Musical Écran Festival

Dates limites

30 sept. 2020
Appel à Inscriptions

17 janv. 2021
Festival fermé

16 févr. 2021
Date de notification

04 avril 2021
11 avril 2021


6 rue Pierre de Coubertin,  33000, BORDEAUX, Gironde, France

Description du Festival
Musical Documentary
Festival d court métrage >52'
Festival de long métrage

Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival International
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2020
 Pays de production: Tout
 Pays de tournage: Tout
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  >52'
 Toutes langues
English French
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux



Début du Festival: 04 avril 2021      Fin du Festival: 11 avril 2021

The Musical Écran film festival is a unique event in France, focusing mainly on music documentaries, which takes place each year during springtime in Bordeaux. During a week, the spotlight is on music docs and over 20 films from all over the world are screened and discussions between the audience and the directors are organized. The main venue of the festival is the beautiful Cinéma Utopia, a former church based in the city center of Bordeaux with 5 screening rooms.

Besides the screenings, we host free parties in a beautiful open air venue : the Cour Mably in Bordeaux with djs from all over the world.
2020 marks the 6th anniversary of the Musical Écran festival which will take place from April 12th to 19th.

Musical Écran is part of the Music Film Festival Network (M.F.F.N) founded at the beginning of 2019 made of over 10 European music film festivals based in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland the UK.. MFFN intends to provide an opportunity for the creative teams behind music film festivals to exchange experiences and best practices, promote music film (docs, fictions...) expand existing audiences and build ones...

Prix ​​en espèces: 1,500€

The jury awards the Best Documentary and a cash prize of 1000 € to the best doc

The audience vote for their favourite film in the competitive section and awards the Best Documentary and a cash prize of 500 € to the best doc


The theme of the submitted films must be explicitly music-based. Documentaries solely will be accepted to be part of the competitive section.

In order to learn more about the artistic direction of the festival, you can check out the programmes of the previous editions via the links below :


The festival will not accept films under 52 minutes
Only films produced after January 1st 2020 can be selected to be part of the competitve section in 2021.


Films must be entered by their directors, producers or their legal representatives.

The documentaries must be entered in their original language with either French or English subtitles.


The selection committee is composed of Aymeric Monségur (director of the Bordeaux Rock organization), Nicolas Guibert (programmer at the Cinéma Utopia) and Richard Berthou (vice-president of the Bordeaux Rock organization).

Directors whose films will be selected will be notified via email. Directors whose films will not be selected will not receive any notice.

When a film has been selected to be screened at the festival and an oral or written approval has been given by the film’s representative, it cannot be withdrawn.

The complete programme of the 7th edition of the festival will be communicated and uploaded on the website www.bordeauxrock.com and festival’s social networks at the beginning of March 2021.


When getting your selection notice, you must provide the files listed below to the following address : elodie@bordeauxrock.com
- a selection of pictures (minimal resolution of 300 dpi / copyrights must be written in the files’ titles) ;
- the file for the film trailer or teaser ;
- a synopsis of the film;
- any other material that you deem interesting for the promotion of the screening.

The participants allow Musical Écran festival to use a short extract of the film (up to 2 minutes) to promote the screening. The extract may be included in the festival’s trailer which will be broadcasted on the internet and at the Cinema Utopia up to two weeks before the festival before each film.

This short extract may also be included in the promotional video sent to the press in the form of a password protected Vimeo link compiling short excerpts of all the films screened at the 7th Musical Écran festival.


The directors or representatives of the selected films agree to forward a timecoded transcription of dialogues to the festival.

If the French subtitles for the film do not exist, the festival may handle their creation for some of the selected films.


The festival’s artistic committee sets the date, time and place of each screening for all the selected films.

The screening copies must be : DCP, bluray, DVD, mp4 file, .mov... and must get to us before January 17th 2021.
The mailing fees of the film copies will be borne by the sender. The copy must be mailed to :

Association Bordeaux Rock
6 rue Pierre de Coubertin
33000 Bordeaux

The festival will handle the return fees of the copy.

The directors in the official selection may be invited by the festival to present their film to the audience and do a Q&A following the screening.

Films that are part of the official selection compete for the following awards :
- the Jury prize : 1000€ grant, funded by the Bordeaux Rock organization ;
- the audience award : 500€ grant, funded by the Crédit Mutuel du Sud-Ouest.

The festival’s jury is made of 5 professionals from the world of film, music and the arts. They are all appointed by the festival’s organizers. They commit to watch all the films selected in the official competition and to award their prize to the winning film during the closing ceremony.

Each member of the audience attending a competitive screening is given a vote card and has to give between 1 to 5 points to the film. At the end of the festival, all cards are processed by the festival’s team. The film receiving most points, in proportion to the number of people voting, will be awarded the audience prize.

Awarded films will be reported on the festival’s website and social networks at the end of the festival. A press release will also be sent to all our press contacts.

Filmmakers, producers and distributors of the awarded films will add the Musical Écran laurel to all publicity, press material of the film.

Selection and award laurels will be sent by the Musical Écrean team.



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