Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor ()



10 5월 2024
출품 요청

31 7월 2024
영화제 마감

01 10월 2024

24 10월 2024
26 10월 2024



영화제 개요
단편 영화제 20'<

영화제 참가요건
 Music Video
 모든 테마
 출품 수수료는 없습니다.
 국가 영화제
 실제 위치
 1월 2023
 제작 국가: 필수
 촬영 국가: 기타
 감독 국적: 필수
 데뷔 영화 
 학교 프로젝트 
 단편영화  20'<
 모든 언어
소셜 네트워크에서 공유

Photo of Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor
Photo of Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor
Photo of Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor
Photo of Concurso De Cortometrajes Guadalcanal En corto Sonría Por Favor


영화제 시작: 24 10월 2024      영화제 끝: 26 10월 2024

The Cultural Area of ​​the Guadalcanal City Council (Seville) announces the VI Edition of the GUADALCANAL EN CORTO Short Film Festival 'Sonria, por favor', which will be held from October 24th to 26th, 2024.

현금 수상: 2,500€

The contest will award the following prizes in “Classic” mode:

- Guadalcanal Short Film Award “Sonría, por favor” for the best short film endowed with statuette and €1000.
- Guadalcanal Short Film Award “Sonría, por favor” for the second best short film with a statuette and €500.
- Canal Sur Radio and Television Award for Andalusian audiovisual creation, symbolized with the bronze statuette “The Dilemma”, which will be shown on public television Andalusian, according to the agreement signed with the winner. There will also be a prize €300 and statuette of the Guadalcanal City Council.
- Award for Best Animated Short Film with a statuette and €500.
- Audience Award for the best short film voted by the audience, endowed with statuette and €200.
- Mention for Best Female Performance with a statuette.
- Mention for Best Male Performance with a statuette.


1. The theme of the Guadalcanal en Corto festival is comedy and animation. All the Short films must be of Spanish nationality, except for the animated ones, which may be international as long as they have Spanish subtitles.

2. Short films can be silent or with incorporated sound, with Spanish being the language used. Short films in a language other than Spanish must contain Mandatory subtitles in Spanish.

3. The organization assumes that the owners of the short films presented hold all the rights to exhibit and promote the works and material they represent, and declines any responsibility regarding the violation of this rule.

4. The Jury will be made up of a group of people decided by the organization; his verdict will be unappealable, and the prize may be vacated if deemed appropriate and any doubt not contemplated in the rules may be considered.

5. The decisions of both the Selection Committee and the Official Jury will be final.

6. The organization reserves the right to reject a work due to poor image and/or sound quality.

7. The short films presented cannot have been presented in previous editions of this same festival.

8. Submitted Short films cannot be related to any member,
organizer or jury of the event.

9. The short films that are selected in the VI Short Film Contest
Guadalcanal in Short 'Sonría, por favor' may be exhibited within the cultural and non-profit activities organized by the Cultural Area of ​​the Guadalcanal City Council, such as, for example, the presentation to future festivals and the exhibition of the short finalists in neighboring towns.

10. The Guadalcanal Short Film Festival 'Sonría, por favor' will take place from October 24th to 26th, 2024 with the screening of the selected short films which will be public and free sessions that will take place at the 'Cine - Municipal' Theater of Guadalcanal.

In this sixth celebration of the festival, two modalities of presentation of the event will be held again, the classic modality and the 'Guadalcanal' modality.

The participation details of each option are explained below.


A. The characteristics of the short films must comply with points 1 and 2 of these rules.

Additionally, the completion date of the short film must be after January 1st, 2023.

B. The duration of the short films may not exceed 20 minutes including credits.

C. Participation in the short film festival is open to all filmmakers over 18 years of age, both individually and collectively, as long as they have Spanish nationality.

D. The deadline for delivery of work begins on May 10th, 2024 and ends on July 31st 2024 (both included).

E. Short films may be sent through the following means:

Distribution platform: Festhome.
Ordinary mail or courier, sending the material to the following address:
Guadalcanal City Council Cultural Area VI Guadalcanal Short Contest.
Plaza de España, 1 - 41390 Guadalcanal (Seville)
Delivery to the Guadalcanal City Hall Registry, from 09:00 to 13:00
hours from Monday to Friday in a sealed envelope that, in addition to the work, will contain the referred data to in point F.

F. All submissions will clearly state the information of the author(s), a photocopy of the director's DNI or similar; technical sheet, filmography of the author, the poster of the short film and a brief synopsis of it. Send in digital format or through the aforementioned Distribution Platforms.

G. The organization will carry out a prior selection. Once this is finished, the authors will be notified and then must send a screening copy of the selected short films along with a trailer or teaser of the same, which must be sent before September 6th, 2024 by Wetransfer or other platforms to for its screening in the official section.

H. The mandatory presentation formats will be: .MPEG or .MP4. .MOV (H264 compression) and 48khz 16-bit audio.




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