No Fee
Submissions deadline
01 Aug 16
Keep in mind following recommendations.
-you must submit 2 copies of the piece in DVD format or
-must have been made after 2015
-short film should last 1 minute minimum and maximum 30 minutes.
-topic is free, and the category should be fiction.
-you must fill out the registration form
-please enclose a photocopy of the identity card of the filmmakers
-registration is free
- the participants cover the costs shipping of the piece with their respective copy 2 copies of your audiovisual piece, the completed form, photocopy of the identity card of the filmmakers should be delivered in a sealed envelope. Do so sent to the Cra. 13 No. 2-04 B. Obrero - Viterbo Caldas Colombia, Cel: 310 398 35 49 to LUIS FERNANDO MUÑETÓN RAMÍREZ sender.
You can send only a short person, group or company.
Short films will be compiled and will be used for the diagnosis and the festival, therefore not be returned any DVD file.
If any of the above requirements is not met, the submitted film will be not taken into account in the official selection of the "national prize for short films Jaime Osorio Gómez version V".CAN WHO PARTICIPATE?Can you participate any more 18-year-old if he certifies that it is Colombian, and the short film is completed in Colombia.
WHAT IS THE AWARD? The festicine, video image Saman within the framework of the "fourth" version of the national award for short films Jaime Osorio Gomez, be awarded to the winning participant, a statuette in aged blade and patina, in wood, designed by the master José Diego Panesso, allusive to the teacher Jaime Osorio Gómez; In addition to a certificate of participation to every filmmaker who is selected for the contest, which will send via the internet.
To choose the winning film, will be appointed an evaluation committee consisting of three suitable persons in the field of the audiovisual industry, and with expertise in cinematic language, which will be present in the projection of short films in competition during the festival.
The following parameters shall be taken into account:
- the narrative structure 20%
- quality management topic 20%
-technical quality 40%
-impact on the public 20%
Audiovisual piece that add the most points will be the winner of the national contest.
Selected parts for the "national prize for short films Jaime Osorio Gómez version V", will be screened within the framework of the fourth version of the Festicine, video image Saman, which will be held from 8 to 12 October 2015 in the municipality of Viterbo in Caldas, Pereira and Santa Rosa de Cabal.