Nessuna tassa
Data limite d'iscrizione
23 set 24
Participants up to 17 years old. FILMS over 3 MINUTES long. Only ONE SHOT films.
26 mar 2024
Inizio delle iscrizioni
23 set 2024
Festival chiuso
07 nov 2024
Data della notifica
20 nov 2024
23 nov 2024
Inizio del Festival: 20 novembre 2024 Festival si chiude: 23 novembre 2024
The One Shot Terrassa City of Film is a film festival that takes back the old Sequence Shot Contest organised in Terrassa between 2004 and 2012. It came last year again, and we're following the success. So this is the 11th Edition of the festival.
The particularity of this festival is that ONLY ACCEPTS ONE SHOT FILMS. What does it mean? As is well known, is about telling a story - at least 3 minutes long - in just a single shot, that is: no cutting or image editing.
In 2017, Terrassa was selected as a "Creative City of UNESCO in Film", a recognition that only 17 cities in the world have. This leads to recover a past that it is what brought us this present.
The festival will take place during the week from October 20th to 23rd 2024, also being part of the "3rd Cinema Week of Terrassa" where the whole city gets involved in film activities. The festival will be held at Cinema Catalunya, the main cinema in Terrassa and part of the "European Cinemas", and other venues of the city, where public screenings, Q&A and roundtables will complete the festival until its Closing Session and Award ceremony night.
To have some historical background, it all started in 1967 when Societat Cultural Joventut Terrassenca - known in Terrassa as "Coro vell" - organized the "Rotllo" film competition with this same idea. Now, Societat Coro Vell, with the support of the Terrassa Audio-visual Board and within the activities of the Terrassa City of Film UNESCO, as well as with the participation of those companies and people who collaborate on this event, wants to recover this current year the tenth edition of the "Concurs del Pla Seqüència", from now called "One Shot - Terrassa City of Film".
For any doubt or concern contact us at
Premi in contanti: 3,000€
The prizes (for both 'JUNIOR' and 'SENIOR' categories) would be as follows:
- BEST SEQUENCE SHOT FILM: Cash Prize for 'Senior' (Amount TBC) / Specialized film equipment or software for 'Junior'.
- SECOND AWARD: Cash Prize for 'Senior' (Amount TBC) / Specialized film equipment or software for 'Junior'
- THIRD AWARD: Cash Prize for 'Senior' (Amount TBC) / Specialized film equipment or software for 'Junior'.
- BEST LOCAL SEQUENCE SHOT FILM: Cash Prize for 'Senior' (Amount TBC) / Specialized film equipment or software for 'Junior'.
The awards will be granted by a jury – odd number of members - of 5 professionals related with the film and audiovisual industry. The Jury may grant second or special awards (for interpretation, soundtrack, special effects...) that it deems appropriate, in that case without financial or material endowment, but with a commemorative plaque or diploma.
It seems essential counting on with cash prizes for the "Senior" category. As for the "Junior" section, the prizes will be specialized equipment such as cameras, editing programs and so on, which will be courtesy of audiovisual companies.
01 - One Shot Terrassa City of Film 2024 is an International Film Festival accepting short films from any part of the world from filmmakers of any nationality.
02 - Two categories will be established:
"Junior" (up to 18 years)
"Senior" (from 18 years)
03 - The final deadline to submit your work for each of the categories is 23rd of SEPTEMBER of 2024.
04 - The film festival will not incur any fees, it is FREE to participate.
05 – The festival accepts films produced from 2021 to the last date of reception. There are no premiere status requirements for the films, whether they have been made available physically or online. But they can not be publicly available online while the festival takes place.
06 - The festival will take place during 20-23rd of November 2024.
07 - The topic or theme of the films is free.
08 - The minimum duration of the films must be THREE MINUTES (start and/or end titles counted besides the length of the sequence shot). The maximum duration is FOURTY MINUTES.
09 - All movies must be in horizontal screen format.
10 - The sequence shot cannot include any frame of just a single colour (white, black...) nor any repeated frame, nor any FX applied on the motion picture that can disguise a manipulation. The plot content must therefore be filmed in a single shot with no cutting from start to the end.
11 - Credit titles may be added at the beginning and/or end, without images or sounds unrelated with the plot content of the sequence shot, and preferably on a neutral background.
12 - The overprinting of graphic elements on the image is permitted, as long as its size allows to identify at all time the continuity of the sequence shot.
13 – It’s allowed to edit the soundtrack, adding voiceovers, dialogues, sound effects or music to complement or replace the original sound.
14 - Subtitles can also be added, preferably in English, in case there are dialogues or voices off. If the film language is not Catalan or Spanish, subtitles are mandatory, either in Catalan, Spanish or English. The organization is entitled to request the subtitles, in the event that are not presented, and considered necessary for the screening.
15 - If selected, the filmmaker will be asked to host different digital files related to the film in the specified formats and sites, together with a technical and an artistic sheet, the synopsis, some promotional pictures (including one of the director and his/her resume) and the signed authorization (which will be sent), allowing to disseminate totally or partly the one shot films for promoting the festival in any way that the organization may decide.
The Organizing Committee is entitled to do not admit those sequence shots whose content may infringe on fundamental rights or freedoms, and to settle any incident that may arise that does not comply with the rules of participation.
Nessuna tassa
Data limite d'iscrizione
23 set 24
Participants up to 17 years old. FILMS over 3 MINUTES long. Only ONE SHOT films.
Nessuna tassa
Data limite d'iscrizione
23 set 24
Participants from 18 years old. FILMS over 3 MINUTES long. Only ONE SHOT films.