Início do Festival: 14 Novembro 2023
Fim do Festival: 18 Novembro 2023
To indigenous and non-indigenous audiovisual filmmakers, of various nationalities and territories, to submit their works on indigenous and/or Afro-descendant themes, free style and extension, of individual or collective creation, to the 8th edition of the FicWallmapu Festival, to be held between on November 14 and 18, 2023, in the city of Temuko, Ngülumapu and surrounding communes of the Mapuche territory, Araucanía Region.
To apply, it is mandatory to fill out the following form:
To indigenous and non-indigenous audiovisual filmmakers, of various nationalities and territories, to submit their works on indigenous and/or Afro-descendant themes, free style and extension, of individual or collective creation, to the 8th edition of the FicWallmapu Festival, to be held between on November 14 and 18, 2023, in the city of Temuko (Chile) Ngülumapu and surrounding communes of the Mapuche territory.
The deadline to participate is May 31, 2023
Selection criteria
The audiovisual productions that are nominated for FicWallmapu must respect the views and voices of the different communities of Original Peoples, Afro and/or Afro-descendants that participate behind and/or in front of the camera. The festival will favor the selection of films that contribute to protest processes and in tune with the values and worldviews of native peoples, indigenous nationalities and first nations, moving away from those achievements that promote cultural appropriation, stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice, machismo, direct propaganda of political parties, among other aspects that are detrimental or detrimental to the Native peoples.
In the focus theme of the 8th edition, FicWallmapu places the universes of indigenous, Afro and/or Afro-descendant youth at the center of the dialogue, highlighting the value of generational continuity that their identities carry in contemporary contexts, making use of technologies to make visible, communicate and propose views of ancestral peoples. Youths who, aware of the historical invisibility, work from different areas to continue building their own memories and heal the colonial wound, becoming part of the linguistic revitalization, the defense of the territory, the knowledge of indigenous health, the development of their own narratives, among many others that come together in the philosophy of küme mongen/good living. The invitation is to share these views, promoting transgenerational dialogues from the Mapuche territory together with other peoples and nationalities.
The criteria for films to be part of the festival are:
That promotes the production of indigenous and/or Afro-descendant authorship, as well as the participation of indigenous and/or Afro-descendant people in various roles in production.
That transmits the own views and proposals of indigenous and Afro-descendant youth and promotes intergenerational dialogue.
That it contributes to local realization in the Mapuche Territory, Wallmapu on both sides of the mountain range: Puelmapu and Ngülumapu.
That promotes the rights of Indigenous and/or Afro-descendant women, childhood, youth, the elderly, sexual and affective diversities.
That they denounce the violation of the rights, persecution and genocide suffered by the Original and/or Afro-descendant Peoples and the current colonial violence that we face.
That promotes the right to communication, creativity, self-representation, search and development of aesthetic and narrative resources of the Original and/or Afro-descendant Peoples.
The works chosen by the FicWallmapu programming team will be part of the official selection of the 8th version of the festival.
1.1) Dates
The date of completion of the works must be after December 31, 2019.
deadline to apply for the work: May 31, 2023 (cannot be postponed).
1.2) language
Non-Spanish-speaking films must send the subtitles to Spanish.
subtitles should not be attached to the film but sent as a separate file in SRT format.
If you. has subtitles in english or other languages, you must include them in your file submission (separate from the film).
Recognitions and mentions
FicWallmapu is not a competitive festival. The work carried out by those who commit and stand out in the thematic areas established in the bases is recognized. The awards are not given by numerical hierarchy; that is, there are no first, second, and subsequent places. Only if warranted, the International Jury, within the framework of the central event, will eventually grant special mentions to the works that, not being recognized, are highlighted for their quality in the International Jury Special Mention category.
Audiovisual works that stand out in the following areas will be recognized:
Rights of Indigenous and/or Afro-descendant women.
Sexual diversities in Original and/or Afro-descendant Peoples.
Defense and care of the territory.
Afro-descendant peoples.
Community cinema.
New indigenous audiovisual languages (experimental cinema, videodance, music video, art cinema, new narratives, among others).
Wallmapu: director or indigenous teams.
Linguistic revitalization.
Choyün: movie shoots for children.
Parallel to the International Jury made up of outstanding filmmakers and communicators from the indigenous and Afro world, a Choyün Jury is formed, made up of pichikeche, Mapuche boys, girls and children and from sister towns that establish their own criteria to highlight the achievements of the Choyün area: film shoots for children.
The registration of work to the 8th edition of FicWallmapu is free of charge.
The registration form can be completed at the following link:
Image and sound formats
MOV and/or MP4, H264 codec (DCP excluded).
Accepted resolutions: Full HD 1080p (files not larger than 10GB), 2k and 4k.
Image: Just like the frames you attach to your movie, they must be at least 1920x1080.
Audio: Sound 2.0 or 5.1.
If your film is selected, you will be notified by August 31 requesting the dissemination material of the audiovisual work (to be used in the catalog, posters, web banners, billboards, graphics for social networks and the press) stills must be sent of the film and the person or group in charge of making it in HIGH RESOLUTION (300 dpi).
The sending of the work is done through the registration form.
The only way enabled to resolve queries is the email
Official Exhibition
Curtas e Longas-metragens
Com a taxa
Prazo de envios
31 Mai 23
The selected works will be part of the official programme of the festival and will beexhibited in our various theaters within FICWALLMAPU 2021 on Temuco, Chile and Rosario, Argentina. Those meriting specialmention by the International Jury will be part of a DVD that will circulate and be distributed without charge throughout different territories, Lof, communities and educational institutions, neighbourhoods and communites, among other places.
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