Festival de Cortos Ciudad de Alcobendas ()

Alcobendas City Short Film Festival


10 Ago 2024

15 Nov 2024
Festival fechado

15 Jan 2025
Data de Notificação

13 Dez 2024
15 Dez 2024


-,  28100, ALCOBENDAS, MADRID, Spain

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >5' 20'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física
 Janeiro 2023
 Países de produção: Requerido
 Países de gravação: Requerido
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >5' 20'<
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Festival de Cortos Ciudad de Alcobendas
Photo of Festival de Cortos Ciudad de Alcobendas
Photo of Festival de Cortos Ciudad de Alcobendas
Photo of Festival de Cortos Ciudad de Alcobendas

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 13 Dezembro 2024      Fim do Festival: 15 Dezembro 2024

The Locos por el Cine Association calls for its First City of Alcobendas Short Film contest aimed at the dissemination and knowledge of new authors in the Audiovisual creation sector.

Our purpose is to stimulate and encourage cinematographic creativity as a form of cultural expression.


Best Short Film Award: MENINA Trophy and Diploma.

Award for Best Male Performance: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Award for Best Female Performance: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Award for Best Male Director: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Award for Best Female Director: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Award for Best Local Production Short: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Audience Award for the most voted work during the screenings. MENINA Trophy and Diploma
Award for Best Screenplay. MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Award for Best Soundtrack: MENINA Trophy and Diploma

Audience Award: Menina Trophy and Diploma
The Audience Award will be awarded to the one who obtains the greatest number of votes cast by viewers during the Festival screenings.

The jury may declare void any of the awards in any category, taking into account both the conditions of artistic and technical quality of the works.

The Organization reserves the right to create a second prize if it considers the recognition of any work relevant (graphic design, credits...).

Prizes cannot be accumulated.

No prizes will be awarded ex aequo.


Creators of any nationality who meet the following requirements may be submitted to the Contest:

1. Natural persons over 18 years of age with tax domicile in Spain.

2. Own the rights to exploit, distribute or display the work, including the soundtrack, scripts, texts, voice-overs or subtitles, images of people who appear in the work, camera functions, technicians, filmmakers, scriptwriters, illuminators or any other person. another component and of participants or third parties related to the detailed rights or any others related to the work, without any temporal or territorial limitation.

The corresponding accreditation will be requested at any time during the procedure and development of the Contest.


Natural persons who register an audiovisual work in the Contest expressly assume compliance with the following requirements and obligations:

1. The work submitted to the Contest must be original in all its contents, not being a copy or total or partial reproduction of any other.

2. In the event that the works submitted to the Contest contain images of minors, the participant who owns the rights to the work guarantees strict compliance with the rules that regulate the treatment of minors in the entertainment sector. public and audiovisual.

3. The works presented must not violate current legislation in relation to the fundamental rights of people, nor incur offense, defamation or contempt for the dignity of the person or their groups, nor include obscene, violent, racist or sexist content.


Participants undertake to comply with the following obligations:

1. Complete the registration in a timely manner, without limitation on the number of short films that the participant submits to the Contest.

2. If they are selected for the final phase, they undertake, always taking into account their availability, to collaborate in the dissemination tasks, both of their work and the prize obtained, if applicable, and to participate in the events that are organized for this purpose. program

3. In the event that the work submitted to the Contest is selected for the final phase, the director of the short film must attend the awards Ceremony or, failing that, one of the members of the work team (actors, actresses, scriptwriters, representatives...) in order to collect the award if awarded.


The works will be presented in any of the official languages ​​of the State, both in dialogues and locutions. In the case of languages ​​other than Spanish, subtitles in this language will be included.

With special attention to the group of deaf people, it is recommended that the dialogues of all works be subtitled in Spanish
The short films presented may be of any type of genre, original and with a free theme.
The minimum duration of the works presented will be five minutes and the maximum will be 20 minutes, including credits and opening and closing curtains.

The work must have been carried out between January 2023 and the date of submission of the registration.


The digital file of the works presented to the Contest must have the following characteristics:

• File type: .mp4
• Video codec: H264
• Audio codec: AAC
• Resolution: Preferably Full HD 1920 x 1080 (minimum 1280 x 720)


The Competition Management reserves the right to exclude from the selection process any work whose content is obscene, violent, racist, offensive or sexist towards people or groups or that violates any of the fundamental rights of people.

Any natural person who has a direct relationship with the organization of the contest or with any of its members will be excluded from participation in the contest.


The Management of the Contest will be assumed by the Board of Directors of the Locos por el cine Association.

The Selection Committee will be appointed by the Contest Management, who will propose a number of no less than five people, professionally qualified for the viewing of the short films and who will be responsible for making a pre-selection of the titles on which the Jury will decide.

It will be said Committee that will carry out the preselection of the finalist and substitute works among all the works presented to the Contest.

The viewing period for all short films by the Selection Committee will end on November 30, 2024.


The Jury of experts will be appointed by the Competition Management and will be made up of an odd number of no less than five members, all of them professionals and experts in the film industry (direction, production, etc.).

The Jury of Experts will choose the winning works among those preselected by the Selection Committee, except for the “Audience Award”, which will be chosen by those attending the screenings of the official section of the contest, among the works preselected by the Selection Committee.

The Jury will be assisted by a Secretary with voice and no vote.

The jury's decisions will be final and its resolution cannot be challenged for any reason.

In the event that there is a withdrawal among the members of the jury and they cannot be replaced in a timely manner, their vote will be delegated to the Competition Management.
The jury's decision and the delivery of all prizes will take place during the celebration of the Contest awards Gala, which will be held on December 15, 2024. All participants will be notified in advance of the place and time. of the awards Gala.

The finalist short films will appear in the Festival Catalog and will be shown in public sessions on December 13, 14, and 15, 2024.


Tanto el Comité de Selección como el Jurado seleccionarán las obras atendiendo a su calidad, idoneidad y a criterios artísticos y técnicos, a los que el participante se somete expresamente mediante el acto de inscripción de la obra.


La solicitud de inscripción en el Certamen podrá ser presentada desde el día siguiente a la publicación de las presentes bases, hasta el día 15 de noviembre de 2024

Esta solicitud de inscripción deberá ser presentada, en cualquiera de las siguientes formas:

• Rellenando el formulario de inscripción al Certamen que se encontrará a disposición del participante en la página web de la Asociación Locos por el Cine

• Inscribiendose a través de la plataforma FESTHOME


The registration form consists of the following mandatory sections:

• Name and surname of the participant
• DNI or CIF of the participant
• Email
• Home
• Mobile Phone
• Date of birth
• Contact information for communications purposes.
• Title and duration of the work presented.
• Link to storage platform with download option (WeTransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive) and password (if applicable).
• Declaration of holding the ownership of the rights of exploitation, distribution or exhibition of the work or of representing the natural person who owns the rights thereof.
After the end of the registration period, the provisional list of the short films registered, both admitted and excluded from the Contest, will be made public on the Locos por el Cine Association website.

Excluded participants will have a period of 10 calendar days from the day following the publication of the lists to correct the defects that caused their exclusion.
Once the correction period has concluded, the final list of admitted short films will be made public.


Participation in the competition implies full acceptance of the rules, as well as the resolution by the Competition Management of any issue or incident not included in them, taking into account that failure to comply with any of the requirements demanded by these rules will determine the exclusion of the film from the Contest (both from the competition and from the exhibition, if applicable) and the inclusion of the next highest rated film by the evaluation committee or the jury.

The Contest Management is empowered to unilaterally resolve any problem or doubt that may arise during it, always for the benefit of the proper development of the Contest, making its decisions free and unappealable in this regard.

The data provided by the participants will be treated confidentially and will be compiled in an automated file for the sole purpose of carrying out all the necessary procedures for the development of the Contest.

In any case, the data collected to participate in this Contest will be treated in accordance with current legal data protection regulations:

The participant will have the right of access, rectification, and opposition to their data.
No data will be transferred to third parties except by legal imperative.



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