Orvieto Cinema Fest ()


15 Jan 2021
Call for entries

15 Jun 2021
Festival closed

31 Jul 2021
Notification date

21 Sep 2021
25 Sep 2021


Via dei Gelsi,9 ,  05018, Orvieto, Terni, Italy

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 30'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2019
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 30'<
 Any language
English Italian
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Photo of Orvieto Cinema Fest
Photo of Orvieto Cinema Fest
Photo of Orvieto Cinema Fest
Photo of Orvieto Cinema Fest


Festival start: 21 September 2021      Festival end: 25 September 2021

La passione per il cinema e l'amore per la città di Orvieto hanno portato due ragazze orvietane under 30 anni a ideare un vero festival dedicato all'arte dei cortometraggi.

Orvieto Cinema Fest viene quindi proposto come festival cinematografico di cortometraggi con lo scopo di promuovere nuovi registi e sceneggiatori, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.

Vuole essere una scommessa che abbia il potere di coinvolgere l'intera città di Orvieto e oltre.
Le due ideatrici e gli altri giovani orvietani lavoratori che hanno collaborato al progetto hanno deciso di riportare nella loro città le esperienze maturate nelle varie città di adozione (Milano, Roma, Bologna, Firenze).

L'obiettivo dell'iniziativa è anche quello di far rivivere il desiderio e l'impegno dei giovani in città e sentirsi parte di un progetto più ampio al servizio di tutti. L'unione della passione per la settima arte con la bellezza della città medievale può essere il punto di partenza per una rinascita del fermento culturale.

Cash Prizes: 2,000€

Best International (500 euro+Trophy)
Best National (500 euro+Trophy)
Best Animation (500 euro+Trophy)
Best Short Film (1000 euro+Trophy)

There will be special mentions that will be announced and it will be a trophy for each.


The Orvieto Cinema Fest aims to promote the art of film through the presentation of quality cinematographic works and entertainment.


The festival is articulated in three categories in competition:
Best International
Best National
Best Animation


Applications are open from January 15th until June 15th 2021.
A fee of € 10.00 (ten euros) is expected to be paid by PayPal (http://paypal.me/orvietocinemafest/10 or to stefaniafausto@gmail.com) or IBAN:

Associazione ApertaMente Orvieto
BCC Umbria Credito Cooperativo – Societa’ Cooperativa
IBAN: IT43W0707525700000000715150
Via delle Mimose, Ciconia – Orvieto (TR)

Reason: “Short film title – Orvieto Cinema Fest”.

There are no age limits, no residence or citizenship requirements. The finalists will be offered overnight and food for the screening night.

Each author can participate, with one or more works, even unpublished, to all categories. Short films with a maximum duration of 30 minutes are allowed. With “duration” we mean the time interval from the first to the last image or sound (therefore the opening and closing credits are also included).

At the time of requesting video files, these must be sent to the e-mail address that will be indicated via web file transfer services or via download link. The directors of the shorts that will be selected will be contacted for the next sending of files in high quality as possible to ensure proper conversion and screening in the hall.

All works in a language different from Italian should be subtitled in English or in Italian. Dialogue list in English must be provided. Where possible, it is required that the subtitles, where necessary for the understanding of the selected work, are not already impressed on the image. It is however mandatory to send separately the subtitle files in English and possibly in Italian.

Please send at least three images of the work or any print material and posters that can be used for promotional purposes (in high resolution, in jpeg format, with a maximum size of 3 mb), photos and biography of the director, dialog list in English.

The director / institution who submits the work must hold, as owner or concessionaire, the rights of the work itself and of any complementary material attached to it sent to the Festival organizers. Those who register a short film at the Festival also certify that all the images and soundtracks used in the work are their own or that they have the authorization of the holder of the rights for their use.

By submitting your registration, the director / institution allows the promotion of the work in its place, the organization of multiple

The director / institution must respond civilly and criminally to the presented work, as a result of violation of copyright, image or reproduction of artistic content protected by copyright, reproduced or mentioned, even partially, in the work registered at the Festival.

The director / institution undertakes not to submit works detrimental to the dignity and rights of natural persons, groups, companies, public entities or associations represented or mentioned in the short film presented, even through products or brands.

Please note that once paid, the registration fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
The jury, chosen by the organizers among experts in the sector, will proclaim the winners at its sole discretion in the final evening of the Festival.

Personal data communicated through the registration form and the subscription platform will be processed in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 on the processing of personal data. The data sent will not be disclosed to third parties for commercial purposes.

The data sent will be used exclusively for the organizational purposes of the Festival and the Association, including the sending of communications from the organizers about their initiatives, the publication of contacts on the site and the paper material of the Festival, the sending of new calls competition, selection of short films for other festivals or cultural events and the like.

By registering for the Festival, the proponent authorizes the free use of the selected work and its integral videoprojection within the Festival and other cultural initiatives promoted by the Association relating to the Orvieto Cinema Fest, as well as the publication texts and photos accompanying the work sent in the catalog, on the website and on the Festival’s social channels.

The registration to the festival also implies the sharing and / or full transmission of the trailer and partial of the short film selected on the site and on the Festival’s social channels, as well as any digital frame or clip, title, text, name of the accredited subjects or other contents. only promotional and organizational purpose.

If any point in this document becomes illegal in one or more jurisdictions, this will not change the validity of the same point in the other jurisdictions, or the validity of the other points in this document in the same jurisdiction.

For any eventual contestation on the interpretation of the single articles of the present Regulation the original text written in Italian is valid.

The proponent undertakes to relieve the Association, its members, the organizers and their collaborators from any civil or criminal litigation and to assume the consequent legal fees in the event that disputes arise regarding the matters described in this regulation.

The registration of a work implies the complete acceptance by the proposer of the conditions set out in this regulation.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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