04 9月 22
01 5月 2022
04 9月 2022
22 10月 2022
21 10月 2022
22 10月 2022
映画祭の開始: 21 10月 2022 映画祭の終了: 22 10月 2022
The Association of Deaf People of Tolosaldea-Goierri, proposes to organize the XIII. International Festival of Cinema in sign Language, awards GAINDITZEN 2022. We will have a short film contest and on the other hand, we'll present documentary and feature films in sign language.
With this project we intend to bring the new artistic and technological tendencies to the group of Deaf people and provide a space for recognition and new opportunities for this group, which rarely finds barriers to participate in Numerous cultural activities.
The celebration of Awards "GAINDITZEN" 2022 will take place on october 22, in Tolosa, Guipúzcoa, Spain.
現金賞: 1,000€
The following prizes shall be awarded:
Prize for the best short film: 350€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Prize for the best direction: 100€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Award for best screenplay: 100€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Prize for best editing: 100€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Prize for the best photography: 100 €, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Prize for the best actress: 100€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Prize for the best actor: 100€, Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Youth Award: 100 €, Txapela (beret) and certificate. For the best direction by a director under 30 years of age.
Audience Award: Txapela (beret) and certificate.
Film Made or Starring a Listener: Txapela (Beret)
1st Prize for the best foreign short film: €350, Txapela (beret) and certificate
2st Prize for the best foreign short film: €200 and certificate
3st Prize for the best foreign short film: €125 and certificate
A ranking will be made according to the number of nominations obtained by each short film. The first 10 classified will be awarded with 125€.
K Prize, awarded by Gipuzkoan film clubs. K-shaped statuette and film screenings at film club sessions.
The organization will take care of the stay (the night of the public screening) and a dinner for one person representing each short film selected for the competition. The costs of companions and travel from the origin to Tolosa will be borne by the participants themselves.
If no representative attends the award ceremony, the economic allocation will be reduced by 50%.
If the winner of a prize is a hearing person, he will not receive the financial allowance.
The jury may award special mentions in different categories
All prizes will be subject to the corresponding withholding on Personal Income Tax.
1.1 All filmmakers/directors of short films, either individually or in groups, may participate. Those who are minors at the time of registration must have the authorization of their father/mother or legal guardian, indicating their details on the registration form.
2.1 The short films must be original, and may not have been selected in previous editions of this competition.
2.2 The theme of the short films shall be free, within the purely cinematographic narrative.
2.3 The short films must be in sign language and have Spanish subtitles.
2.4 They must have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes, including credits if any. The file formats can be MOV, MPEG4 or AVI. With a minimum resolution of 1080p FullHD.
2.5 Out-of-competition entries are allowed:
2.5.1 Short films that have been premiered in Festivals or demonstrations in Euskadi or Navarra. (With the possibility of changes decided by the organization).
2.5.2 Short films with a duration of less than 5 minutes.
2.5.3 Feature films and documentaries.
2.6 The following are not eligible to participate in the competition:
2.6.1 Reports, spots, video clips, etc.
3.1 Registration is free of charge
3.2 The registration period will begin the day after the publication of the rules on the website https://www.gainditzentolosa.com/ and will end on September 4, 2022.
3.3 Registration shall be carried out by sending the following documentation to the e-mail deaffilmstolosa@gmail.com
3.3.1 Completed registration form.
3.3.2 Photographs of the artistic and technical team.
3.3.3 Copy of ID/Passport.
3.3.4 Trailer with a maximum duration of 1 minute, with a minimum resolution of 720p.
3.3.5 Poster of the short film in .JPG or .PDF format and a maximum size of A3.
3.3.6 The film shall be sent through: WeTransfer or similar to the e-mail. deaffilmstolosa@gmail.com The festhome platform. https://festhome.com/ Postal mail (on a USB disk that will not be returned) to the following address
address: Association of Deaf People of Tolosaldea-Goierri (GAINDITZEN).
(GAINDITZEN). Emeterio Arrese Street, 2
20400 Tolosa (SPAIN)
3.4 Registration will be considered complete, once all the requested requirements have been received. No new registrations or changes to those already made will be accepted after September 5th.
4. prizes (Specified below)
5.1. All works received that comply with the rules of this call and meet the minimum requirements of quality and technical conditions, will pass to the selection phase.
5.2. Within a month or so, the commission will select the short films to be screened at the festival. The selection will be made public on the website and social networks of the organization and will be communicated by email to all participants.
5.3. The organization reserves the right to keep unselected entries for future editions.
6.1 The in-person and online screenings with the awards ceremony will take place in Tolosa (Guipuzcoa) on October 22, 2022 and on the live online platform that will be mentioned soon.
6.2 The organization reserves the right to organize future screenings within the Basque Autonomous Community. If any economic benefit is obtained from these screenings, it will be shared between the organization and the authors of the short films.
7.1 A jury appointed by the organization will award all the prizes except the audience award.
7.2 The audience award will be decided by a public vote on the same day as the awards ceremony, October 22 in Tolosa.
7.3 The organization will notify 4 nominees in each category by e-mail.
8.1 Under no circumstances will short films that do not respect human rights or democratic values, or that have offensive or disrespectful contents towards persons or groups be accepted for the contest.
8.2 The authors of the works cede to the Organization of the contest the exploitation rights of these, consisting of the reproduction and exhibition of the short film within the general framework of this contest, in any of its editions, as well as for advertising or promotional purposes of this, which will always be exercised with the recognition of their status as authors.
8.3 Any unforeseen eventuality arising in connection with the development of the XIII International Sign language Film Festival and the special situation we are experiencing as a result of the crisis of COVID 19, not expressly provided for in these rules, will be resolved in accordance with the criteria of the organization.
8.4 Respect towards all the people of the organization must be maintained. If any person has any inconvenience, he/she can ask for the complaint forms that will be available.
8.5 Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of its rules.
04 9月 22