Villanueva Showing Film Awards (15)

Villanueva Showing FIlm Awards


22 Jan 2025
Call for entries

22 Sep 2025
Final deadline


06 Oct 2025
Notification date

17 Nov 2025
17 Nov 2025


Costa Brava, nº2,  28034, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Festival description
For young people aged 18-25
Short film festival 6'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  6'<
 Any language
Spanish English
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Photo of Villanueva Showing Film Awards
Photo of Villanueva Showing Film Awards

Photo of Villanueva Showing Film Awards
Photo of Villanueva Showing Film Awards


Festival start: 17 November 2025      Festival end: 17 November 2025

«The Oscars of the university cinema»

Villanueva Showing Festival is an International Short Film Festival for young people between 15 and 25 years old, organized by Universidad Villanueva. This initiative aims to encourage young people to reflect on universal human values ​​through audiovisual language. For this reason, each edition challenges the young cinematographic promises to create their own piece on a specific theme based on a universal value.

This festival, in which more than $ 22,000 in prizes are awarded every year, offers great visibility to young cinematographic talents before an international jury of experts, producers, directors, scriptwriters, actors and other professionals from the sector who attend the ceremony annually of awards ceremony, held in an iconic place of the capital of Spain, presented by a recognizable figure from the film world.


In this edition Villanueva Showing Film invites us to reflect about the following topic: "The Force of Character". All short films presented must be related to this topic.

Cash Prizes: 6,500$

FIRST PRIZE: $ 5 000 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

SECOND PRIZE : $ 1 000 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

THIRD PRIZE : $ 500 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

POPULAR VOTING : DJI Mavic drone or similar + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

BEST MUSIC SYNCHRONIZATION MUSIC LIBRARY & SFX (SPECIAL AWARD): A flat rate limited to the next audiovisual production that will give access to the AudioNetwork and AltMusic production music catalogs (worth $ 350) + Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through of the Festival's social networks and media

BEST ACTOR/BEST ACTRESS: "Acting For Camera" course at Verónica Mey Estudio, in Madrid + Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through of the Festival's social networks and media

BEST DIRECTION: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST PRODUCTION: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST SCRIPT: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST EDITING: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST PHOTOGRAPH: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

Villanueva Showing Festival, Universidad Villanueva's International Short Film Festival, announces the 15th edition of Villanueva Showing Film, a short film contest in which young people between the ages of 15 to 25 years can participate in the following category (visit our website to see all other categories):

Filmmaker: for young people aged 18-25 (inclusive).

Villanueva Showing Film aims to encourage young people to reflect on universal human values ​​through audiovisual language. Therefore, the subject that all registered audiovisual films must deal with is:


Young people from any nation, who are between 18 and 25 years old, may participate in the Filmmaker Category. The registration process is divided into three parts:

Pre-registration: To start your registration, you must complete the form located in the “Villanueva Showing Film” section of the website or through the following address:
Once the pre-registration request has been received, the Villanueva Showing Festival team will contact the group representative to indicate the next step.

Registration: It will be requested that the registration be completed by providing information such as: the name of the short film, synopsis or the identity document of the main members of the team. Upon submission, the Villanueva Showing Festival team will contact the group representative to indicate the next step (3).

Sending files: Finally, the group representative will be required to send the following materials through or similar to the address
Short film without subtitles
subtitled short film
Making Of (optional)

The registration period, and the sending of materials, ends on September 22nd, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT + 1)

The works may be presented in any language. Two copies of the work must be submitted: one with English subtitles and the other without subtitles. Optionally, the team may send a making of showing the work performed in the production of the film. This video will have the same technical characteristics of audiovisual works presented.

The short film will have a maximum duration of 5 minutes (not counting the initial or final credits), the making of has no established duration.

All these materials must be delivered in the manner indicated by the organization in a .mov or .mp4 video file with the following characteristics:

Format: H264. 1920 × 1080, 24fps, progressive.
Audio: ACC, 320Kbps, 48,000Hz. Stereo.

The contestants are responsible for ensuring that the submitted works are not subject to any legal claim. Villanueva Showing Festival and its organizers are not responsible for any lawsuit filed by third parties. The participating team will be the only legal person responsible for possible copyright claims.

If you want to present another short film, you must make a new registration.

All short films that include the following will not be taken into consideration:
A profane or profane vocabulary that is unduly justified.
Abusive or pornographic content that incites or encourages violence, racism, xenophobia and any other form of discrimination, that violates human dignity or the due protection of children.
Comments, images, signs or gestures that may hurt sensitivities.


Request access to Music Library catalogues

Villanueva Showing Festival carries out a collaboration agreement with Music Library & SFX to offer those projects that are going to be presented, and to those who wish to use it, the possibility of having up to 10 music downloads in each of their music catalogs: Audio Network and AltMusic.

To request trial access to the catalogs, fill out the form located at Music Library & SFX will send you an email with the access data to the music it distributes through or together with a series of information and the corresponding user license template.

The downloaded music must be used exclusively used in the content that will be submitted to this contest. If it is desired to make any other type of audiovisual product with the music obtained from these catalogs, the corresponding consideration must be established for the use of the music from the Music Library & SFX catalogs according to their current guidelines and rates.
Similarly, if you want to present the synchronized content in this festival to other contests, please indicate the origin of the music within this content, detailing the following information within the credit titles:

Name of the musical theme - Author's name - Music Library/Audio Network.
Ahem: Music: Winter Skies / Will Cookson / Music Library/Audio Network.

Once the music has been downloaded/synchronized, all registered participants must send the duly completed user license template to Music Library & SFX via email ( , indicating in the subject: (Villanueva Showing Festival - license request) so that the product can be registered and said template in relation to the rights covered (phonographic and copyright rights for all types of platforms, worldwide and in perpetuity; excluding public communication rights).

All the works that make use of a Music Library & SFX and AudioNetwork license must include in the credits the logo of the same (which will be provided by the entity with the license request).

SOCIAL MEDIA: By presenting a short film at Villanueva Showing Festival, the team accepts that the work be exhibited on the Festival's social networks for public viewing, and so that it can participate in the “popular vote”. The works will be kept on the Villanueva Showing Festival social networks indefinitely.

AWARDS CEREMONY AND EVENTS: Likewise, the contestants authorize Villanueva Showing Festival to publicly display their work at the awards Gala or events related to the development of the Festival.

The awarding of the FIRST PRIZE, SECOND PRIZE AND THIRD PRIZE implies that the author of the awarded work assigns exclusively to the Festival all the exploitation rights over that work, including, among others, those of reproduction by any graphic, mechanical, electronic, reprographic, digital, or any other type of system; distribution in any format or medium and channel, and through sale, rental, loan or any other form; public communication through audiovisual projection, stage representation, broadcasting, transmission by cable, fiber optic, wired or wireless, telematic, digital or online systems, incorporation into databases, or through any other system; transformation, including translation and adaptation to audiovisual or dramatic work, or other derivative works, and in general.

During the month of October 2025, the organization will publish -through the Festival's website and social networks- the list of selected works that are able to win any prize in the 15th edition of Villanueva Showing Film.

That same day, and from the moment in which the selected short films have been released, the popular vote will begin . The public will be able to vote for their favorite work through Instagram and Facebook. The voting procedure will be as follows:

The short films will be published in a Google Forms document, which will include links to both YouTube and Facebook Videos to be visualized. Within said Forms document, the public may choose their favorite short film. Each answer submitted will add a point to the chosen short film. The Festival organization team will only consider one point for each mail account than fills the Forms document.

For the vote to be valid, the person who submits the document will have to be a follower of the Villanueva Showing Festival Instagram or Facebook accounts.

Votes that come from automation processes such as bots may be disqualified or suffer significant penalties that affect their results.

On the day of the Villanueva Showing Festival awards ceremony, the definitive list of winners of the Filmmaker Category awards will be announced. The jury's decision is final and an award may be declared void if it deems it appropriate.

The prizes awarded by the Festival will be conditional on the winners attending the closing gala to collect the prize. In cases of force majeure, it will be accepted that a representative attends, or that a video of appreciation of the winner is sent.

FIRST PRIZE: $ 5 000 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

SECOND PRIZE: $ 1 000 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

THIRD PRIZE: $ 500 ** + Screening of the short film at the Gala + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

POPULAR VOTING: DJI Mavic drone or similar + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media.

BEST MUSIC SYNCHRONIZATION MUSIC LIBRARY & SFX (SPECIAL AWARD): A flat rate limited to the next audiovisual production that will give access to the AudioNetwork and AltMusic production music catalogs (worth $ 350) + Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through of the Festival's social networks and media

BEST ACTOR/BEST ACTRESS: "Acting For Camera" course at Verónica Mey Estudio, in Madrid + Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through of the Festival's social networks and media

BEST DIRECTION: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST PRODUCTION: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST SCRIPT: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST EDITING: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY: Recognition Award + Visibility and impact through the Festival's social networks and media

*These dates could be modified in the event of a pandemic or restrictions derived from the recommendations of the health authorities of Spain and the Community of Madrid.

**The cash prizes will be subject to tax withholdings and current legal provisions that must be applied and will be indivisible. From the celebration of the awards ceremony, the festival will have up to 12 months to make the payment of the monetary prizes.



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