Roswell Daily Record Film Festival ()


18 1月 2024

17 2月 2024

24 3月 2024

30 4月 2024

31 5月 2024

06 6月 2024

05 7月 2024
06 7月 2024


2301 North Main Street,  88201, Roswell, New Mexico, United States

Ufology, Paranormal & Cryptozoology
短編映画祭 >2' 60'<
長編映画祭 >50' 180'<

 Music Video
 制作日: 任意の
 制作国: 任意の
 撮影国: 任意の
 監督の国籍: 任意の
 短編映画  >2' 60'<
 長編映画  >50' 180'<

Photo of Roswell Daily Record Film Festival
Photo of Roswell Daily Record Film Festival

Photo of Roswell Daily Record Film Festival
Photo of Roswell Daily Record Film Festival

Japanese (日本語) ML

映画祭の開始: 05 7月 2024      映画祭の終了: 06 7月 2024

Our Live screening Event last June 30th & July 1st was amazing!! Check some of our pics above!!

The city of Roswell is well known for its history around the ufology and the paranormal. The independent and artistic filmmakers scene has taken place in the Roswell Convention Center.

Roswell Daily Record Film Festival has rapidly turned into a favorite between independent filmmakers related to the documentary, horror, mystery and sci-fi world.

We are committed to screen the complete official selection of films at our live event, where filmmakers and guests will participate of the Q&A’s and panels, enhancing the opportunity for networking with directors, cast, crew and people from the industry. An amazing opportunity to submerge yourself in other visual artists' works!

All the films related to ufology, the paranormal and cryptozoology are welcome to be part of our selection!

The Roswell Daily Record is well known for being the newspaper who told the news of an alleged Ufo crash outside the city in 1947. That cover is one of the most recognized in the world. That gave the newspaper the chance to be part of hundreds of films, tv shows and documentaries. Every year we work with networks such as Netflix, History, Discovery+, just to mention a few.


Some of our recent winners include directors and producers as River Rees, Ryan Rees and Wyatt Hausman from the youtube channel “Twin Paranormal”, Ben Hansen from the Discovery+ show “UFO Witness”, Bryce Zabel from the web series “Need To Know”,Martin Delon with the uruguayan film “Recuerdos del Mal”, Carlos Kbal with the argentinian film “La Luz Mala”, Nick Pope with the show “After Contact”, David Blyth with the New Zealand film “Night Freaks”, Ron James with his documentary “ Accidental Truth”. In 2023 we had as special guest the horror master Eduardo Sanchez, director from “The Blair Witch Project”.

Furthermore, the festival will select a number of films as semifinalists. All semifinalist projects will be invited to our Virtual Screening Event, where they will be awarded semifinalist laurels.

All the winners will also get a trophy in every competition and everyone on the official selection will get their certificate too.

All the Winners will receive the Official Laurels and the winning-category achievement certificate after the Live Event.

At the Live Event the Audience will vote for their favorite film and the winner will be granted a cash prize award of USD 1000.

Every winner will have the chance to pitch their project with our help. Like we said. we are connected to a lot of producers and directors in the industry and we would be happy to introduce you to them.

You can submit your film in any of the Main Competitions and automatically your film will be considered for all Technical & Performances Categories with no extra cost. You don't need to pay any additional category fee.

現金賞: 1,000$

Our event will hold 10 COMPETITION.
We proudly announce our MAIN COMPETITION:

* UFO Feature Film
* Paranormal Feature Film
* UFO Documentary
* Paranormal Documentary
* UFO Short Film
* Paranormal Short Film
* UFO Web Series
* Paranormal Web Series
* UFO TV Series
* Paranormal TV Series

These categories are all complimentary.
When you enter a MAIN COMPETITION, your film is automatically considered in all Technical and Performance Categories. Simply check all of the free categories you want to be considered and enter the names of the artists in the Custom Form.

Best Producer
Best Female Director
Best Male Director
Best Actress
Best Actor
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Best Production Design
Best Sound Design
Best Original Score
Best Screenwriting

All Technical & Performances Categories are included for FREE

Any person of legal age on the date of registration may be a “Participant of the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival.”

By "Festival Participant" is understood solely and exclusively the director of the work presented. The other people who contributed to its realization (producer, scriptwriter, cinematographer, actors, etc.) may not be considered participants of the festival, even if their names appear on the registration form, in the credits and are likely to receive mentions honorific according to the jury's criteria.

The "Festival Participants" must compulsorily deliver the material according to Articles 3 and 4 of these rules and conditions of participation.
The mere fact of participating implies the knowledge and acceptance of all the articles of these regulations and the commitment to accept the jury's decision without appeal.

Article 2 - DIRECTOR.
Only material in which the name of the director who declares himself responsible for the work and potential recipient of the RDRFF award will appear in the credits and on the registration form will be accepted. In the case of co-directed works, the director who makes the registration to the festival will be the one who receives the RDRFF award, if his work is declared the winner. Therefore, you must attach an authorization signed by your co-director to the registration form, in order to be able to exercise said representation in the contest of this festival.


A- DURATION: The maximum duration will be 180 minutes, with titles and other credits included.

B- LANGUAGE: In case of registration of a work that is not spoken in English, it must have subtitles in English so that it can participate in the festival. Subtitles must be part of the video and any non-English-speaking short film without subtitles will not be accepted.

C- YEAR OF FILMING: Works that complement the rest of the conditions will be accepted without being an impediment to its year of release.

D- MEDIA AND FORMAT OF DELIVERY: The film and the corresponding trailer can be delivered through an on-line service for sending large attachments (preferably WE TRANSFER), addressed to the Festival's official mail, or through an online distribution and promotion platform, to which the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival has registered (**).

Recommended technical characteristics:
Format: .mp4 H.264
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
FrameRate: 25
Audio: Stereo 48 KHz 16 bits
Maximum size supported: 10 gigabytes.
The absence of technical difficulties for the reproduction of the sent film
represents the sine qua non condition for its director to be considered

E- REQUIREMENT FOR REGISTRATION: Failure to deliver the required material, according to this Article, either due to the absence of some of the elements, due to technical difficulties or due to shipping after the delivery deadline, according to Article 5, will eliminate the possibility of registration.

F- DIRECTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE: If the registration is made through a representative or distributor, the data of the person or agency that represents him / her will be included in parallel with the director's data, in the registration form, which will be called ARTISTIC REPRESENTATIVE OF THE DIRECTOR, who will sign the file as such.
The representatives or distributors that register short films of their represented must simultaneously request their accreditation in order to receive all the information on the progress of the films they have registered.

to. The registration of the films will begin on January 18, 2024 and will have a deadline of May 31, 2024.

b. Registration for the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival is free. In the case in which the organizers request the sending of copies or some other material, the shipping costs are borne by the participants, as well as other related charges (fees, customs taxes) or the shipping costs for platforms paid to which the FIC has registered or any other shipping payment. The Festival will not pay in any case any cost caused by sending the works or the complementary material.

c. It is essential that the shipment by postal mail from abroad, if required, be labeled with two sentences:“Sin valor comercial / Sans valeur commerciale / No commercial value y “Para usos culturales únicamente / Pour usage culturel seulement / for cultural purposes only”. Si fuera necesario completar una declaración de aduana y/o recibo pro-forma, deberá indicarse “Sin valor comercial / Sans valeur commerciale / No commercial value”.

d. The films and all material requested for the festival will not be returned to their authors and cannot be claimed later under any circumstances.
and. The recommended format is .MP4 or H.264, and it must be taken into account that the quality of the product received will depend on the quality of the shipment.

The intellectual property rights and public display of the work presented are an essential requirement for participation in the Festival. The participant declares and guarantees that he has all the rights and authority to participate in the Festival and that there is no legal, contractual limitation, or of any other nature that could restrict and / or interfere and / or prevent the widest and free exercise by The organizers of those rights that may derive directly and / or indirectly from what is stipulated in these regulations, in particular in relation to the power to publicly display the work presented. Likewise, the participant declares and guarantees that all the music included in the shorts or video clips presented has the authorization of the authors of the corresponding musical works. The Participant undertakes to hold the organizers harmless, against any claim and / or judicial or extrajudicial action that for any reason is made and / or directed and / or prosecuted against the organizers by any third party claiming directly or indirectly that the rights over the work, its title, the books, the format, the musical band and / or any other integral element of the work violate and / or infringe and / or affect and / or limit and / or in any other way damage a commercial name and / or a trademark and / or a "copyright" and / or an intellectual or industrial property right of a third party.

The works presented that do not meet all the conditions required in
These Regulations will be excluded from the Festival without notice and without implying the right to any claim on the part of the Festival Participants.

Article 6 - JURY.

A-The jury corresponding to Roswell Daily Record Film Festival, made up of expert professionals, appointed by the organizing entity.

b-The same jury will also award the 2024 RDRFF PRIZE for each genre.

c-Each jury may award, at its discretion, honorable mentions to works or individuals who have participated in short films, feature films or series in this edition.

f-The decisions of the organizers and the jury will be final.

g-The jury will be coordinated by a "RDRFF Coordinator" appointed by the festival organization.

h-A Recognition Prize may be awarded to relevant characters, for their contribution to national and / or international cinema.

By participating in this Festival, the candidates accept, without demanding any kind of remuneration in exchange, that their film be screened during the edition for which they have registered for the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival 2024, as well as as in the samples of the Festival and subsequent editions that present selections from past editions, also giving their consent for it to be disseminated, partially or totally, through their title, summary, explanation, presentation, publication, exhibition or projection of the photographs, stills and trailer contributed by its director, or through any other allusion related to it, within the framework of the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival, as well as in non-commercial promotional operations RDRFF, including sites of internet of diffusion of the festival program or the winners of the festival, both of this edition and of the later editions that seek to disseminate not only the festival but also the work in question.

Any other reason for use, not mentioned in this article, will only be done with the prior authorization of the director.

The sites and times for the projection of the material during the RDRFF will be disseminated in a timely manner through the press and other media, in addition to being included on the official RDRFF sites.

The official organizing venue of the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival will be the Roswell Convention & Civic Center, Roswell, New Mexico , to which all people will have to contact by email who wish to obtain an answer to all concerns as well as to deliver material for participation in the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival 2024, regardless of the screening venues that the festival organization has designated for each of its editions.

The winning films may be asked to deliver the corresponding permission for their broadcast on the Facebook, YouTube and Instagram networks. At the time of the broadcast, if such permission is needed, the Directorate of the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival must be able to present it for the broadcast of the material. Otherwise, the film will be withdrawn from the festival, since the condition of the Roswell Daily Record Film Festival is the dissemination of the material online.

A category can be declared void if there is no exponent in it who can be chosen as the winner.
If the situation of the pandemic changes enough and it is feasible to make a presentation with spectators and the room, the Festival will have the option of holding the exhibition in the room in parallel to the online broadcast.

Article 10 - RESOLUTIONS.
Any aspect not contemplated by these regulations will be resolved by the organizers, who when unforeseen circumstances justify it, they may cancel, suspend and / or modify this Festival, their resolutions being unappealable.

Registration implies full acceptance of these regulations.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



