Braunschweig International Film Festival ()


18 Mar 2020
Call for entries

31 Mar 2020
Early deadline

30 Jun 2020
Standard deadline

28 Jul 2020
Late deadline

28 Jul 2020
Festival closed

30 Sep 2020
Notification date

02 Nov 2020
08 Nov 2020


Neue Straße 8,  38100, Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany

Festival description
Short film festival 15'<
Feature film festival >70'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  15'<
 Feature Films  >70'
 Any language
German English
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Photo of Braunschweig International Film Festival
Photo of Braunschweig International Film Festival
Photo of Braunschweig International Film Festival
Photo of Braunschweig International Film Festival


Festival start: 02 November 2020      Festival end: 08 November 2020

Young European cinema of the highest standard is one of the trademarks
of Braunschweig International Film Festival.

“Music & Film” is Braunschweig's second focal point, drawing attention to the sound of the moving images.

International premières, cinéma d'auteurs, film concerts, retrospectives, tributes and four awards round off the filmfest's profile, giving the audience and the press ample scope for new discoveries.

Cash Prizes: 53,500€

The festival awards the following prices

• Audience Award »DER HEINRICH« within the Competition (EUR 10,000* shared between director & German distributor)
• Jury Award »VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES FILMPREIS« within the Competition (EUR 10,000* for the director)
• German-French Youth Award »KINEMA« (EUR 2,000* for the director)
• »BRAUNSCHWEIGER FILMPREIS« for a German speaking up and coming actor/actress (EUR 3,000*)
• Women's Film Award »DIE TILDA« for an up and coming female director (EUR 5,000*)
• »GREEN HORIZONS AWARD« for the best film with the topic on sustainability (EUR 2,500* for the director)
• »HEIMSPIEL FILMPREIS« for the best film with a regional reference (EUR 1,000* for the director)

* The prize money will be paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

Rules and Regulations 2020

The following is a full listing of all rules and regulations governing the submission of a film to the 34rd Braunschweig International Film Festival, organized by the non-profit association Internationales Filmfest Braunschweig e.V. (hereafter called »the festival«), which apply to the individual awards-series and sections.

The person submitting the film (hereafter called the »submitter«) acknowledges that he or she has obtained consent from any and all owners, creators, writers, producers and/or other authorized representatives of the film and understands that by submitting the film to the festival he or she confirms that he or she has read and agreed to all rules and regulations set forth below.

I. General Rules and Regulations

§ 1 Runtime and genre
For short films a runtime of less than 15 minutes and for all feature films or documentaries a running time of at least 70 minutes is required. Submission is open to all film genres and no limitations are set on content.
Exceptions can occur in individual series.

§ 2 General requirements
Submitted can be films for the cinema produced that were completed after the 1st of January 2019.
The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. Premieres (world /German-festival premieres) and productions out of 2020 will be first choice.
If the films language is not German, German or English subtitles are required.

§ 3 Submission
Submitters are highly encouraged to use the submission service supplied by the festival‘s homepage (via the database Other platforms will be available as well (see festival’s homepage). Submissions via are preferred and are cheaper than other submission platforms due to no additional administration costs.
To finalize the film‘s submission the submitter must ensure that the festival has received both a completely filled-in online entry form as well as a valid screener and the submission fee. The submitter receives a confirmation email after submitting a film.

§ 4 Screener
The submitter provides the festival with an online screener. This online screener has to be either password protected or a not listed link. Files to download are not accepted. Publicly available film links are excluded from the selection for the 34th Braunschweig International Film Festival.
The festival may hand the screeners to a third party for organizational or programming reasons (e.g. moderations or texts). By submitting the film the submitter permits the festival to do so. The online screener has to be available till the end of the selection process. The lifetime of passwords has to be guaranteed till Septemper, 1st 2020. In case the festival selects the film for its programme, the access to the screener has to be guaranteed till the end of the festival.

§ 5 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense, especially in the case of films selected for the competition. In order to do that the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.

§ 6 Exhibition format
The festival accepts digital video (DCP, ProRes, Blu-ray disc) and 35 mm. However, DCP is preferred.

§ 7 Projection copy
The film‘s projection copy must arrive in Braunschweig by 1st of October 2020 and will remain in Braunschweig until the end of the festival (9th of November 2020).
The transport cost for the projection copy is assumed by the submitter. The cost for returning the projection copy is assumed by the festival. The projection copy‘s transport to Braunschweig occurs at the submitter‘s own risk. The projection copy is insured at the copy‘s value while in Braunschweig as well as for the return transport after the festival. Damage claims must be submitted no later than 14 days after return. In case of damage the material costs for the copy will be refunded after presentation of the bill and at the value in the land of origin. A refund based on non-material value is excluded. A DCP download can be discussed. The festival is obligated by its sponsors to act economical and eco-friendly, therefore a download is preferred.

§ 8 Additional material
The submitter will provide the festival with sufficient PR material (pictures, posters, press kits etc.). The transport cost for advertising and press material is assumed by the contributor.

§ 9 Participation notification
The festival will inform all submitters latest by September 30th, 2020 about the film’s selection status. This could be either an invitation for the Official Selection, a rejection letter or a consideration for a later selection decision. The festival advises all submitters not to contact the festival organizers in order to receive information on the selection status. The submitters will be informed by email.

§ 10 Submission Fees & Deadlines
Due to rising numbers in submissions the festival raises submission fees to cover administrative costs as follows below. The festival grants no refunds under any circumstances (e.g. festival cancellation due to force majeure). Prices only apply for the festival's own submission service (Eventival). Submission prices and deadlines via other platforms may differ.

a) feature films
March, 18th 0:00am (CET) till March, 31st 2020 11:59pm (CET) Early Bird 25€
April, 1st 0:00am (CET) till June, 30th 2020 11:59pm (CET) Regular Deadline 30€
July, 1st 0:00am (CET) till July, 28th 2020 11:59pm (CET) Final Call 40€

b) short films
March, 18th 0:00am (CET) till March, 31st 2020 11:59pm (CET) Early Bird 10€
April, 1st 0:00am (CET) till May, 31st 2020 11:59pm (CET) Regular Deadline 15€
June, 1st 0:00am (CET) till June, 30th 2020 11:59pm (CET) Final Call 25€

§ 11 Validity
The regulations are valid exclusively for the 34th Braunschweig International Film Festival. The festival may decide solely upon any case not included within the stated rules and regulations. Films participating in any competition have no legal claim to win nor to be screened during the festival. Legal recourse is precluded.

§ 12 Data protection and privacy
The festival attaches great importance to the protection of personal data and commits itself to compliance with the legal requirements related to data protection. In order to submit a film it is necessary to collect, store and use personal information, of which you were hereby informed.

Customer data are all personal and contact information which you supply voluntarily. Your contact information is: your name, address, activities/work, telephone and fax numbers, and email address. You can at any time inform the International Filmfest Braunschweig e.V., Neue Straße 8, 38100 Braunschweig of your decision to revoke the consent to store and use your personal data with effect for the future.

Braunschweig International Film Festival
Neue Straße 8
38100 Braunschweig
fon +49 (0) 531 - 702 202-0
fax +49 (0) 531 - 702 202-99

II. Film Sections and Competitions
A. Feature Films

§ 1 General Information
Films may be submitted to more than one section. The festival direction reserves the right to assign submitted films to other sections within the festival curation as well as to not select submitted films for the festival.

§ 2 Film sections
Feature films may be entered to the following sections directly:

(1) Competition (see also C. + D.)
Open to first and second feature films of European origin. The director must live and work in Europe or the film must be produced in Europe. The minimum runtime is 70 minutes. There are no limitations on content or genre. However, documentaries are excluded from participation. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

(2) Competition for the German-French Youth Award »KINEMA« (see also E.)
Open to first and second feature films, which have been produced for theatrical distribution (no TV productions) in either French or German language, can compete for the award. The minimum runtime is 70 minutes. There are no limitations on content or genre. However, documentaries are excluded from participation. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

(3) »HOME MATCH« (see also I.)
Open to all feature films from Braunschweig and the region. The minimum runtime is 50 minutes. There are no limitations on content or genre. Open to documentaries. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

(4) »General Feature Film submission«
Open to all films. The minimum runtime is 70 minutes. There are no limitations on content or genre. Open to documentaries. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice. Depending on the origin, language and content the festival will assign submissions to the festival’s sections.

§ 3 Awards
The festival awards the following prices

• Audience Award »DER HEINRICH« within the Competition (see also C.)
• Jury Award »VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES FILMPREIS« within the Competition (see also D.)
• German-French Youth Award »KINEMA« (see also E.)
• »BRAUNSCHWEIGER FILMPREIS« for a German speaking newcomer actor/actress (see also F.)
• Women‘s Film Award »DIE TILDA« for a newcomer female director (see also G.)
• »GREEN HORIZONS AWARD« for the best film with the topic on sustainability (see also H.)
• » HEIMSPIEL FILMPREIS« for the best film with a regional reference (see also I.)

The festival direction reserves the right to amend the number as well as the conditions of awards according to agreements with partners, sponsors and patrons. The selection and participation of a film in the current festival edition does not instantly entail the nomination for any or all of the awards mentioned above.

II. Film Sections and Competitions
B. Short Films

§ 1 General Information
Films are submitted with the mention of genres/themes. The festival direction reserves the right to assign submitted films together into sections within the festival curation as well as to not select submitted films for the festival.

§ 2 Film sections
All Short films may be submitted for the category »General short film submissions« or the section »HOME MATCH«

(1) »General short film submissions«
Open to all short films with a maximum runtime of 15 minutes. Open to documentaries. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice

Open to all films from Braunschweig and the region with a maximum runtime of 49 minutes that have not yet been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream.
Submitted may be short films that fulfill at least one of the following characteristics:

a. Filmmaker from Braunschweig and the region
b. Graduate of an university/college in the region
c. Created in the region
d. Filmed in/at locations in the region Braunschweig
e. referrers to the region Braunschweig or some historical event, person or place connected to it

The festival will decide on exceptions. There are no limitations on production country, language content or genre. Open to documentaries. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

C. Audience Award »DER HEINRICH« within the Competition

§ 1 The Award
The festival organizes the competition and awards the Audience Award »DER HEINRICH«. A price of EUR 10,000 is awarded as result of the audience vote. The price is equally divided between the director and the German distributor (or production company on condition that the winning film at the time of the award has not been distributed in Germany and that the German distribution rights will not be sold in the foreseeable future). The distribution share is bound to distribution measures on the German market. The prize money for the director is paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Participation and Submission
Open to first and second feature films of European origin. The director must live and work in Europe or the film must be produced in Europe. The minimum running time is 70 minutes.
There are no limitations on content or genre. However, documentaries are excluded from participation. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§ 3 Film Selection
The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate 10 artistically outstanding films for the competition.

§ 4 Presentation and Presence of Film Team
All films taking part in the competition will be shown thrice. Further screenings out of competition are possible. The festival reserves the right to repeat the winning film. Every competition film has to be introduced by at least one member of the film team (director, producer or actor). The presence of the guests is also expected at the award ceremony. Travel and hotel costs will be assumed in the usual manner by the festival (all bookings will be effectuated by the festival).

§ 5 The Winning Film
The audience ballots determine the winner.

§ 6 Waiver of Film Rental
Rental costs will not be paid for any selected competition film. The festival, however, assumes all expenses related to the realization of the competition, including guest invitation, guest travelling and accommodation expenses.

§ 7 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense. In order to produce the subtitled copy for the festival screening the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter provides the festival with the necessary files to produce the subtitles such as a DKDM and ensures that the festival has all the required permissions without charge. The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.


§ 1 The Award
The festival organizes the competition and awards the Jury Award »VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES FILMPREIS«. The director receives a price of EUR 10,000 which is paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Participation and Submissions
Open to first and second feature films of European origin. The director must live and work in Europe or the film must be produced in Europe. The minimum running time is 70 minutes.
There are no limitations on content or genre. However, documentaries are excluded from participation. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§3 Film Selection
The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate 10 films for the competition.

§ 4 Presentation and Presence of Film Team
All films taking part in the competition will be shown trice. Further screenings out of competition are possible. The festival reserves the right to repeat the winning film. Every competition film has to be introduced by at least one member of the film team (director, producer or actor). The presence of the guests is also expected at the award ceremony. Travel and hotel costs will be assumed in the usual manner by the festival (all bookings will be effectuated by the festival).

§ 5 The Winning Film
The competition‘s jury will decide the winner. The festival appoints the jury.

§ 6 Waiver of Film Rental
Rental costs will not be paid for any selected competition film. The festival, however, assumes all expenses related to the realization of the competition, including guest invitation, guest travelling and accommodation expenses.

§ 7 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense. In order to produce the subtitled copy for the festival screening the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter provides the festival with the necessary files to produce the subtitles such as a DKDM and ensures that the festival has all the required permissions without charge. The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.

E. German-French Youth Award »KINEMA«

§ 1 The Award
The festival organizes the competition for the German-French Youth Award »KINEMA«. On the basis of a jury decision a price of EUR 2,000 is awarded for high artistic quality to the director. The prize money is paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany

§ 2 The award‘s aim
• To enable a dialogue within the framework of a festival between young German and French people interested in films
• To promote the mutual interest in the foreign film culture
• To support upcoming directors and engage them in the dialogue between young German and French people
• To give effective publicity to the German-French exchange between Lower Saxony and Normandy

§ 3 Participation and Submission
6 first and second films, which have been produced as feature films for theatrical distribution (no TV productions) in either French or German, compete for the award. Films with a minimum duration of 70 minutes are taken into consideration. No limitations are set on genre or content. However, documentaries are excluded from participation. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§ 4 Film Selection
The festival appoints a selection committee which nominates 6 artistically outstanding films for the competition.

§ 5 Presentation and Presence of Film Team
All films taking part in the »KINEMA« competition will be shown at least twice. Further screenings out of competition are possible. The festival reserves the right to repeat the winning film. Every competition film has to be introduced by at least one member of the film team (director, producer or main cast). The presence of the guests is also expected at the award ceremony. Travel and hotel costs will be assumed in the usual manner by the festival (all bookings will be effectuated by the festival).

§ 6 The Winning Film
The festival appoints a jury consisting of young adults aged 16 to 21 from Germany and France. The jury will begin their duty with a preliminary by a film scholar or film director, who will also head the jury without a voting right. The competition‘s jury will decide the winner.

§ 7 Waiver of Film Rental
Rental costs will not be paid for any selected competition film. The festival, however, assumes all expenses related to the realization of the competition, including guest invitation and guest travelling and lodging expenses.

§ 8 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense. In order to produce the subtitled copy for the festival screening the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter provides the festival with the necessary files to produce the subtitles such as a DKDM and ensures that the festival has all the required permissions without charge. The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.


§ 1 The Award
The festival awards the »BRAUNSCHWEIGER FILMPREIS« to the best German speaking up and coming actor/actress. A price of EUR 3,000 is awarded as result of the jury decision. The up and coming actor/actress will receive the price money which is paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Selection
The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate up to 10 German speaking up and coming actors/actresses.
§ 3 The Award Winner
The festival appoints a jury that will vote and award the winner.

G. Women’s Film Award »DIE TILDA«

§ 1 The Award
The festival awards »DIE TILDA« to the best female up and coming director in all sections. A price of at least EUR 5,000 is awarded as result of the jury decision. The director will receive the price money which is paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Participation And Submissions
Open to first, second and third international feature films with a minimum run time of 70 minutes.
There are no limitations on content or genre, documentaries are accepted. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§ 3 Selection
The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate up to 10 female up and coming directors which are selected with their first, second or third feature film in the official festival programme.

§ 4 The Winner
The festival appoints the jury that will vote and award the winner.


§ 1 The Award
The festival awards the »GREEN HORIZONS AWARD«. A price of EUR 2,500 is awarded as result of a jury decision. The price is awarded to the director and the prize money will be paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Participation And Submissions
Open to all international feature films. The minimum running time is 70 minutes with a reference to sustainability. The film must not have been theatrically released, broadcasted on television in Germany or be available to purchase as DVD, Blu-ray or stream. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§ 3 Film Selection
The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate 6 films that stand for a brave, new cinema with reference to sustainability.

§ 4 Presentation and Presence of Film Team
All films taking part in the competition will be shown at least once. Further screenings out of competition are possible. The festival reserves the right to repeat the winning film. Every competition film has to be introduced by at least one member of the film team (director, producer or main cast). The presence of the guests is also expected at the award ceremony. Travel and hotel costs will be assumed in the usual manner by the festival (all bookings will be effectuated by the festival).

§ 5 The Winning Film
The competition‘s jury will decide the winner. The festival appoints the jury.

§ 6 Waiver of Film Rental
Rental costs will not be paid for any selected competition film. The festival, however, assumes all expenses related to the realization of the competition, including guest invitation and guest travelling and lodging expenses.

§ 7 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense. In order to produce the subtitled copy for the festival screening the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter provides the festival with the necessary files to produce the subtitles such as a DKDM and ensures that the festival has all the required permissions without charge. The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.


§ 1 The Award
The festival organizes the competition and awards the » HEIMSPIEL FILMPREIS«. A price of EUR 1,000 is awarded as result of the jury decision. The price is awarded to the director of the best feature film with a minimum runtime of 50 minutes from the region of Braunschweig. The prize money will be paid less the foreigner tax applicable in Germany.

§ 2 Participation And Submissions
Open to all feature films which can proof a regional reference. The minimum run time is 50 minutes. Regional films are defined by either characteristic:

a. made by a filmmaker from the region of Braunschweig
b. made by a alumnus from one of the regional universities
c. produced in the region Braunschweig
d. filmed in the region Braunschweig
e. reference to the region Braunschweig, its historic events, people or places.

There are no limitations on content or genre. Documentaries are eligible. German-festival or world premieres and films from the year 2020 will be first choice.

§ 3 Film Selection
Films which can proof a regional reference are not necessarily nominated for the award »HEIMSPIEL FILMPREIS«. The festival will form a selection committee, which will nominate 4 to 10 films for the competition depending on the quality of submissions.

§ 4 Presentation and Presence of Film Team
All films taking part in the competition will be shown once. Further screenings out of competition are possible. The festival reserves the right to repeat the winning film. Every competition film has to be introduced by at least one member of the film team (director, producer or main cast). The presence of the guests is also expected at the award ceremony. Travel and hotel costs will be assumed in the usual manner by the festival (all bookings will be effectuated by the festival).

§ 5 The Winning Film
The competition‘s jury will decide the winner. The festival appoints the jury.

§ 6 Waiver of Film Rental
Rental costs will not be paid for any selected competition film. The festival, however, assumes all expenses related to the realization of the competition, including guest invitation and guest travelling and lodging expenses.

§ 7 Language, subtitling
Films that are not originally in German language, have to be subtitled. German ones are heavily preferred, but English subtitles will also be accepted. The festival may produce German subtitles for projection copies at the festival‘s expense. In order to produce the subtitled copy for the festival screening the festival has the permission to copy the film file and to add subtitles.
The submitter provides the festival with the necessary files to produce the subtitles such as a DKDM and ensures that the festival has all the required permissions without charge. The submitter is not entitled to receive the copy. However, both parties may negotiate the hand over. If neither the submitter nor any of the distribution right‘s owners voice an interest in obtaining the copy until two weeks after the festival the copy will be destroyed.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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