FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha ()

FECISO - Social Films International Festival (Castilla-la Mancha)


08 Feb 2024
Call for entries

05 May 2024
Festival closed

01 Sep 2024
Notification date

01 Oct 2024
31 Dec 2024


Avda. de la Estación, 64, 3º A. ,  45500, Torrijos, Toledo, Spain

Festival description
Social Issues
Short film festival 25'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2022
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  25'<
 Any language
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Photo of FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha
Photo of FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha
Photo of FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha
Photo of FECISO- Festival Internacional de Cine Social de Castilla-la Mancha


Festival start: 01 October 2024      Festival end: 31 December 2024

Aware of the importance of audiovisual media in Spanish society today and, trying to make them both a comunication and education media, to promote values of solidarity and tolerance, the International Social Film Festival of Castilla-La Mancha was born and it will be held in Toledo, It will continue in Toledo, Torrijos, Cuenca, Olías del Rey...

In this Festival are invited to take part to public and private entities that share the same concerns.

The Festival consists of several sections, including a contest of short and documentaries, social issues include: xenophobia, generational conflict, child labor, domestic violence, social roles, ecology, children's rights, coexistence, etc.

These 16 short and 6 documentaries, at most, spent the final competition, establishing the following awards:

- 1st Award to the best short film, endowed with sculpture. Add this year a Prize granted by the New Directors Platform, which consists of a 1 year membership for all PNR actions.
- 2nd Award o Young Award the best short film of young director under 30, endowed with sculpture.
- Biblioteca Solidaria Award, (voted by this jury) endowed with sculpture
- Documenta Award: to the best documentary, endowed with sculpture.
- Documenta Award 2, to the second most voted documentary.
- Young Jury Award, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best actress, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best actor, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best children/youth action, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Mentions at the discretion of the jury.
- The "Plena Inclusión" Award ( First and Second ) is created and it will be awarded to the documentary/short film that best reflects the physical and / or intellectual inability.
- Also the 6 best works will be selected.

The “European Union Values” Prize is being launched to promote a dialogue on the values set out in Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The prize will be awarded to the documentary or short film that best illustrates one or more of the EU values listed below or/and to the best advocates for the effective implementation of these values for all citizens living in the EU.

The organization will make a preliminary selection of up to 6 short films and 4 documentaries, which will be notified to the authors; The winning short films will be part of the official Festival program.

The winning short film or documentary will receive a bonus of 1,000 euros for the purchase of audiovisual and/or bibliographic material exchangeable at the establishment determined by the Representation of the European Commission in Spain. The Representation of the European Commission in Spain may broadcast the winning work or extracts from it (with mention of the authors and rights holders) on its channels. To do so, the winner may have to provide additional information on the image rights of the work. the people reproduced in the short film or documentary, as well as any other information necessary for its dissemination. It is understood that it transfers emission rights to the European Commission so that it can carry out the appropriate promotional actions.

Children section:
- “Friends of the children award” for de short film and documentary general that express in the best way the world of children.
- We will chose three works for each award
- The endowment is identical to other awards.


1.- Participation in the competition, shorts and documentaries is open to every filmmakers:
- over 16, both individually and collectively, regardless of nationality or residence.
-under 16 years olds, both individually and collectively, regardless of nationality or residence.

2.- The issue of short films and documentaries should be social, similar to those cited in the introduction of the bases, with completion date from 2022 levels.

3.- For, short films and / or documentaries, regardless of their original format may be delivered both in a video tape player, being the responsibility of the contestant shipping, and through the Internet via Festhome. Copies will be part of the file of the organizing body (FECISO).

4.- Films can be silent or built-in sound, being Spanish language used, otherwise must have subtitles in Spanish. Both documentaries and short films must not exceed 25 minutes.

5.- Each author and / or group may submit more than one short or documentary, not the novelty of being necessary and may have been awarded in other competitions

6.- Each shipment must record the author's data clearly, photocopy of ID, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, work title, length and original format, data sheet, biofilmography of the author, 2 frames of short, the cover of the work and brief synopsis of this. These data must be sent in digital format when hard copy is sent on DVD.

7.- Physical works will be sent to:

Cinema Festival. Short Film and Documentary Competition
Avda. de la Estación, 64, 3º A
45.500. Torrijos. (Toledo). SPAIN.

Shipments via the Internet through the Festhome.

8.- Registration dates: from 8 of February until 5 of May, 2024, 14:00 h.

9.- The organization makes a preliminary selection of up to 16 short films and 6 documentaries, which will be notified to the authors; winning short films will become part of the official program of the Festival.

10.- These 16 short and 6 documentaries, at most, spent the final competition, establishing the following awards:

- 1 st Award to the best short film, endowed with sculpture. Add this year a Prize granted by the New Directors Platform, which consists of a 1 year membership for all PNR actions.
- 2nd Award o Young Award the best short film of young director under 30, endowed with sculpture.
- Biblioteca Solidaria Award, (voted by this jury) endowed with sculpture
- Documenta Award: to the best documentary, endowed with sculpture. You will also be rewarded with a Distribution Prize.
- Documenta Award 2, to the second most voted documentary. You will also be rewarded with a Distribution Prize.
- Young Jury Award, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best actress, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best actor, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Award for best children/youth action, (short film) endowed with sculpture.
- Mentions at the discretion of the jury.
- The ''Plena Inclusión'' Award ( First and Second ) is created and it will be awarded to the documentary/short film that best reflects the physical and / or intellectual inability.
- Also the 6 best works will be selected.

The “European Union Values” Prize is being launched to promote a dialogue on the values set out in Article 2 of the Treaty of Lisbon and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The prize will be awarded to the documentary or short film that best illustrates one or more of the EU values listed below or/and to the best advocates for the effective implementation of these values for all citizens living in the EU:

Human dignity
Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected and constitutes the true basis of fundamental rights.

Freedom of movement gives citizens the right to move and reside freely within the Union. Individual freedoms, such as respect for private life, freedom of thought, religion, assembly, expression and information, are protected by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Human rights
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights protects human rights, including the right not to be discriminated against on grounds of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, the right to protection of personal data, and the right of access to justice.

Equality means that all citizens have the same rights before the law. The principle of equality between men and women underpins all European policies and is the basis of European integration. It applies in all areas. The principle of equal pay for equal work was introduced in the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

The functioning of the EU is based on representative democracy. A European citizen automatically enjoys political rights. All adult EU citizens have the right to vote and stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament. EU citizens have the right to vote and stand as candidates in their country of residence or in their country of origin.

The organization will make a preliminary selection of up to 6 short films and 4 documentaries, which will be notified to the authors; The winning short films will be part of the official Festival program.

The winning short film or documentary will receive a bonus of 1,000 euros for the purchase of audiovisual and/or bibliographic material exchangeable at the establishment determined by the Representation of the European Commission in Spain. The Representation of the European Commission in Spain may broadcast the winning work or extracts from it (with mention of the authors and rights holders) on its channels. To do so, the winner may have to provide additional information on the image rights of the work. the people reproduced in the short film or documentary, as well as any other information necessary for its dissemination. It is understood that it transfers emission rights to the European Commission so that it can carry out the appropriate promotional actions.

Children section:
- “Friends of the children award” for de short film and documentary general that express in the best way the world of children.
- We will chose three works for each award
- The endowment is identical to other awards.

11.- The jury will be composed of prominent figures of culture and cinema, its verdict is final and can leave any of the prizes without winner. The jury for the European Pillar of Social Rights awards will be composed of officials of the European Commission, representatives of the civil society and of prominent figures of culture and cinema. The Youth Jury is comprised of students from secondary schools. It is compulsory for the winners to receive their awards to be present at the awards gala.
For the ones who present to the under 16 category, the justices will be children of the Children Council and Teenagers of the city of Toledo, as other members of the council.
The jury of the award Biblioteca Solidaria will be composed of associations and social entities designed by Biblioteca Solidaria.
The jury of Plena Inclusión will be cinformed by members of this entity.
The jury of documental will be conformed of Atmistía Internacional In CLM.
The awarded must come to received the prize in person, in case of impossibility justificated, must assign someone.

12.- Contestants are responsible for the short films presented are not subject to any legal claim.

13. The organization reserves the right to modify any point of these rules if circumstances require it, the organization would advise.

14.- Contestants yield emission allowances to the festival for educational and non-profit use.

15.- Whit the objective of promote more the work selected, you can watch them on line for free for a month once the Festival has ended on the web site.

16.- Participation in this competition implies acceptance of its bases.



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