Never Zapping Festival ()


01 Nov 2019
Call for entries

25 Apr 2020
Early deadline

23 May 2020
Standard deadline

01 Sep 2020
Late deadline

01 Sep 2020
Festival closed

01 Oct 2020
Notification date

30 Oct 2020
30 Oct 2020


Curtidors 23,  03203, Elche, Alicante, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival 25'<
Feature film festival

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2018
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  25'<
 Feature Films 
Spanish English
Spanish English
Share on Social Networks

Photo of Never Zapping Festival
Photo of Never Zapping Festival
Photo of Never Zapping Festival
Photo of Never Zapping Festival


Festival start: 30 October 2020      Festival end: 30 October 2020





Advertisements made for people, which produce rejection of people. This is the most common scenario today. Zapping became fashionable in the 90's and its only purpose is to jump from program to program avoiding ads and any ad break.

Has anyone ever wondered that if ads were of great quality, with a great creative weight, innovative, fun, exciting, close to home.... people would see them as any other program or movie?

TV Spots (any theme). Awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Animation Spots. Awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Web Spots. Awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Professional Spot filmed with mobile phone. Gold Awarded.
Advertising Short film. Gold Award.
Advertising Documentary. Gold Award.
Branded Content. Awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Best Idea. Awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze.
​Best Actor. Gold Award.
Best Actress. Gold Award.

Bases Brave Brain awards

Never Zapping Festival is looking for the most brave international advertising agencies and creatives who want to compete for the Brave Brain awards. Any agency, creative studio, self-employed publicist or the advertisers themselves at the international level, with real pieces, created and distributed between January 2019 and August 2020, will be eligible for said prizes.

The official languages ​​of the festival are the Spanish and english languages, only pieces in those languages ​​will be accepted. Any other language must be subtitled in the official languages ​​of the festival to be accepted for processing.

The registration will be made online through the web form or and every piece must have the authorization of participation and issuance of the advertiser, if not, it will be excluded from the festival and the prizes.

The festival may exclude pieces that have been formally declared illegal by their content, form or message, declared by a court before the date of participation. In addition, the organization reserves the right to exclude homophobic, sexist campaigns that attempt against sexual or religious freedom, human rights or any other aspect or nature.

Participants must register the pieces and pay for their participation through bank transfer, deposit or PayPal. The registration date will open on November 1st, 2019 and end on September 1st, 2020. It is not necessary to send the final piece at the time of registration, but before the end date of the same, that is, before from October 10. The pieces will be sent via Wetransfer, Dropbox ... to the email

*** In the categories of spots: campaigns composed of up to 3 spots, you can register paying as one piece, as long as they are part of that campaign and are not independent spots.

The categories to contest are:

Spot TV: Any spot broadcast on TV between January 2019 and August 2020 will be able to participate.

Spot Web: You can participate in any spot broadcast exclusively through the Internet in the period between January 2019 and August 2020.

* If a spot has been broadcast on TV and Internet, you must register in the Spot TV category.

Animated Spot: You can participate in any spot made with any animation technique, regardless of the broadcast medium.

Spot shot with mobile technology: Any professional spot that has been filmed entirely through mobile technology can participate. It may have been broadcast on TV or Internet.

Advertising Short Film: Any advertising short film made between January 2019 and August 2020 and whose duration does not exceed 25 minutes may participate.

Advertising Documentary: Any advertising documentary made between January 2019 and August 2020 and whose duration does not exceed 25 minutes may participate.

Branded Content: Content created to generate experiences around brands and in turn generate content for use in different media.

Best Idea: Any case study, action, global campaign, innovation, invention, product ... of which there is an audiovisual document to be issued.

Best actor and Best actress: Any actor or actress from the categories mentioned above may participate.

Said categories will be awarded with gold, silver and bronze or gold only, according to them. The jury of 100 ordinary people, will vote under the scale of 10, 5 and 2 points from major to minor depending on what they subjectively consider, under the criteria of creativity, originality, fun, emotion, effectiveness, message and enjoyment of said pieces. The organization can leave any category deserted if the required requirements are not met or if the number of candidates necessary to grant them does not exist. The jury's decision is final.

Enroll a piece or pieces in the awards, implies acceptance of the bases thereof. The Festival may make use of the materials registered in its events, social networks and supports.

Never Zapping Festival is organized by Vida, a group of non-profit advertising creatives. The entries of the Brave Brain awards will be used to finance the events of the Never Zapping Festival and to collaborate with the Juegaterapia Foundation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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