price).

Among the selected projects, three works will be awarded for their creative and narrative quality and uniqueness in using and exploring AI in their creative process.

The prize will be awarded to the winning film and is endowed with a cash amount.

Best film: €3.000
Jury award: €2.000
Special mention: €1.000


+RAIN Film Festival opens an international call for submissions of films that use AI models in their creative processes and that explore their narrative and technological capabilities. In its second edition, the +RAIN Film Festival invites directors to present and debate their works at public screenings. An international jury selects the most innovative films to be shown at Sónar+D.

+RAIN Film Festival is the first European festival of films generated with artificial intelligence (AI). +RAIN explores contemporary film storytelling with AI-based technologies and their aesthetic, ethical, and political possibilities and implications. The event invites discovery, experimentation, and detailed reflection on the most relevant aspects of authorial creation and the industrial dynamics in the cinematographic field generated by this transformative technology.

+RAIN is interested in using creative methodologies with AI models at the service of storytelling. Beyond the visual dimension, this technology poses challenges in explaining stories and stresses concepts such as creativity and imagination.


The film submission period begins on December 4, 2023, and ends on March 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. GMT+1.
The films that are part of the official selection will be communicated to the authors starting March 15, 2023.


The call for the presentation of films is international.
They can be produced by people or groups of any nationality and language as long as they are of legal age.

Only one film can be registered per person or group. In the case of a collective, the person who registers declares and guarantees that he is the authorized representative of the rest of his team members and that he has obtained all the necessary rights to act on his behalf.

Films generated in whole or in part with AI models are accepted as long as the selection committee considers that they use it meaningfully in the creation process.


Submitted films have to be generated with models based on AI (machine learning). Models that are based on content understanding and content generation are accepted, such as text to video, video to video, text to audio, etc.
These AI models must be able to explore the narrative capabilities of the films presented.

They must be produced after January 1, 2022.

A maximum duration of 15 minutes is recommended (given the current technical conditions of independent production).
The works are open to any film genre.

The original version can be in any language as long as English subtitles are provided.

The natural persons who have used AI to prepare the work will be considered authors.


Participants guarantee that they have all the necessary rights to send the work and the rights of reproduction, distribution, and public communication, making it available to the public and exhibition to be exhibited within the framework of the Festival.

Participants guarantee that the works are free of charge or encumbrance and exonerate the +RAIN Film Festival from any claim from third parties about possible rights derived from the works.


​​Participants authorize the UPF to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, make available to the public, and exhibit the film presented, to be exhibited within the framework of the Festival and, if selected, to Sónar+D. Likewise, they authorize the film's authorship to be cited, following what the participant indicated in the application.


​​Participants will hold the UPF and Sónar+D harmless concerning all direct damages, responsibilities, demands, obligations, trials, sentences, and expenses that may be generated as a result of claims from third parties about the exercise of the rights of intellectual property authorized for the communication of the work within the framework of +RAIN Film Festival.


Film registrations are made through the official +RAIN Film Festival form, available on the festival website.

The film submission period begins on December 4, 2023, and ends on March 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. GMT+1.

The films that are part of the official selection will be communicated to the authors starting March 15, 2024.

Registration is free.

The films will be considered registered once the participant receives the confirmation email.

Acceptance of these rules implies acceptance of the public exhibition of the film at the festival and, if selected, at Sónar+D, as well as the promotional use of fragments of the work and graphic reproduction for advertising purposes.


The +RAIN Film Fest selection committee will select the films to be exhibited at the festival. An international jury will choose the most innovative films to be exhibited at Sónar+D. It is up to the jury to interpret these bases and resolve any doubts.

Your decision is final.

The Festival and the selection committee reserve the right to modify these bases or add annexes as long as it is justified and does not harm the works and the participants. Any modification will be communicated publicly.

The Festival reserves the right to exclude works incorporating any ableist, racial, sexual, gender discrimination, or any fundamental right in their content.

Participation in the Festival implies accepting these rules, and the Festival reserves the right to admit works that do not comply with them.

Once the work has been selected, the authors must confirm their participation by signing a letter of acceptance of the established conditions. Once your participation is approved, the work cannot be withdrawn from the Festival.


The authors of the selected projects will receive a payment of €300 for the presentation of their film on June 14, participation in the various Festival activities, and screening of the selected films at Sónar+D.

The Festival covers accommodation costs (a maximum of two nights) and travel for one author per project (up to a maximum price).

Among the selected projects, three works will be awarded for their creative and narrative quality and uniqueness in using and exploring AI in their creative process.

The prize will be awarded to the winning film and is endowed with a cash amount.

Best film: €3.000
Jury award: €2.000
Special mention: €1.000


Data controller: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. C/. de la Merce, 12. 08002 Barcelona. Ph. (+34) 935 422 000.

Purpose: register for the +RAIN Film Festival and manage its development. Your personal data will be kept during the edition of the Festival and as long as legal responsibilities may be derived from its realization. However, the identification of the winners will be kept on the University's website in accordance with transparency legislation. Likewise, the dissemination of authorship data will be maintained in accordance with intellectual property law.

Legal basis: processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (participation in the competition).

Recipients: your data will be processed by the Pompeu Fabra University, the members of the jury and will not be transferred to third parties, except for the fulfillment of legally established obligations. The data of those selected by the jury will be communicated to XXX. The identification of the winners in accordance with transparency legislation will be published on the website. Authorship data will be disseminated in accordance with intellectual property law.

Rights: you can access your data; request their rectification, deletion and in certain cases their portability; you may object to their processing and apply for their limitation by following the procedures described at www.upf.edu/web/proteccio-dades/drets. You can contact the UPF data protection officer (dpd@upf.edu) for any queries, or if you feel that your rights are not properly respected. Should you not be satisfied, you may file a complaint with the Catalan Data Protection Authority (apdcat.gencat.cat).






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