Festival International de Cinéma et de mémoire commune– Nador, Maroc (13)

Festival International De Cinéma Et De Mémoire Commune – Nador, Maroc


09 Jan 2024
Call for entries

10 Jul 2024
Festival closed

01 Oct 2024
Notification date

05 Oct 2024
11 Oct 2024


74 - rue Ibn Khaldoun - App 2 - 2 Eme etage Place d'armes ,  50000, Meknès, Meknès, Morocco

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 20'<
Feature film festival >59'

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 November 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 20'<
 Feature Films  >59'
 Any language
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Photo of Festival International de Cinéma et de mémoire commune– Nador, Maroc
Photo of Festival International de Cinéma et de mémoire commune– Nador, Maroc

Photo of Festival International de Cinéma et de mémoire commune– Nador, Maroc
Photo of Festival International de Cinéma et de mémoire commune– Nador, Maroc


Festival start: 05 October 2024      Festival end: 11 October 2024

The Center for Common Memory for Democracy and Peace, a national association that campaigns for universal human values and defends human rights, including the right to "a dignified life to the end", cannot remain insensitive to the current debate on the environment and the search by international community for practical solutions to curb its worrying deterioration.

While the right to life is an irreversible achievement, the emergence of the fourth generation of rights associates human well-being with "a healthy life in a healthy environment". So any degradation of the environment means a degradation of the quality of life.

The theme of "The Memory of the sky and the ground", chosen as the unifying theme of the 13th edition of the International Festival of Cinema and Shared Memory, to be held in Nador from 5 to 11 october 2024, is part of efforts to raise awareness, through art in general and cinema in particular, of a devastating scourge that threatens humanity.

The festival organizing committee is therefore calling for:

1- Documentary films that tackle issues such as:
- The ravages of global warming
- The destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems
- The depletion of natural resources
- The consequences of deforestation
- Water and air pollution
- Disasters caused by industrial activities
- The damaging effects of excessive industrialization
- Over-exploitation of natural resources

2- Short and feature films which, without being subject to the unifying theme of the edition:
- Tackle memory or human rights;
- Deal with human causes using new approaches;
- Propose new themes with a modern vision.

Short Film:
*Grand Prize

*Grand Prize Driss Benzekri
*Prize for documentary research

Fiction Feature Films:
* Grand Prize Leila Mezian Benjelloun
* Award for best screenplay
* Award for best female performance
* Award for best male performance

Article 1: The Center for Common Memory, Democracy and Peace (CMCDP) is a non-profit association whose mission is to promote a culture of peace, tolerance, equity and respect for human rights.

Article 2: The pre-selection and selection of the films will be carried out by a professional festival committee.

Article 3: As for the juries responsible for awarding the Festival's films, they will be made up, as every year, of professionals from the world of cinema, culture and human rights of various nationalities.

Article 4: The festival awards will be the following:

Short Film:
*Grand Prize

*Grand Prize Driss Benzekri
*Prize for documentary research

Fiction Feature Films:
* Grand Prize Leila Mezian Benjelloun
* Award for best screenplay
* Award for best female performance
* Award for best male performance

Article 5.- The laws that regulate the organization of festivals in Morocco will be followed.

Article 6.- For foreign films, it is required that it be a premiere in Morocco, that it has not been screened at any festival in the country.

Article 7.- The legal representatives of the selected films will be notified no later than 31/07/2024, not being able to withdraw any film after sending the acceptance document to the festival.

Article 8.- In case of being selected, the festival will be responsible for the following expenses:

- Fiction and documentary feature film: Round-trip ticket (tourist class) from your place of origin to the city of Nador. Lodging and meals during the festival.

- Short film: Lodging and meals during the Festival or round-trip ticket (tourist class) from your place of origin to the city of Nador.

Article 9.- Likewise, some films may be screened out of competition.

Article 10.- The organizers reserve the right to decide on any case not provided for in these regulations.

Article 11 - Movies submitted that don’t follow the rules of this year edition will the disclassified.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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