State aKorti (17)


15 Mar 2024
Call for entries

30 Jun 2024
Festival closed

04 Aug 2024
Notification date

03 Aug 2024
04 Aug 2024


via Garibaldi 298,  95029, Viagrande, Catania, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival 10'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  10'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of State aKorti
Photo of State aKorti
Photo of State aKorti
Photo of State aKorti


Festival start: 03 August 2024      Festival end: 04 August 2024

An important milestone for the International Humorous Short Film Festival State aKorti, between laughter and the other, we arrived at the 16th Edition

The show, as always, is open to film makers and directors of all nationalities. Participation is free.

Best short film


17th Edition International Short Film Festival ‘State aKorti’
Viagrande (ct) – August 2024


The DIBO Eventiis organizing the 16th Edition of the International Short Film Festival called ‘State aKorti’ open to filmmakers and directors of all nationalities.

There is NO FEE to enter this competition.

You can enter works (short films, cartoons, video clips, cell phone videos, photo presentations and any other types of work of the audiovisual category)which have not been entered in the previous editions made in any format and technique that does not exceed 10 minutes (the organizers of the festival reserve the right to admit slightly longer works as well) of comic- humoristic genre.

For foreign works subtitles either in english or Italian are required.

The works will have to be sent along with an entry form (with a copy of a valid identity card attached ) and all the other information required to the following address:

State aKorti
c/o Studio Associato Di Bella
via Teatro Greco n.76
95124 Catania

The deadline for submitting the works is June 30, 2024.

By sending the entry form filled in (possibly with the use of the text editor) and signed in all it’s parts you will be agreeing to rules and regulations of this festival and in particular:

- to agree to the treatment of personal data

- to agree to the use of the short film and the original and not original soundtrack of the film

- to self-certification that guarantees that the author of the film is in possession of the agreement on behalf of the author of the non-original music present in the film to use the music (in case of a non-original soundtrack)

Under age authors must be in possession of a signed agreement of one of the parents.

The applicants should feel free to send digital photos (jpg.files) or video curriculum with implicit authorization for free publication to the following address: .info@stateakorti it to be posted on the festival’s web sites,

All postage to be paid by the participant.

Format required for the selection is a high quality copy DVD, in a plastic cover, clearly signed with the title, original format, length and the year in which it was made, name, surname, address, e-mail address and a possible SIAE membership, as an alternative you may indicate the link that leads to the entire video.

The DVD copies will not be returned and will remain in the festival’s archives. They might be projected on other no profit shows, with the purpose of promoting the film or the activities of the organizers of the festival.

It is possible to participate with more than one work.

All of the works that reach us within the deadline will be viewed and selected by a committee made of organizers and experts from creative industries.

The works which get picked out will be let to the official selection and evaluated by a jury of quality, notified on festival’s web site. The jury will award prizes as follows.

The verdicts of the committee and the jury are unappealable and final. As a result any request on behalf of the competitors aimed at getting to know the evaluations of the committee or jury will be rejected.

The authors chosen for the official screening will be contacted by the organizers and informed of the screening date and hour.

Each author declares to be in possession of all the rights concerning the work in all its parts. He assures to have free use of its contents and that the contents do not violate any laws or current regulations or the rights of the third party in particular such as copyrights, performing rights or hallmarks .He assures and declares moreover that his work is neither libellous nor defamatory. The organisers will not be responsible for any loss, damage, costs, responsibility or taxes of any kind to be sustained as a result of the contents of the work or its screenings.

The 16th edition of the festival will take place in August in Viagrande.

The exact dates are yet to be communicated with a due advance on the festival’s web sites
and on print.

Any controversies fall within the jurisdiction of Catania courts.


Festival’s web site –,
E mail - info@stateakorti it
Organizers DiboEventi –call Att. Riccardo di Bella on his mobile +39 348 6501309



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