Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela ()

CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Dates limites

01 mars 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

30 avril 2024
Festival fermé

30 juin 2024
Date de notification

10 oct. 2024
18 oct. 2024


Casa Municipal da Cultura de Seia Av. Luís Vaz de Camões,  6270 – 484,  Seia, Beira Alta, Portugal

Description du Festival
Environmental Themes
Festival d court métrage 60'<
Festival de long métrage >60'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2023
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  60'<
 Long-métrage  >60'
 Toutes langues
English Portuguese
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela
Photo of Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela

Photo of Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela
Photo of Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela

French ML

Début du Festival: 10 octobre 2024      Fin du Festival: 18 octobre 2024

CineEco - International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela, organised by the Municipality of Seia, is the only festival in Portugal dedicated to the environment, which has been held uninterruptedly since 1995.

CineEco offers the public quality cinema and little-known, alternative cinematographies in relation to the traditional market. It is a festival that seeks to raise public awareness of cinema, its history and aesthetics, as well as environmental issues.

Prix ​​en espèces: 6,500€

The following prizes will be awarded.


I - Grand Prix Environmental of €2000 (two thousand euros), given to the work judged to be the best in the International Feature Film Competition category.

II - International Feature Film Youth Award, non-monetary, given to the work judged the best in the International Feature Film Competition category by the Youth Jury.


III - International Short and Medium-length Film Award of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work judged to be the best in the International Short and Medium-length Film Competition category.

IV - International Short and Medium-length Film Youth Award, non-monetary, given to the work judged to be the best in the International Short and Medium-length Film Competition category by the Youth Jury.


V - The Camacho Costa Award of €1,000 (one thousand euros), given to the work judged to be the best in the Portuguese Language Feature Film Competition category.

VI - Portuguese Language Feature Film Youth Award, non-monetary, given to the work judged to be the best in the Portuguese Language Feature Film Competition category by the Youth Jury.


VII - Portuguese Language Short and Medium-Length Film Award of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work judged to be the best in the Portuguese Language Short and Medium-Length Film Competition category.

VIII - Short and Medium-Length Films in Portuguese Youth Award, non-monetary, given to the work judged to be the best in the Feature Film Competition in Portuguese by the Youth Jury.


IX - Regional Panorama Award of€500 (five hundred euros), given to a work produced in the Serra da Estrela region that best promotes local environmental themes.

X - Regional Panorama Youth Award, non-monetary, given to a work produced in the Serra da Estrela region that best promotes local environmental themes, by the Youth Jury.


XI - Environmental Anthropology Award of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work that best addresses the theme of environmental anthropology, within one of the categories in the competition, according to the Official Selection and the Jury's decision.

XII - Environmental Education Award of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work that best promotes the theme of environmental education, in one of the categories of the competition, depending on the Official Selection and the Jury's decision.

XIII - Animated Short Film Award, of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work judged to be the best animated short film in one of the competition categories, depending on the Official Selection and the Jury's decision.

XIV - The Value of Water Award of €500 (five hundred euros), given to the work that best addresses the theme "The value of water" among all the competitive categories.

If the jury decides, Honourable Mentions may be awarded.

The Prizes awarded will be accompanied by a trophy and a diploma.

If Honourable Mentions are awarded, they will be accompanied by a diploma.


1.1 To promote, exhibit and award fiction, animation, experimental and documentary films focusing on environmental issues, produced anywhere in the world.

1.2 To value the natural and cultural resources associated with environmental heritage.

1.3 Organise parallel actions and activities related to this theme.

1.4 To promote the exchange of experiences between festival participants.

1.5 To contribute to the promotion and economic and tourist enhancement of the territory, affirming its identity in a globalised world.


2.1 The 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela will take place from 10 to 18 October 2024 at the Casa Municipal da Cultura in Seia.


3.1 The competitive categories and parallel screenings of CineEco'2024 - 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela are open to fiction and documentary films, produced for cinema and/or television, national or foreign, and works of visual art.

3.2 The competitive selection of CineEco2024 includes the following categories:

_International Feature Film Competition (from 60 minutes).

_International Short and Medium-Length Films Competition (up to 60 minutes).

_Portuguese Language Feature Film Competition (from 60 minutes).

_Portuguese Language Short and Medium-Length Films Competition (up to 60 minutes).

_Regional Panorama Competition.

3.3 Films in the Portuguese-language competitions can compete simultaneously in the international competitions.

3.4 All works entered must have been made after 1 January 2023.

3.5 The Festival organisation reserves the right to include in the international competitions, whenever justified by the quality of the works, Portuguese films that have only been entered in the Portuguese-language categories.

3.6 The non-competitive category includes works of visual art (made in digital, video or film, with an environmental theme) which, when selected, will form part of an exhibition that will be on show at the Municipal House of Culture in Seia.


4.1 Entries for the competition must be made online by 30 April 2024.

4.2 The following elements must be included in any of the entry forms:

- Two stills from the film with good quality resolution (300 px in a maximum A5 size).

- Declaration of acceptance of these rules of participation; permission to be shown at the festival and screenings; use of images and sounds for promotional purposes (document attached).

- Synopsis in the original language and in English.

- Contact details of the person responsible for the entry.

The following should also be inserted

- Filmography.

- CV and photo of the director.

- Trailer link.

- Social networks.

4.3 The official selection will be announced to all those selected by 30 June 2024, and will then be published on the festival's website and other communication channels.

4.4 Once the selected films have been announced, the requested materials (promotional kit for the film or others) and the respective copy formats must be sent by 15 July 2024.

4.5 Failure to comply with point 4.4 will result in the film being excluded from the official selection.


5.1 Submitted films that are not in English must be accompanied by a screener subtitled in English.

5.2 Selected films that are not in English must be accompanied by a screening copy subtitled in English.


6.1 The Jury for the International Feature Film Competition will be constituted of three people from the film and environmental world of recognised merit and will award the Environment Grand Prize.

6.2 The Jury for the International Short and Medium-Length Film Competition and the Regional Panorama Competition will be constituted of three people from the film and environmental world of recognised merit and will award the following prizes: the International Short and Medium-Length Film Prize and the Regional Panorama Prize.

6.3 The Jury for the Portuguese Language Feature Film Competition and the Portuguese Language Short and Medium Length Film Competition will be constituted of three people of recognised merit from the film and environmental world and will award the following prizes: the Camacho Costa Prize and the Portuguese Language Short Film Prize.

6.4 The Youth Jury will be constituted of young people with an interest in film and the environment, who will be allocated according to points 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.

6.5 The Juries may or may not decide to award the prizes provided for in these rules of participation.

6.6 The jury may not include people who have a direct interest in the production and/or exploitation of the films submitted to the competition.


7.1 CineEco reserves the right to select some of the films submitted for the non-competitive parallel screenings and thematic screenings outside the competition, included in the general programme.

7.2 Each competitor assumes full responsibility for the works they have entered in the competition for all legal purposes, and CineEco cannot be held liable to third parties.

7.3 CineEco reserves the right to show short extracts from the selected works or other works requested by the media on the festival's website and social networks, television, cinema and other media channels.

7.4 CineEco reserves the right to show the competing works in its exhibitions and extensions, to be held within one year of the festival taking place, in other locations in Portugal, on a non-profit basis and for educational purposes.

7.5 Competitors must comply with these Rules of Participation, accepting all of their clauses, as demonstrated by signing the exhibition authorisation that must be attached to the entry form.

7.6 There will be no appeal against the organisation's decisions regarding interpretation and compliance with these Rules of Participation.

7.7 The results of the competition will be announced at the closing ceremony of the 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela and via the Festival website and other media channels.

7.8 All matters not provided for in these Rules of Participation will be resolved in accordance with international film festival rules.



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