Short cut festival ()


17 May 2024
Call for entries

31 May 2024
Festival closed

10 Jul 2024
Notification date

30 Aug 2024
30 Aug 2024


Kuća Vojnovića and KC Inđija,  22320, Indjija, Vojvodina, Serbia

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 10'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 10'<
 Any language
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Photo of Short cut festival
Photo of Short cut festival

Photo of Short cut festival
Photo of Short cut festival


Festival start: 30 August 2024      Festival end: 30 August 2024

Media affirmation association “MAT” (in further text: The Association) is non-governmental and non-profit voluntary association, founded for an indefinite period of time due to media affirmation of all social segments via audio-video material making, press articles and web presentation making. One of the aims of the Association is the organization of festivals which, due to their content, contribute the development of culture. From 2016. one of the organized festivals is International festival of short movies and photography, called “Short cut”.

The Association for Media Affirmation "Mat" from Indjija, has announced a competition for the ninth edition of the International Short Film and photographs Festival "Short cut" Indjija 2024. Short feature, documentary and animated films are shown at the festival. The festival is open to films by domestic authors, as well as to authors from all over the world. The topics of the films should be in the field of: ecology, tourism and life. The public call for authors of short films lasts from May 17 to 31, 2024. Received films are reviewed by a selection committee that will not consider films that contain offensive or aggressive messages or content.

The International Short Film and Photography Festival "Short cut" Indjija will be held on August 30, 2024. The festival screens short feature, documentary and animated films on the theme of ecology, tourism and life. The festival is open not only for the movies made by native authors, but also for the authors from all over the world. The following program consists of the photography exhibition (the theme is “Objective(s)”),which is a competitive nature too, and will be realized from August 30 to September 5, 2024.

The Short Cut Festival organizers organize an exhibition of photographs titled “Objective(s)” in the accompanying program, inviting all interested people to participate in the exhibition, photographs with personal information and contact send on shortcutfest @ with an indication for a photo contest “Short cut”, from 17 to 31 May 2024. Photo authors for the competition can send a maximum of 10 photos, the size of the longer page of acceptable digital photos cannot be less than 3,000 pixels, the file type can only be jpg, ie. jpeg and the maximum file size must not exceed 20MB.

An exhibition of selected photographs for the competition will be held from August 30. to September 5., 2024.

The festival will be awarded: The first prize for the catagory of ecology, the first prize for the category of tourism and the first prize for the category of life, the prize for an animated film and the Grand Prix of the festival. Prizes will also be awarded for the best photo in the photo competition.“Objective(s)”.


- The film should not last longer than 10 minutes

- The film can not be produced before 2022.

- Association "MAT" can use parts or complete films in the promotion service

- The author is responsible for the copyright of the film

- Authors whose films will be selected for the festival will be notified by July 10, 2024 at the latest.

-Authors whose films are selected for the festival are required to submit: a completed form, a photo of the author and an MPEG-4 format (via, or and no later than 20. july 2024. on mail

The competition for photography is open from May 17. to May 31, 2024. Photo authors for the competition can send a maximum of 10 photos, the size of the longer page of acceptable digital photos cannot be less than 3,000 pixels, the file type can only be jpg, ie. jpeg and the maximum file size must not exceed 20MB. Authors of photographs will be notified of the selection no later than July 25. 2023.

-Application forms and instructions can be found on the Festival's website



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