Фестиваль начинается: 03 Октябрь 2024
Фестиваль заканчивается: 06 Октябрь 2024
SANTIAGO HORROR - International Fantastic Film Festival, is a film meeting that is held annually in the first week of October in Santiago, Chile. This is a platform that seeks to promote the cinematographic, cultural, artistic, musical that was born in 2018. The function of the Festival also includes bringing the national public under the umbrella of the seventh art to the most varied lineup of premieres, avant premieres, feature films, short films, animation and music videos
Feature films:
• Best Feature Film
• Special mention Feature Film
• Best Ibero-American Feature Film
• Best feature film sound design
• Best Feature Film Photography
• Best Feature Film Performance
• Best Feature Film Screenplay
• Best Feature Film Special Effects
Short films:
• Best International Short Film
• Best National Short Film
• Best Animated Short Film
• Best short film sound design
Video clips:
• Best National Video Clip
• Best International Video Clip
University Short:
• Best Short Film
• Special Mention Short Film
The jury reserves the right to void the award if the quality of the works does not exceed minimum quality requirements.
SANTIAGO HORROR - International Fantastic Film Festival, is a film meeting that is held annually in the first week of October in Santiago, Chile. This is a platform that seeks to promote the cinematographic, cultural, artistic, musical that was born in 2018. The function of the Festival also includes bringing the national public under the umbrella of the seventh art to the most varied lineup of premieres, avant premieres, feature films, short films, animation and music videos
Theme: Feature films, short films and music videos must belong to the fantasy or horror genres, including all their subgenres and variants (thrillers, documentaries, black humor/comedy, science fiction, etc.).
General considerations:
• For the mentioned categories there will be an application form on the festhome.com platform
• If your work is selected, only the documentation described in point 4 will be provided.
Important, “please read”:
If the project is not in the Spanish language, it must attach subtitles (Spanish or English). The work may be disqualified for not meeting this requirement.
• The application to the festival authorizes it to use fragments of the material for promotional and advertising uses as it deems appropriate, without requesting permission from the owner of the work.
• The application to the festival authorizes it to use the winners of the contest in traveling exhibitions that can be held at different points inside and outside Chile during the festival period and after it. Without requiring written permission
• The selected works must meet the following requirements:
1.- Feature films: work released from December 2022 to the present date.
2.- Short films: work released from December 2022 to the present date.
3.- Video Clips: work released from December 2021 to the present date.
4.- Animated Short Films: work released from December 2021 to the present date.
5.- University Short Films: work released from December 2022 to the present date.
A.- Feature films:
The competition is aimed at the exhibition of feature-length films, in the fantasy and horror genres, including all their subgenres and variants (thrillers, documentaries, black humor, science fiction, etc.) in the formats established in the rules.
The feature films that participate in this category cannot have been previously exhibited in Chile, under any circumstances and by any means (not exclusive in the application, if the case warrants it).
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Feature Film Competition
• National Feature Film Competition (Chile)
B.-Short films:
The submitted works may not exceed 25 minutes, as a maximum duration.
The selected works must be delivered in a standard format compatible with most of the players on the market or sent in high-quality digital format.
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Short Film Competition
• National Short Film Competition (Chile)
C.-Video clips:
The competition is aimed at audiovisual producers, musical groups, video clip producers, independent artists and record companies.
The duration of the video clip may not exceed 10 minutes.
The theme is open to fantasy in its widest range, these can vary between black humor, animation, suspense, myths and legends, science fiction, horror, etc.
It is not permitted to use materials/content subject to intellectual property rights, of which the person who sent them or their representative is not the exclusive owner. The organization does not assume responsibilities arising from unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Music Video Competition
• National Video Clip Competition (Chile)
Note: The prize will be awarded to the director or owner of the Video clip. The band can be a representative of the director or owner of the work.
The pre-selected video clips can be viewed at:
• Web page
• Festival RSS
• SHFF in all its communications of the pre-selected, finalist and winning video clips
In the digital sphere, the link to the artist's own YouTube or Vimeo channel will always be used, SHFF will never make personal use of the video clips.
D.- Animated Short Films
The submitted works may not exceed 25 minutes, as a maximum duration.
The works must be delivered in a standard format compatible with most of the players on the market or sent in high-quality digital format.
• There will only be one category for this segment
• The works presented may be made with any animation method. Works that require stereoscopic viewing will not be admitted.
E.-University Short Film Competition
• The works must have a duration of at least 1 minute and a maximum of 10 minutes.
• The works must conform to the themes established by the festival
• The works must be in Spanish, if another language is incorporated, it must include subtitles embedded in the video.
The works in competition will be in a special section within the virtual platform of our streaming partner, in addition to an in-person exhibition within the festival.
The festival will request student accreditation, if it deems it appropriate.
For any work that has musical material registered in the Chilean Society of Musical Authors and Performers (SCD), you must attach a letter of authorization from the musicians where they assign the reproduction of the material delivered to SHFF within the works (which will be used for exhibitions). in the context of the festival), indicating that there is no profit purpose in this apart from the use of photographic materials, or others registered under licenses. (Item only applies to Chile categories)
The selected works must be sent along with the registration form provided by the festival through the following means:
• Via email
• Via Wetransfer, FTP, or some means that may be the best option for both parties
Material not registered through formal means, delivered by hand or given to a member of the production will NOT be accepted. Material delivered through these channels will be automatically discarded.
These data will be requested once the festival selects the participating works.
• Link teaser and/or trailer
• Qualification
• Synopsis (full / short)
• Duration
• Country
• Director and production details
• Telephone contacts
• Email address
• Data sheet
• Social networks of the work or the director
• Official poster (only applies to Feature Film, Short Film, Animation competitions), with 300 DPI quality.
The works can be presented from the day of publication of the bases until August 25, 2024
The jury will be made up of specialized members and both national and international guests.
The festival commission will select according to the following criteria:
• Originality and creativity of the work
• The relationship with the festival theme
• Artistic quality and script
Works already presented at other International festivals will be accepted, always declaring the circuits prior to this one.
Important: Works previously published on social networks, YouTube or any public or commercial media will not be accepted.
The works in competition will be announced before the festival publicly, through its different platforms, and the selected authors will also be notified via email provided by them.
Feature films:
• Best Feature Film
• Special mention Feature Film
• Best Ibero-American Feature Film
• Best feature film sound design
• Best Feature Film Photography
• Best Feature Film Performance
• Best Feature Film Screenplay
• Best Feature Film Special Effects
Short films:
• Best International Short Film
• Best National Short Film
• Best Animated Short Film
• Best short film sound design
Video clips:
• Best National Video Clip
• Best International Video Clip
University Short:
• Best Short Film
• Special Mention Short Film
The jury reserves the right to void the award if the quality of the works does not exceed minimum quality requirements.
If your project is selected, you must send it via download link in the following format:
Digital format:
• HD 1080p only with the following export
(send without menu, without adjustment bars and with 5 seconds of black at the beginning)
• H.264 codec
• Resolution: 1080p (minimum requirement)
• Audio Channels: 2 (stereo)
• Audio Sample Rate: 48kHz
• Audio Bit Depth: 16 or 24 bits
Works in a language other than Spanish must include embedded subtitles or, failing that, attach these in .srt format. If the selected work does not send the subtitles in Spanish or English before September 8, 2024, it will be disqualified and will be left out of the contest.
Production will determine the order and date of projection of the works. It will also announce the schedule and days of their screening in the SHFF media and platforms.
The works and their representatives at the time of submission have full knowledge of the bases and acceptance of the requirements to participate.
These bases may be subject to possible modifications and/or annexes for reasons beyond the control of the organization.
If you have any questions, please contact the organization by email at info@santiagohorror.com
Feature films / Largometrajes
Художественные фильмы >60' 140'< (2022+)
Стандартный тариф27$ -8% 24.84$
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Feature films:
The competition is aimed at the exhibition of feature-length films, in the fantasy and horror genres, including all their subgenres and variants (thrillers, documentaries, black humor, science fiction, etc.) in the formats established in the rules.
The feature films that participate in this category cannot have been previously exhibited in Chile, under any circumstances and by any means (not exclusive in the application, if the case warrants it).
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Feature Film Competition
Largometrajes (NACIONAL)
Короткие и художественные фильмы (2022+)
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
La competencia está orientada a la exhibición de películas de largometraje, en los géneros de fantástico, terror, incluyendo todos sus subgéneros y variantes (thrillers, documentales, humor negro, ciencia ficción, etc.) en los formatos establecidos en las bases.
Los largometrajes que participen en esta categoría no podrán haber sido exhibidas con anterioridad en Chile, bajo ningún concepto y por ningún medio (no excluyente en la postulación, si el caso lo amerita).
Esta categoría se subdividirá para efectos de inscripción, programación y premiación en:
• Competencia Largometraje Internacional
• Competencia Largometraje Nacional (Chile)
Short films
Короткие фильмы >1' 25'< (2022+)
Стандартный тариф15$ -8% 13.8$
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
The submitted works may not exceed 25 minutes, as a maximum duration.
The selected works must be delivered in a standard format compatible with most of the players on the market or sent in high-quality digital format.
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Short Film Competition
Cortometrajes (NACIONAL)
Короткие фильмы >1' 25'< (2022+)
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Los trabajos presentados no podrán superar los 25 minutos, como duración máxima.
Los trabajos seleccionados se deberán entregar en un formato estándar compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores existentes en el mercado o enviar en formato digital de alta calidad.
Esta categoría se subdividirá para efectos de inscripción, programación y premiación en:
• Competencia Cortometrajes Nacional (Chile)
Video clips
Короткие фильмы >1' 10'< (2021+)
Стандартный тариф10$ -8% 9.2$
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Video clips:
The competition is aimed at audiovisual producers, musical groups, video clip producers, independent artists and record companies.
The duration of the video clip may not exceed 10 minutes.
The theme is open to fantasy in its widest range, these can vary between black humor, animation, suspense, myths and legends, science fiction, horror, etc.
It is not permitted to use materials/content subject to intellectual property rights, of which the person who sent them or their representative is not the exclusive owner. The organization does not assume responsibilities arising from unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
This category will be subdivided for registration, programming and awarding purposes into:
• International Music Video Competition
Note: The prize will be awarded to the director or owner of the Video clip. The band can be a representative of the director or owner of the work.
The pre-selected video clips can be viewed at:
• Web page
• Festival RSS
• SHFF in all its communications of the pre-selected, finalist and winning video clips
In the digital sphere, the link to the artist's own YouTube or Vimeo channel will always be used, SHFF will never make personal use of the video clips.
Video clips (NACIONAL)
Короткие фильмы >1' 10'< (2021+)
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
La competencia es dirigida a realizadores audiovisuales, conjuntos musicales, productoras de videoclips, artistas independientes y compañías discográficas.
La duración del video clip no podrá exceder los 10 minutos.
La temática es abierta a la fantasía en su más amplia gamma estas pueden variar entre humor negro, animación, suspenso, mitos y leyendas, ciencia ficción, horror, etc.
No está permitido utilizar materiales/contenidos sometidos a derechos de propiedad intelectual, del que no sean propietarios exclusivos quien los envié o su representante. La organización no asume las responsabilidades que se deriven de un uso no autorizado de materiales sometidos a copyright.
Esta categoría se subdividirá para efectos de inscripción, programación y premiación en:
• Competencia Videoclip Nacional (Chile)
Nota: El premio será otorgado al director o dueño del Videoclip. La banda puede ser representante del director o dueño de la obra.
Los videoclips pre-seleccionados se podrán visionar en:
• Pagina WEB
• RSS del festival
• SHFF en todas sus comunicaciones de los videoclips pre-seleccionados, finalistas y ganadores
Siempre usará en el ámbito digital el link al canal de YouTube o Vimeo del propio artista, SHFF nunca hará uso personal de los videoclips.
Animated Short Films
Короткие фильмы >1' 25'< (2021+)
Стандартный тариф15$ -8% 13.8$
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Animated Short Films
The submitted works may not exceed 25 minutes, as a maximum duration.
The works must be delivered in a standard format compatible with most of the players on the market or sent in high-quality digital format.
• There will only be one category for this segment
• The works presented may be made with any animation method. Works that require stereoscopic viewing will not be admitted.
Cortometrajes de Animación (NACIONAL)
Короткие фильмы >1' 25'< (2021+)
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Cortometrajes de Animación
Los trabajos presentados no podrán superar los 25 minutos, como duración máxima.
Los trabajos se deberán entregar en un formato estándar compatible con la mayoría de los reproductores existentes en el mercado o enviar en formato digital de alta calidad.
• Solo existirá una categoría para este segmento
• Los trabajos presentados podrán estar realizados con cualquier método de animación. No se admitirán obras que requieran visionado estereoscópico.
University Short Film Competition International (NEW BLOOD)
Короткие фильмы >1' 10'< (2022+)
Стандартный тариф5$ -8% 4.6$
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
University Short Film Competition
• The works must have a duration of at least 1 minute and a maximum of 10 minutes.
• The works must conform to the themes established by the festival
• The works must be in Spanish, if another language is incorporated, it must include subtitles embedded in the video.
The works in competition will be in a special section within the virtual platform of our streaming partner, in addition to an in-person exhibition within the festival.
The festival will request student accreditation, if it deems it appropriate.
Competencia Universitaria de Cortometrajes Nacional (NUEVA SANGRE)
Короткие фильмы >1' 10'< (2022+)
Никакой платы
Крайний срок подачи заявок
25 авг 24
Competencia Universitaria de Cortometrajes
• Las obras deben tener una duración de al menos 1 minuto y máximo de 10 minutos.
• Las obras deberán ajustarse a las temáticas establecidas por el festival
• Las obras deben estar en idioma español, en caso de incorporar otro idioma deberá incluir subtítulos incrustados en el video.
Las obras en competencia estarán en una sección especial dentro de la plataforma virtual de nuestro socio streaming, además de una muestra presencial dentro del festival.
El festival solicitara acreditación estudiantil, si este lo estima conveniente
Para toda obra que cuente con material musical inscrito en La Sociedad Chilena de Autores e Intérpretes Musicales (SCD) deberá adjuntar una carta de autorización de los músicos donde cedan la reproducción del material entregado a SHFF dentro de las obras (el cuál será utilizado para exhibiciones en el contexto del festival), indicando que no hay fines de lucro en esta además de la utilización de materiales fotográficos, u otros registrados bajo licencias. (Ítem solo se aplica a las categorías de Chile)
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.
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