CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival ()

Cittadella GeoFilmFestival


29 Nov 2022
Call for entries

31 Aug 2023
Festival closed

31 Oct 2023
Notification date

30 Nov 2023
07 Oct 2023


Via Belvedere 11 B/2,  35013, Cittadella, Padova, Italy

Festival description
The theme of the festival is the Environment and the four elements : Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
Short film festival 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Online and Physical Location
 January 2015
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival
Photo of CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival

Photo of CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival
Photo of CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival


Festival start: 30 November 2023      Festival end: 07 October 2023

The Cultural Association Officina delle Idee intends to realize with the Patronage of the Municipality of Cittadella (PD), the Veneto Region and the Province of Padua the third edition of GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements, "The Golden Earth" International Film Award, availing itself of the artistic direction of the director and actor Rocco Cosentino.

GEOFILMFESTIVAL wants to offer itself to all operators, filmmakers and the general public as competition and innovation for its theme: The Environment. Earth, Water, Fire, Air as objectives in the creation and production of medium-short films. So the Cinema of the Elements for which each of us is called to participate and make it a professional, social and moral goal.

The Cinema, once again, disseminator of news and civilization. Together with the cultural dissemination with the cinematographic projection, GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements links its attention to the Environmental Problems of the World.

The Golden Heart

The organizational direction of the CittadellaGeofilmfestival prepares the following prizes for the awarded works:
-Best Popular film critic
-Best Lead actor
-Best Actress
-Best Foreign Film Award
-any additional prizes and out of competition section.


Art. 1 Organizing Body THE GOLDEN EARTH (International Film Award) CittadellaGeoFilmFestival - The Cinema of the Elements is organized by the Cultural Association Officina delle Idee in collaboration with Passaparola Edizioni which has, among its aims, the promotion of visual and multimedia arts, together with the Municipality of Cittadella (PD) - Department of Culture, Veneto Region, which grant its patronage. The Artistic Direction is curated by the director Rocco Cosentino.

Art. 2 - Place of performance The aforementioned Festival will take place in the Municipality of Cittadella (PD) Italy, and the official venues for the screenings will be the Cinecentrum cinema hall and the Torre di Malta auditorium hall and the Council Chamber of Villa Rina. Locations may vary. The screenings of the Festival will be held on the following dates: Opening Night Thursday 31 March 2022 at 8.45 pm at the Cinecentrum Cinematographic Hall. The other dates will be determined as soon as possible. Award gala: Friday 15 April 2020 at 8.45 pm at the Cinecentrum Cinematographic Hall. Date and location may vary.

Art. 3 - Participation in the Festival Admission to the Festival must be formalized by sending the participation applications. You can use the specific platforms on the festival website:
For traditional mail you must use this address: Geo Film Festival c / o Rocco Cosentino - Via Belvedere 11b / 2 35013 Cittadella (PD) - Italy. Each author can submit n. 01 (one) work that must be free from any copyright. Participation is not free and registration must be completed by 21 January 2022.
At the discretion of the Artistic Director, works called "Out of Competition" may also be admitted with a maximum number of 5 (five). The projection of these will take place during all the evenings of the scheduled calendar, consistently with the programming times. The prize relating to this section will be separate from those of the selections in the competition. All those works that contain explicit references to racial and religious discrimination of any kind and form will be immediately excluded, including the hypothesis of aversion to human rights, to children and anything else not specifically mentioned and to the unquestionable verification of the Festival Jury. In any case, it will be liable both criminally and civilly.

Art. 4 - Material to be sent by email: The files must necessarily contain: - The duly completed application form. - Photocopy of the author's document. - N. 01 copy of the film in Mp4 format or similar. - N. 03 scene photos. - n. 01 photo of the director, high definition, half-length in elegant clothes, name and surname written in the lower right corner of the photo. - synopsis of the work - biography of the director - Possible dialog-list in Italian. - Poster of the film in A3 format in high resolution containing the title, name of the production, the director and the cast.

Art. 4/1 - Material to be sent by email: The envelope must necessarily contain: - The duly completed application form. - Photocopy of the author's document. - N. 02 (two) copy of the DVD film in PAL VIDEO FORMAT (if sent by post) - No. 01 (one) data CD-rom with still photos (jpg), by the author, synopsis, bio-filmography. (if sent by post) - Possible dialog-list in Italian. - High resolution A3 format movie poster Shipping is paid by the sender. The organization is not liable for damage, loss or damage to the material during shipment. The copies will remain in the Archive of the Association.

Art. 5 - Works in competition The works that can participate must have a maximum duration of 30 (thirty) minutes including opening and closing credits. The theme of the Festival is the Environment and the four Elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water, Renewable Energy, Technological Innovations. Short films in a foreign language, including the dialect, must be subtitled in Italian or english. However, they must be accompanied by a dialog list in Italian. The works must be original and free from copyright.

Art. 6 - Festival Jury All the works that arrive will be submitted to the scrutiny of the Organizing Committee. The Competition foresees that the works will be selected, for admission, by the Organizing Committee. The Popular Jury of the Festival, made up of the audience present in the room, through their mobile phone must use VotApp (free application) to evaluate the different films. A further unquestionable additional assessment may be envisaged, also by the Organizing Committee. The vote is personal and will be revealed only at the end of the final screening evening. It is possible, and if it would be final, that the Jury of the Festival can proclaim "ex aequo winners" of the special prize Best non-finalist short film with two or more directors-authors.

Art. 7 - awards The Organizational Management of the GEOFILMFESTIVAL provides for the following categories of assignment of the GOLDEN EARTH for the awarded works: Best Film Best Italian short Best international short Best Actor Best Actress Best Supporting Actor Best Supporting Actress Best Director Best Screenplay Best Animated Film Best Documentary Best Original Score Best female film Natura Madre For the same categories, the GOLDEN EARTH Mention and the GOLDEN EARTH Special Jury Prize are foreseen.

Art. 8 - Material received All material received (DVDs and data CDs) will be retained by the board of the Association who will become, in fact, owners. They reserve the right to promote films on local, national and foreign television stations, organize meetings, debates and themed conferences with school groups and the public in order to promote the authors and discuss social issues. All this must not have any cost for the organization and the municipal administration. The material will not be returned under any circumstances.

Art. 9 - Rates Rental rates cannot be requested for all screenings scheduled for this Festival, including any screenings on television or similar broadcasters.

Art. 10 - Incompatibility No member of the Jury of the Festival, of the organizing Association, of the Artistic Direction and of the Projection Municipality can participate, as a competitor, in the Festival. The only possible participation may be, upon specific invitation, with an "Out of Competition" work.

Art. 11 - Data processing Personal data will be used with the confidentiality required by current law and used exclusively for the conduct of the competition. Data, upon request, may be deleted or rectified.

Art. 12 - Information and contacts For any information relating to the competition, contact the Artistic Direction of the Festival at 0495973236 - 3384101659 mail

Art. 13 - Rules of regulation The Festival Management, together with the Association's management and the municipal administration reserve the right not to start the Festival if reasons of public interest or specific needs arise. Even the unsuitability of the film material received could lead to this resolution. Only in this case, the material received will be returned at the expense of the organization.


THE GOLDEN EARTH - Cittadella International Film Award GeoFilmFestival - The Cinema of the Elements Fourth Edition.

Art. 1 - Presentation
The competition, which aims to promote the specific artistic and communicative form of short cinema, is organized by the Cultural Association Officina delle Idee based in Cittadella (PD) in collaboration with Passaparola Edizioni and with the patronage of the Municipality of Cittadella (PD) - Department alla Cultura, Veneto Region and is aimed at national and international audiovisual productions with the specific participation linked to the presentation of short films.

All the works may have already been published or be unpublished but, in any case, all free from copyright.

For all works not in Italian, including the dialectal form, the condition is that they must be subtitled in Italian or english.
The Festival will be held from March 31, 2022 to April 15, 2022. The dates may vary.

Art. 2 - deadlines
The material necessary for participation must be registered on the web platforms or sent no later than 21 January 2022. The postmark will be valid. There are no obligations for the type of shipment, which is left to the discretion of the participant. Any expense related to shipping is charged to the sender.

All works received, by hand or by post, after 21 January 2022 will be considered void.
The Festival Organization is not responsible for damage or loss of the package in the postal or other way.

Art. 3 - Conditions of participation
The short films must have a maximum duration of 30 (thirty) minutes including opening and closing credits. No limit of origin or type of original support.

The festival has the environment and sustainability as its theme. The short films in a foreign language or with a dialectal form must be titled in Italian or english and the dialog list must be sent in Italian.

Art. 4 - Film support
The short films must be sent on DVD support in PAL VIDEO format or on a readable file.

Art. 5 Number of eligible videos
Each author may submit n. 01 (one) short-film work. All those works that contain explicit references to racial, religious and discrimination of any kind and form will be immediately excluded, including the hypothesis of aversion to human rights, children and anything else not specifically mentioned and at the discretion of the Festival Jury. In any case, it will be liable both criminally and civilly.

Art. 6 - Application for registration
short film must be accompanied by the duly completed application form and release form.

- Photo of the director / author (jpg - 300 dpi)
- Scene photo
- Synopsis, in .doc format in Italian or english
- Technical sheet of the film
- Biography of the author
- Possible dialog-list in Italian
- Poster (jpg - 300 dpi)

The aforementioned material must be placed on a data CD / DVD and attached to the package (if sent by post) or sent in readable files.
A photocopy of a valid document must be attached to the application form and the release form as a facsimile attachment.

Each author must comply with every request of the Festival regulations and in particular those relating to copyright.

Art. 7 - Shipping methods
The material must be sent by registering on the platforms of the reference site: or it will be sent, at the expense of the participants, by post exclusively to the following address with this indication:
Rocco Cosentino Via Belvedere 11b / 2 35013 Cittadella (PD) - Italy.

Art. 8 - Preselection
The shorts will be selected by the Organizing Committee. The judgment of the Jury is unquestionable. The finalists will be contacted by email. The results of the selection will be published on the website

Art. 9 - Festival calendar
The screenings of the Festival will be held on the following dates: Opening Night Thursday 31 March 2022 at 8.45 pm at the Cinecentrum Cinematographic Hall. The location may undergo variations. Award gala: Friday 15 April 2022 at 8.45 pm at the Cinecentrum Cinema Hall. The location may undergo variations.

Art. 10 - awards
The Organizational Management prepares the following prizes for the awarded works:
Best Film

Best Italian short

Best international short

Best Actor

Best Actress

Best Supporting Actor

Best Supporting Actress

Best Director

Best Screenplay

Best Animated Film

Best Documentary

Best Original Score

Best female film Natura Madre

All the awards will be made at the end of the final evening screenings. Any changes to the calendar will be communicated to the finalists.
The prizes are delivered directly to the winner, if present in the hall or sent by post, upon payment of the postage by the competitor.

Art. 11 - General information.
All news, information, programs, finalist works and everything related to the Festival will be published on the website
The screening of any "OUT OF COMPETITION" works will be carried out on the evenings provided for in the calendar.

All the works sent will not be returned and will remain the property of the Association's Festival Archive. They may be used and distributed for promotional purposes without requiring any consent from the Author.

All the points and articles of the regulation and the announcement are considered accepted, under penalty of exclusion from the competition itself.
The Festival may be subject to variations or suspension by the organizers, if necessary.
Pursuant to law 196/03, sensitive data will be processed solely for the organizational purposes of the Festival and for the provisions of its regulation.

You can request cancellation with a specific request, provided for by current legislation.
Registration for the Festival implies the personal, civil and criminal liability of the participating author.

For anything not described in this announcement, please refer to the Festival Regulations.

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