Festival Rellisquín (4)


04 Mar 2024

05 Mai 2024
Festival fechado

08 Set 2024
Data de Notificação

10 Out 2024
13 Out 2024


Carrer Emilia Coranty, 5,  08018, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 30'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Data de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  30'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Festival Rellisquín
Photo of Festival Rellisquín

Photo of Festival Rellisquín
Photo of Festival Rellisquín

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 10 Outubro 2024      Fim do Festival: 13 Outubro 2024

The RELLISQUÍN FESTIVAL is an audiovisual exhibition that wants to reflect on the relationship between the city and its neighbors. We look for projects that talk about life in cities: protest movements, struggles to preserve historical memory, urban transformations and changes, social demands and the experiences of neighbors with their environment.

We are looking for projects that understand the audiovisual as a tool of struggle, denunciation and testimony of realities in danger of disappearing. We want to vindicate the critical, committed and cooperative spirit, making known aspects that concern society and that are not sufficiently covered in commercial medias, cinemas and the usual distribution channels. We want to show national or international works about historical, social, political and activist consciousness, personal relationships and human rights in a city.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 1€

Best Fiction short:
1st prize: 500e
2nd prize: Mention

Best Documentary Short:
1st prize: 500e
2nd prize: Mention

Shorts in 36: This award will be decided by popular vote during the closing ceremony. The prize consists of a 100e voucher that can be used in shops affiliated to the Eix Comercial del Poblenou.


The RELLISQUÍN FESTIVAL is an audiovisual exhibition that aims to reflect on the relationship established between the city and its neighbours. We are looking for projects that talk about life in cities: vindictive movements, social struggles, preservation of historical memory, urban transformations and changes, experiences of neighbors with their environment...

They want to show projects that understand the audiovisual as a tool of struggle, denunciation and witness to realities in danger of disappearing. With this festival we want to vindicate the critical, committed and cooperative spirit, making known aspects that concern society and that are not covered enough in commercial cinemas, the major media and the usual distribution channels. We want to program national or international works that revolve around historical, social, political and activist awareness, putting personal relationships, human rights and everyday realities at the forefront.

2. Dates
The 4th edition of the RELLISQUIN FESTIVAL will take place between October 10 and 13, 2024.

3. Organizers
The RELLISQUIN FESTIVAL is organized by the following entities:
Taula Eix Pere IV
Produccions La Llacuna
Teleeducation Educació i Comunicació

4. Participants
Individuals and/or legal entities from any country can participate, as long as they are the owners of the rights of the submitted works. The organization is not responsible for the inappropriate use of the intellectual property rights of the authors of the works. The participant ensures that none of the audiovisual content violates any rights of another person or corporation.

In the event that the author is under 18 years of age, he/she must provide a parental or legal guardian authorization and a document certifying the signatory of the authorization.

Each participant accepts, according to Organic Law 15/1999 on Data Protection, that their personal data will be processed and collected in a Festival file. These data will only be used for purposes related to the promotion of the Festival itself.

5. Conditions of the works

Only works of a maximum duration of 30 minutes will be accepted. Works of fiction and documentaries can be submitted, which compete in different sections.

Each person or organization can present a maximum of 3 works at the Festival.

The works may NOT be presented more than once at the Festival.

There is no limit regarding the year of production of the projects.

Films can be shot in any language, but they must be SUBTITLED in Catalan or Spanish (as long as the language of the work is not in either of these two languages).

6. Sections
The distribution of the works selected for the 4th edition of the RELLISQUÍN FESTIVAL will be defined according to their theme or duration. The creation of the Festival's programming and sections will be the responsibility of the organization. Competitive sections will be created, but out-of-competition works can also be included if the organization considers it appropriate to screen any project that does not meet the selection conditions explained in these rules.

7. Awards
The RELLISQUIN FESTIVAL awards are divided as follows.

1st prize: 500e
2nd prize: Mention

1st prize: 500e
2nd prize: Mention

Shorts in 36: Shorts shot in 36 hours, the weekend before the Festival (this award will be decided by popular vote during the contest). The prize consists of a voucher that can be used in shops affiliated to the Eix Comercial del Poblenou.

The inclusion of any other prize that does not appear in the rules will be announced through the Festival's communication channels (web, email, social networks...).

The winners authorize the Festival to use their image and name for FREE in any promotional activity related to the Festival itself.

Once the jury's decision is made public, it will be verified that the awardees meet all the requirements established in the applicable regulations. For the purpose of collecting prizes, the Festival takes as reference the natural person who presented the work. In the case of collective works, the representative or sole representative of the group or, in case of transfer, the details of the natural or legal person to whom the prize has been transferred. Prizes will be paid by bank transfer to the account indicated by the prize winners. The amount thereof will be subject to the retentions established by current legislation.

In the event that this person is a minor, the paternal / maternal data or the legal guardians who have signed the authorization are taken as reference.

A maximum period of 30 calendar days is established, starting from the day following the closing ceremony, for all prize-winners to deliver to the organization the documentation required to collect the prizes awarded. If this documentation is not received within the established period, the payment of the prize amount will be void.

8. Jury
The jury will be made up of filmmakers, film and education professionals and members of civil society. Its decisions are final. Prizes may be declared void if the jury so deems.

The jury may reject works that do not offer technical guarantees for their projection. Equally, the jury may exclude (according to its own criteria) those works whose content violates human dignity and/or promotes hatred, contempt or discrimination for reasons of birth, race, sex, religion, nationality, opinion or any other personal or social circumstance.

The jury may decide to distribute a first prize equally between two works: in this case, the prize-winning works will divide the financial figure provided for the 1st prize.

9. Registration
Participation in this Festival is free. All works must be sent between March 4 and May 4, 2024. To register the works, you can use any of the following methods:

- Through the Festhome platform
- By sending an email to info@festivalrellisquin.org In this case, you will need to send a link to view the video and a document with the following information:

Contact person (name, surname, ID, postal address, telephone and email)
Author (name, surname, ID)
Title of the work
Photographs (film poster and two video captures)
Date and place of its realization
It's an opera prima?
It's a premiere in Barcelona / Catalonia / International?
Short synopsis (one sentence summarizing the work)
Long synopsis (10 lines maximum)

The registration of the works in the Festival is done WITHOUT any commitment of exclusivity.

Participating in the RELLISQUÍN FESTIVAL implies ceding the rights to the works presented for a maximum of three screenings during the year following the celebration of the Festival where they were presented, only for parallel activities linked to the contest. These sessions will not be for profit, and the organization will communicate the dates of these screenings in advance to those responsible for the works.

10. File format
Works that wish to participate must be sent in .MP4 format, 1920x1080 resolution and H264 compression at 8 MB/s or higher.

11. Exhibition of works
The selected works will be screened in person in several sessions open to the public between October 10 and 13, 2024. The organization undertakes not to alter or modify the original selected work.

The program of the screenings will be made public before the start of the Festival and will be sent to all participants by email. It will also communicate by email the complete schedule of the Festival's screenings and it will be made public through the Festival's website and social networks. We encourage authors to participate in the sessions where their work is shown and in the other activities organized by the Festival.

If any broadcast of the work is carried out online, the organization will contact those responsible for each work to request a new consent, specifying the platform that will be used and the conditions of this exhibition.

With the presentation of the works, the authors authorize the organization to use a part of their works through various formats and platforms, without a commercial objective and with the intention of promoting and disseminating the festival The organization reserves the right to use, free of charge and without prior communication, fragments of the works selected for the promotion of the Festival through any means of transmission, as well as their use in special or promotional sessions that may be perform on the dates before or after the Festival.

Participating in the RELLISQUÍN FESTIVAL implies ceding the rights to the works presented for a maximum of three screenings during the year following the celebration of the Festival where they were presented, only for parallel activities linked to the contest. Faced with any change in the conditions for screening or broadcasting the selected works (as well as other circumstances not provided for in these rules), the organization will contact the person responsible for the registration.

12. Announcement and awarding of prizes
The awards will be announced on October 13, 2024, during the closing session of the Festival. Subsequently, the awards will be communicated to those responsible for the awarded works and will be posted on the Festival's website and social networks.

13. Liability
The people who present the works to this competition are responsible for possible claims for third party rights

14. Change of bases
The organization reserves the right to modify the rules if circumstances require it. All participants and those selected will be informed of the modifications and the causes that have caused the changes.

15. Acceptance of the bases
Submitting a work to the contest implies acceptance of all the points of these rules.

Poblenou, Barcelona. January 16, 2024



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