Festival Internacional de Cine Al Este (16)

Al Este International Film Festival


20 Sep 2024
Call for entries

10 Nov 2024
Early deadline

10 Dec 2024
Standard deadline

05 Jan 2025
Late deadline

12 Jan 2025
Festival closed

15 Mar 2025
Notification date

03 Jun 2025
14 Jun 2025


Alcanfores 457 F3,  LIMA 18, Lima, Lima, Peru

Festival description
Short film festival >3' 30'<
Feature film festival >60' 130'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >3' 30'<
 Feature Films  >60' 130'<
 Any language
English Spanish
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Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Al Este
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Al Este

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Al Este
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine Al Este


Festival start: 03 June 2025      Festival end: 14 June 2025

Al Este is a festival coming out from the french festival A l'Est du Nouveau. Present in Peru since 2008, the mission of the festival is to promote film culture of the other Europe, that relegated to independent circuits, owning however, an invaluable wealth and tradition. Thus, Al Este seeks to spread the filmography of Europe, Latin America and Asia.

Cash Prizes: 1,600$

The winning films will receive:

- Jury Award Merit Diploma.
- Jaguar Al Este Trophy.

Cash prizes:

Best film in the Primera Línea Competition: $700 USD

Best film in the Vidas Cruzadas Competition: $400 USD

Best film in the Perú Emergente Competition and ExperimentAlEste Competition: $250 USD

Those selected who attend will have access to:

- Accreditation to the screenings and access to the masterclasses within the framework of the Al Este Festival.

Feature films

Al Este PERU

Al Este festival, through its four international platforms: A l'Est - France, Al Este - Peru, Al Este - Argentina and Al EsteColombia fulfills its commitment to the dissemination of film works made in Central and Eastern European countries, as well as in some South Americans countries with the aim to promote, exchange and establish a cultural dialogue between these territories.

We open the call to producers and directors to send their most recent productions for the various sections.


- Launch of the call (Peru): September 20, 2024

- Deadline: January 5, 2025

- Announcement of selected films: February 1, 2025

- Deadline for sending materials: February 20, 2025

- Competition date: April 2 to 12, 2025


1) Official Competition AL ESTE:
Fiction and documentary feature films from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe may be presented; including co-productions from different parts of the world involving one or more countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Works should have been completed after November 2023.

2) First Line Competition:
First and second feature films of fiction and documentaries produced between 2023 and 2025, are eligible. Topics are free.

3) Far East:
Non-competitive section. Features films and short films produced in Asia between 2023 and 2025. Topics are free.


1) The preselection of works, in each category, will be carried out by the Festival’s selection committee conformed by the programming team and its external advisers.

2) For the election of winners, a jury will be appointed which will be conformed by professionals related to cinema and national and international media; whose names will be announced 15 days before the start of the competition.

3) The votes of the jury will be kept in reserve and the decisions will be taken by simple majority. A representative of the Festival may attend the deliberations of the jury as an observer without the right to vote.

4) The jury will choose a winner and a special mention per category.

5) The jury’s decision will be irrevocable.

6) The members of the jury undertake not to publicly express their opinions regarding the films submitted for their evaluation before the official announcement of the awards.

7) The official competition section will also benefit from an award of the Public, and the award of the Press.

8) There will be no ex-aequo award. There will only be one winner in each competition.


1) duration:

Feature films: minimum duration of 60 minutes and maximum of 130 minutes (including end credits).

Short films: minimum duration of 3 minutes and maximum of 30 minutes (including end credits).

2) Formats and delivery of materials:

2.1.) For the pre-selection process of the films, private preview links may be sent on Vimeo, YouTube, or another platform, which may be password protected; this password must be provided in the registration form.

2.2) Works, once selected, the films may be submitted in the following digital file video formats: MP4, MOV, Quick Time or ProRes 422 with a minimum size 3 GB without subtitles.

2.3.) Non-Spanish-speaking films must have the original audio and preferably subtitles in Spanish or english in *srt. If subtitles are not available, the producer must sent a dialogue’s list in english or Spanish indicating the synchronization time (e.g. 00: 00: 27,160 - 00: 00: 28,560) and the number of lines of dialogues. The same conditions apply to Spanish and French-speaking films, which must have english subtitles or a synchronized dialogue list in case of winning.

* Check annex: General shipping conditions.

3) Exclusivity and confidentiality:

3.1.) Only those works that have not been commerciallybreleased in Peruvian territory, whether in commercialbcircuits, such as cinemas, TV, or active online distributionbwill be eligible. Any material that has been screened inbprevious editions of Al Este Perú will not be selected for the
contest. The committee may give preference to absolute premieres in each country.

3.2.) Once the films has been selected, it cannot be withdrawn from the program or deliberately presented on free or paid exhibition platforms in the country (Peru).

3.3.) The person responsible for the registration undertakes not to publicly communicate their participation in the contest until after it is broadcast by the Festival.

3.4.) Participants undertake to place the festival’s palms in the initial or final credits in official posters. These will be provided by production.

4) Ownership and dissemination rights:

4.1.) The registration must be carried out by the producer of the work, who declares and recognizes himself as the universal holder of the rights of diffusion and distribution of the registered works.

Likewise, it must inform the due authorization and transfer of rights to the soundtrack, incidental music, and all archival material included in the work presented; In short, you accept that you are solely responsible for other companies or people who have participated in the production of said materials.

4.2.) The person responsible for the registration of the work will be the sole interlocutor, or may designate another person for the coordination resulting from the selection.

4.3.) The selection of a work implies the free transfer of the rights of projection of the work in the framework of the Festival Al Este during the festival.

4.4.) Once the projection materials have been sent, it is understood that the producer of the work will not be able to remove the film from the selection.

4.5.) The Festival will be provided with all the necessary materials for the dissemination of the work, such as: presskit, trailer, sequences, stills, promotional photographs and poster in editable version, which the Festival may adapt for communication, whether digital, televised, projected or printed.

4.6.) Each majority producer may present up to 2 works, in case of registering them in the same competition, only one (1) will be selected.


Any questions or queries will be resolved within the periods indicated in the schedule to the following email: programme@ alestfestival.com.
With the subject: Q&A-SUBMISSION-XXXXXX (film tittle).


6.1) The Festival selection committee may withdraw, at any time, those films which does not comply with any of the bases or any of the guidelines. Likewise, the falsification of the production information or the data consigned in the registration form will mean the disqualification and exclusion of the submitted film from the category in which it participates.

6.2) Participation implies full knowledge and acceptance of the terms indicated in this document. If there is a controversy or doubt in the interpretation of the points written in this document or those aspects not included in this, the interpretation and the criteria of the organizationof the Festival are decisive. For this, the question must be sent in the consultation period of the call.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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