Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces. XIII Encuentro Hispanoamericano De Cine Documental Independiente ()

Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces. Independent Documentary Film Latin American Festival

Dates limites

28 janv. 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

15 avril 2024
Festival fermé

10 août 2024
Date de notification

20 sept. 2024
28 sept. 2024


Carrasco 74, Col. Toriello Guerra ,  14050, Tlalpan, CDMX, México, Mexico

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage >1' 30'<
Festival de long métrage >31'

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique et en ligne
 juin 2022
 Pays de production: Obligatoire
 Pays de tournage: Obligatoire
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >1' 30'<
 Long-métrage  >31'
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces.  XIII Encuentro Hispanoamericano De Cine Documental Independiente
Photo of Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces.  XIII Encuentro Hispanoamericano De Cine Documental Independiente

Photo of Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces.  XIII Encuentro Hispanoamericano De Cine Documental Independiente
Photo of Contra El Silencio Todas Las Voces.  XIII Encuentro Hispanoamericano De Cine Documental Independiente

French ML

Début du Festival: 20 septembre 2024      Fin du Festival: 28 septembre 2024

The Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Cine y Video Documental Independiente: Contra el Silencio Todas las Voces is a space to travel through various realities and aesthetics of Mexico and Latin America.

Contra el Silencio it has its first edition in the year 2000, when practically the only film festivals that existed in Mexico were Guadalajara (1986) and Guanajuato (1998), and in general, at Latin America the situation was not very different, there were very few spaces that disseminated and gave recognition to the social documentary.

From this same spirit and commitment to promote and support the documentary creation is that we come pleasantly to the twelfth edition to be held from November 4 to 12, 2022. In which we will have projections of the competitive sections, special functions, as well as academic activities and of training that promote criticism and reflection.

Will be awarded a Prize for the Best Documentary of each one of the categories that will consist of a work of a recognized artist and will be awarded the Honorable Mentions that the Official Jury considers pertinent.

1.Mexican documentaries, from Latin America, Spain and other countries may participate, as long as the work refers to Hispanic-American themes coinciding with the categories of the contest.

2. Documentaries that have not been produced in Mexico, Latin America and/or Spain may participate as long as the content of the work refers to Hispanic American themes that coincide with the categories of the contest.

3. The production date of the documentaries must be between June 25, 2022 and April 15, 2024.

4. Only independently produced documentaries will be accepted, that is, that reflects the author's personal vision and not that of an institution or entity that has financed it.

5. Each participant may submit one or more documentaries.

6. The competitive categories in which documentaries can be registered are:

-Social Movements and Citizen Organization
-Human Rights
-Indigenous People
-Borders, Migrations and Exiles
-Environment and Sustainable Development
-Everyday Life and Social Change
-Art and Society
-Sexual Diversity

7. In case the original language of the film is not Spanish, the documentary must have Spanish subtitles.

8. Documentaries subtitled in another language whose original language is Spanish will not be accepted.

9. Registration is free of charge.

10. Registration for this contest can be made through the Festhome digital platform, or directly from the festival's website

11. The documentary must be available online for downloading with an access code.

12.Documentaries will be received in HD (1920 x 1080), digital format (.mp4) H.264 codec with a weight of no more than 4.5 GB.

11. Without exception, the version sent upon registration must be the screening copy, because all materials become part of the Iberoamerican Video Library of Independent Documentary Film and Video, whose mission is to disseminate them for educational and cultural purposes free of charge. DOCUMENTS RECEIVED IN VISIONING COPIES WILL NOT BE ENROLLED.


14. The period for the reception of materials is from January 29 to April 15, 2024 at 23:59 hours (Mexico Central Time).

15. For diffudion by public television stations in Mexico and other cultural circuits that require special authorization, outside the times when the festival takes place, optional formats, not mandatory, are included in the registration form available at, or as specific clauses in case the registration is made through the Festhome platform.

16. An award will be given to the Best Documentary in each category, consisting of a diploma and a work of art by a renowned artist, and the Honorable Mentions that the Official Jury considers will be awarded relevant.

17. The Jury will be constituted by a group of filmmakers and critics, cultural promoters in audiovisual media and academics specialized in the subject matter of each category, all of them with a proven professional career and proven ethics, three per category, whose decision will be unappealable.

18. The awards and closing ceremony will be held on September 28, 2024.

19. In case of not having the necessary electronic tools to apply to this call for entries by electronic means, the interested party should contact the festival by calling (52-55) 55-28-07-97 and 56-06-73-76.

20. Any situation not specified in this call will be resolved by the Organizing Committee.

21. For more information mail to



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