Festival Rizoma 2024 (12)

Festival RIZOMA 2024


20 Mai 2024

28 Jun 2024
Prazo inicial

19 Jul 2024
Prazo padrão

09 Ago 2024
Prazo final

09 Ago 2024
Festival fechado

08 Out 2024
Data de Notificação

19 Nov 2024
24 Nov 2024


Calle de Silva, 13 1A,  28004, Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de longas metragens >40'

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 Com taxas de inscrição
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Janeiro 2023
 Países de produção: Requerido
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Longa-metragem  >40'
 Todos os idiomas
Spanish English
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Festival Rizoma 2024
Photo of Festival Rizoma 2024

Photo of Festival Rizoma 2024
Photo of Festival Rizoma 2024

Portuguese ML


Início do Festival: 19 Novembro 2024      Fim do Festival: 24 Novembro 2024

RIZOMA is a unique international festival that combines film, art, music, conferences and community engagement to build each edition around a central concept.

Like the rhizome itself, RIZOMA is interconnected, interdependent and non-hierarchical. RIZOMA values that the different branches of culture feed and inspire each other. We believe in the horizontality of a rhizome so it is important to bring together emerging and established artists so that some feed off each other and of course the public as a part of the festival.

Known for having brought to Madrid for the first time creators of the stature of David Lynch, John Waters and Debbie Harry. RIZOMA also stands out for its efforts to bring to light the work of new Spanish artists. To this end, it has created the RIZOMA CINEMA Award, for the distribution of the winning film.


Both financial and other types of prizes can be expanded throughout the call. When publishing the bases, we offer:

Official Selection - National - Best Film receives:
A Cineteca Premiere at Cineteca Matadero Madrid in 2025

VOD contract with FILMIN with a financial award of 4,000 euros.

RIZOMA Route. Since 2017, RIZOMA has been offering the exhibition of the winning film throughout the national territory in film libraries, cultural and commercial theaters. The winning film of the Official Section receives the option to be part of this route that reaches more than 2,400 spectators. Participation is the option of the distributor, if any, or its producers.

Contemporary Surrealism - Best Film
Economic Prize of 1000 euros

Contemporary Surrealism - Special Mention from the Jury
Economic Prize of 500 euros

The financial allocation of the prizes corresponds first of all to the distributor, if there is one, or, failing that, to those responsible for management and production. The amount of the prizes is expressed in euros and is subject to taxes and regulations established by Spanish law. The amounts expressed in these bases are gross and the relevant personal income tax withholdings will be applied to them.

The director of the winning film in the Official - National Section will receive the FNAC Award, a prize of 1,000 euros intended for the director of said film, to be spent on purchases made in any of the Fnac stores located in the national territory. In the case of co-directors or groups, the prize will be distributed equally.

The winning film will receive a new DCP Master that will include the laurels and/or banner of the festival, with its corresponding Mp4 Master for platforms. The copy will include the languages and subtitles with which the film was screened during the festival. This copy must be used in the subsequent run of the film in theaters and festivals.

May 20, 2024


RIZOMA Transatlantic Turnstiles, SL. Managing company and promoter of the RIZOMA Festival in Madrid, announces the rules for participation in the 12th edition of the festival that will take place from November 19 to 24, 2024.


1.1 RIZOMA International Film & Culture Festival Entrelazada has among its objectives to celebrate groundbreaking work on the international scene, discover and support new voices in Spanish and Spanish cinema, and echo contemporary audiovisual trends. RIZOMA also aims to facilitate visibility and access to the distribution or marketing of independent proposals.

1.2 The festival programming is divided into the following sections:

Competitive Sections

Official Section - National
New voices from Spanish cinema
Official Section - Ibero-American
Cinema from Latin America
International Contemporary Surrealism
International cinema

Non-Competitive Sections

Depending on the works presented to the festival, RIZOMA also programs parallel sections and Special Premieres out of competition.

1.3 The following prizes will be awarded:

Official Selection - Best Spanish Film
-Best film
Official Selection - Best Ibero-American Film
-Best film
Contemporary Surrealism Section
-Best film
Special Mention from the Jury
-Award for sound innovation


2.1 The call will remain open from May 20, 2024 to August 9, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

2.2 Registration is done online through the Festhome platform.

2.3 The submitted works will be informed of the correct receipt of their registration.

2.4 The selected works will be communicated before October 8, 2024.


3.1 All our sections are open to works of fiction, documentary, experimental and in DCP or 16mm projection format.

3.2. The minimum duration for competitive sections is 40 min.

3.3 The committee reserves the right to include short films or works in virtual reality if it so deems, for non-competitive sections.

3.4 Only works produced after January 1, 2023 may be entered. The committee reserves the right to invite films prior to the aforementioned date, if it so deems it.

3.5 Feature films of any nationality may be submitted. It will be the festival's programming team that will decide the appropriate section for the title.

3.6 Films that have been distributed in commercial theaters, commercially edited, broadcast on television or marketed on VOD platforms in Spain will not be admitted to the competitive sections.

3.7 To compete, the condition of premiere in Madrid is required and a positive assessment will be made if it is also an international or national premiere. The committee reserves the right to select a film previously shown in Madrid if it is estimated that its run has been limited.

3.8 Specific requirements by section:

Official Section - National. Open to feature films of Spanish nationality, with Spanish direction and/or minority co-productions with other countries. This section is dedicated to supporting emerging talent in their first, second or third feature film. The committee reserves the right to select directors with more than three signed feature films if it deems it appropriate.

Official Section - Ibero-American. Open to feature films from an Ibero-American country, with Ibero-American direction and/or minority co-productions with Spain. This section is dedicated to supporting emerging talent, in their first, second or third feature film. The committee reserves the right to select directors with more than three signed feature films if it deems it appropriate.

Contemporary Surrealism Section. Open to feature films from any country and in any language. Films that contain a surreal element will be valued for this section, either due to their style or the theme they cover, understanding the definition of surrealism in a broad way.

3.9 Films in languages other than Spanish will have to be presented with a version subtitled in Spanish and another version subtitled in English so that it can be evaluated by the international jury.

3.10 Each author, producer or distributor may submit as many films as they want to the festival, and must make an individual registration for each of them.

3.11 Any film presented can be considered for any section of the festival, opening or closing, as well as a parallel section. The festival management reserves the right to establish the definitive number of films to be shown depending on the available sessions, always between 1-3 screenings.

3.12 To participate in the festival it is essential to be the holder of international exhibition rights and the participating film.

3.13 The festival will not accept films that violate the sexual, religious, ethnic, emotional or human dignity of other people.

4. Registration process

4.1 To carry out the registration process, the following materials will be requested:

Digital file of the film in Spanish with English subtitles, in any format, up to a maximum of 20GB (.mov, .mp4, .mkv...). If the original language is another, a copy will be provided with subtitles in English and Spanish.
Attach a minimum of 3 images and a movie poster in high and low resolution.
Technical sheet, brief biography of the director and producer, short synopsis, long synopsis and short highlighted sentence about the film.
Trailer or clip.
Press kit (optional recommended).

5. Jury

5.1 The festival management will elect an Official Jury made up of internationally renowned professionals from the cinematographic and audiovisual arts, as well as cultural management or other artistic disciplines. No person who has financial interests in the production, distribution or exhibition of the films on which it must issue its verdict may be part of the jury.

5.2 The decision of the Jury will be final.

5.3 The organization reserves the right to expand the categories and prizes.

6. Awards

6.1 Both financial and other types of prizes may be extended throughout the call. When publishing the bases, we offer:

Official Selection - National - Best Film receives:
A Cineteca Premiere at Cineteca Matadero Madrid in 2025
VOD contract with FILMIN with a financial award of 4,000 euros.
RIZOMA Route. Since 2017, RIZOMA has been offering the exhibition of the winning film throughout the national territory in film libraries, cultural and commercial theaters. The winning film of the Official Section receives the option to be part of this route that reaches more than 2,400 spectators. Participation is the option of the distributor, if any, or its producers.

Contemporary Surrealism - Best Film
Economic Prize of 1000 euros

Contemporary Surrealism - Special Mention from the Jury
Economic Prize of 500 euros

6.2 The financial allocation of the prizes corresponds first of all to the distributor, if there is one, or, failing that, to those responsible for management and production. The amount of the prizes is expressed in euros and is subject to taxes and regulations established by Spanish law. The amounts expressed in these bases are gross and the relevant personal income tax withholdings will be applied to them.

6.3 The director of the winning film of the Official - National Section will receive the FNAC Award, a prize of 1,000 euros intended for the director of said film, to be spent on purchases made in any of the Fnac stores located in the national territory. . In the case of co-directors or groups, the prize will be distributed equally.

6.4 The winning film will receive a new DCP Master that will include the laurels and/or banner of the festival, with its corresponding Mp4 Master for platforms. The copy will include the languages and subtitles with which the film was screened during the festival. This copy must be used in the subsequent run of the film in theaters and festivals.

7. Selection Procedure

7.1 The festival management will constitute a Selection Committee made up of professionals from the sector who will carry out the viewing and evaluation of all the works received. The decision of the pre-selected projects will be communicated by email before October 8, 2024.

7.2 Your participation in the Festival cannot be revealed before it has been announced publicly.

7.3 Finalist films may not be withdrawn from the Festival once their participation has been confirmed.

7.4 The selected films must provide the organization with a DCP copy with English subtitles or with Spanish subtitles, if they are in a language other than Spanish. If you do not have a DCP, the Festival undertakes to carry out a digital DCP Master, assuming the cost of the laboratory, valued at 400 euros.

7.5 The delivery of films with universal accessibility will be positively valued.

7.6 With the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of physical shipments, the Festival will enable a digital platform to receive copies. Any physical shipping costs, as well as insurance if applicable, will be borne by the films.

7.7 All screening copies of the selected films must be received by the festival before October 24, 2024 to facilitate technical testing and inspections prior to their screening at the RIZOMA Festival.

7.8 The selected films will be screened at the festival between November 19 and 24, in Madrid. The festival ensures the theatrical screening of each finalist title.

7.9 In order to have the greatest presence of the artistic teams, RIZOMA will cover travel and national accommodation expenses for a representative of the film who does not live in Madrid. RIZOMA offers each selected title 150 euros for travel to Madrid and two nights of accommodation at the festival hotel.

7.10 A minimum of 2 invitations to the title screening will be offered to the team. Depending on capacity limitations, a maximum of 6 invitations may be offered.

7.11 In the event of destruction or loss of a copy, the festival's liability will be limited and, in any case, will not exceed the cost of a new copy, according to current rates.

8. Responsibilities and acceptance of the bases

8.1 The organizing entity declines all legal responsibility for the content of the works. The person or entity that registers your work will be legally responsible for its content. The works cannot contain content that violates any third party rights.

8.2 The authors, producers or distributors of the selected works authorize the exhibition of their work by the RIZOMA Festival, on a NON-EXCLUSIVITY basis and for a time period limited to the validity of the Festival.

8.3 The selected films authorize the use of images and extracts for the preparation of the festival's catalog and video material as well as for their dissemination in the media for promotional purposes.

9. Modifications

9.1 The RIZOMA Festival reserves the right to expand or modify the rules at any time during the call, always directly informing those who have submitted.

Any questions or communications related to the rules of the call can be directed to: programming@rizomafestival.com

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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