Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
01 avril 2020
Appel à Inscriptions
31 mai 2020
Date limite précoce
31 juil. 2020
Date limite standard
30 sept. 2020
Date limite retardée
30 nov. 2020
Festival fermé
31 déc. 2020
Date de notification
16 janv. 2021
17 janv. 2021
Golden Trophy.
Los Angeles CineFest is an international event. We accept local, national and international films and scripts. Film industry specialists watch films and videos, read scripts, give notes and scores.
Once a year we screen selected work at the live event in Los Angeles.
Starting January 1, 2019, Los Angeles CineFest will no longer be an online film festival. Our festival will now compose of Live Screenings.
Short Film
Short Documentary
Web Episode
Feature Film
Feature Documentary
Film about Cosmos
Music Video
Drone Films
Web/New Media
Screenplay (Short Films)
Screenplay (Feature Films)
Television Script
Film Score
Photography (any topic, photo from the set included)
Poster (any poster, film poster included)
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Date limite d’inscriptions
30 nov. 20
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.