Tels Quels Festival / LGBT Shortfilm (37)

Tels Quels Festival / LGBT shortfilm


10 Mar 2024
Call for entries

30 Jun 2024
Festival closed

15 Sep 2024
Notification date

03 Oct 2024
11 Oct 2024


Place de la Liberté 4,  1000, Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium

Festival description
Short film festival 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  25'<
 Any language
French English
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Photo of Tels Quels Festival / LGBT Shortfilm
Photo of Tels Quels Festival / LGBT Shortfilm

Photo of Tels Quels Festival / LGBT Shortfilm
Photo of Tels Quels Festival / LGBT Shortfilm


Festival start: 03 October 2024      Festival end: 11 October 2024

The "Tels Quels Festival" will be run by the non-profit-making association "Tels Quels" in Brussels on October 2024.

The Tels Quels Festival is an event aimed at the general public, designed to promote and spread the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) Culture. In this framework, a LGBT Short Film Contest is being held.

Cash Prizes: 3,500€

The jury is comprised of a chair and seven members at most, professionals of the cinematographic and audiovisual fields, figures from Belgium and abroad, and delegates of LGBT associations. The roll of jury members will be published on the website of Tels Quels.

All questions shall be decided by a majority of the judges. In case of an equality of votes the Chair shall have a casting vote.

The Jury Award: 1.500 €
The Public Award: 1.000 €
The Best Script Award: 500 €
The Selection Board Award: 500 €

The jury’s decision will be final.

Each film submitted must respect the following set of rules:

• Be a fiction, an animated or a documentary short film;

• Have some sort of connection with LGBT themes ;

• Be of less than 25 minutes ;

• Have finished production or have been projected in public for the first time after the 1st January 2023 ;

• Be available in mp4 codec H264 – 10 Mb – 1920 x 1080

• Possess English or French subtitle.

An online form of submission must be completed and the film uploaded.

Submitting a film is free of charge.

A selection board, chosen by the host, wills decide which film will be selected for the Contest. Only the films selected by this board will be presented during the Festival’s Contest. A list of the films selected will be available on in on September 2024. Once a film has been submitted to the board, it can not be withdrawn.

The selection of a film implies the authorization of an ex gratia projection during the Festival (in Brussels but also decentralized, with a maximum of 3 decentralizations), as well as of excerpts on televisions and internet on the purpose of promoting the event (excerpt limited to 15% of the film’s full duration, a trailer can be use instead).

The organization committee shall have the exclusive right to litigate with the interested parties and is not responsible in any way for the cancelation of the event.

Participating at the Festival implies unconditional acceptance of the present regulation. Only the regulation in French shall be considered authentic. In the event of any dispute on said regulation, only the Belgian legislation shall rule.



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