Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI (63)

Cartagena International Film Festival- FICCI


09 Sep 2024
Call for entries

17 Dec 2023
Festival closed

02 Apr 2025
Notification date

01 Apr 2025
06 Apr 2025


Centro, Calle San Juan de Dios • OFC: Baluarte San Francisco Javier,  130001, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

Festival description
Cierre a las 23:59:59 hora Colombia
Short film festival 30'<
Feature film festival

Qualifier festival logo qualifying festival FIAPF accredited festival logo Accredited
Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  30'<
 Feature Films 
 Any language
Spanish English
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Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI

Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI
Photo of Festival Internacional De Cine De Cartagena De Indias- FICCI


Festival start: 01 April 2025      Festival end: 06 April 2025

The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival is a cinematographic event socially and
culturally minded and by choice, free for anyone to access. FICCI constantly reads the particular
circumstances of our country and our world to produce every year a world class version of our
festival, guided by the preservation of freedom and the amplification of the cultural conversation
through films and academic events that are relevant, humane, subtle, sophisticated and act as a vehicle to enhance human consciousness, expand democracy and help create free, progressive
and inclusive societies.

The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) is the oldest and most permanent
forum in the Americas for Colombian, Ibero-American and world cinema. Being an active part of the world cinema map since 1960, in the 63rd edition, it will continue to provide spaces for memory, reflection, diverse voices, and as always, for the best

The Festival values the creative freedom of the world’s filmmakers and has space for films of any
format, length, nationality, theme, genre or technique, that meet the highest standards of quality, take on narrative risks, and propose contents of great human and cinematic relevance, pertinence, and sustainability.

Cash Prizes: 95,000$

2. Documinds
Section of documentary feature films from Colombia, Ibero-America and the world. The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for documentaries (Documentary Films Qualifying Festival List) at the Academy Oscar Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American documentary features participating in the respective sections will be put to a vote among the members of Alados (Colombian Corporation of Documentalists ALADOS Colombia) and taking into account that vote, the Curator Committee of the festival will notify the Academy and the production house of the title of the documentary that has been chosen.

3. People who make movies and what movies do to people
Section of documentary or fiction feature films with any nationality, where the crew and the process are important parts of the documentary itself, that is, where the production and the talent that makes the documentary behind the scenes, also participates significantly in the narrative that is built in front of the camera.

The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for documentaries (Documentary Films Qualifying Festival List) at the Academy Oscar Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American documentary features participating in the respective sections will be submitted to a vote among the members of Alados (Colombian Corporation of Documentalists ALADOS Colombia) and taking into account

4. Short Wave
Section of documentary or fiction shorts of Ibero-American nationality.

The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for short films (Short Films Qualifying Festival List) at the Academy Oscar Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American short films that participate in the section, will be submitted to a vote among the members of the Curator Committee of the Festival, and taking into account that vote, the Academy and the production company will be notified of the title of the short film that has been chosen. This also applies to all FICCI sections for which Ibero-American short films are eligible.

13.1 Infra Red Documentary
Post-production services for a Colombian documentary feature film worth USDUS $ 15,000 granted by CINECOLOR:
-Online creation of the final edition from original material, xml and / or edl, video reference and editing project.
-5 Shifts of Color Grading 4K theatrical.
-5 Shifts of Final Mix Dolby 7.1, Master DCP with DCI standards, includes version with subtitles, the award winner will deliver the subtitles in .srt format
-Master ProRes 444 and textless.

13.2 Long Infra Red
Post-production services for a Colombian fiction feature film for a value of USD $ 15,000 granted by CINECOLOR.
The winning project will receive post-production services from a finished dpx sequence, and an audio premix in a protocol session for separate channels and the subtitle list in .xlm format, in order to carry out the necessary processes for the following formats:
- 2 Shift Color Grading 4K theatrical adjustment.
-10 Shifts of Final Mix Dolby 7.1Master DCP with DCI standards, includes version with subtitles, the prize winner will deliver the subtitles in .srt format
-Master ProRes 444 and textless.

13.3 Short Infra Red
Post-production services for a Colombian short film, not exceeding 30 minutes, worth USD $ 5,000 granted by CINECOLOR.
The winner must supply an AppleProRes file or .tiff sequence, and final mix 5.1 for:
-2 Shift Color Adjustment Grading 4K theatrical
-2 Shifts of Final Mix Adjustment Room Dolby 7.1Master DCP with DCI standards, includes version with subtitles, the winner of the award will deliver the subtitles in .srt format
-Master ProRes 444 and textless.

13.4 PortLab
Post-production services for an Ibero-American documentary feature film for a value of USD $ 15,000 granted by CINECOLOR:
-5 Shifts of Color Grading 4K theatrical.
-5 Shifts of Final Mix Dolby 7.1, Master DCP with DCI standards, includes version with subtitles, the award winner will deliver the subtitles in .srt format
-Master ProRes 444 and textless.
-Films by Ibero-American directors whose main production company is based in an Ibero-American country may participate.



-They are valid for 1 year from the announcement of winners made by the festival.

-For the execution of the award, the winning projects must have in their final stage the assembly, design and / or sound premix, initial and final credits, visual effects and other graphic elements that are part of the audiovisual piece.

-The winners of the awards will contact CINECOLOR COLOMBIA to make the reservation of the shifts and processes at least 1 month in advance.


April 16-21 | 2024

The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival is a cinematographic event socially and
culturally minded and by choice, free for anyone to access. FICCI constantly reads the particular
circumstances of our country and our world to produce every year a world class version of our
festival, guided by the preservation of freedom and the amplification of the cultural conversation
through films and academic events that are relevant, humane, subtle, sophisticated and act as a vehicle to enhance human consciousness, expand democracy and help create free, progressive
and inclusive societies.
The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) is the oldest and most permanent
forum in the Americas for Colombian, Ibero-American and world cinema.
Being an active part of the world cinema map since 1960, in the 63rd edition, it will continue to
provide spaces for memory, reflection, diverse voices, and as always, for the best

The Festival values the creative freedom of the world’s filmmakers and has space for films of any
format, length, nationality, theme, genre or technique, that meet the highest standards of quality,
take on narrative risks, and propose contents of great human and cinematic relevance, pertinence, and sustainability.

None of the 14 Sections called are competitive. Once selected to be part of one of our sections,
all curated films will have access to screenings, contacts with sales agents, distributors,
exhibitors, press, co-producers and all the advantages of being selected to be part of FICCI 63.

The dates to apply to our 14 Sections through the www.festhome.com platform, are:

Thursday, September 7th, 2023

*Extended deadline:
Sunday, December 17th, 2023

*Selection notifications:
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

All Official Sections, as well as the Work in Progress (WIP) called on this platform will receive
projects until 23 hours: 59 minutes: 59 seconds, Colombian time (GMT-5), on Sunday the seventeenth
(17th) of December 2023.
It is necessary to inform the projects participating in this call, that their application does not imply
acceptance nor *benefits until they are selected by the Curator Committee of the Festival.


All sections will be curated by a Committee integrated by Colombian and foreign film experts and filmmakers. The Curatorial Committee will be free to invite any film to participate in sections different from the one it has applied to, if they deem it relevant.
In the same way, this Curatorial Committee will have the freedom to place the work of the participant in the category that most closely resembles the content of its proposal, so that no film is exempt from category changes, regardless of its initial postulation of preference.

0. Muestra Zero / (S)paces of time

"(S)paces of time" sets out in search of cinematic expressions without limits. A section with film formats of all genres and all nationalities whose contents and/or aesthetics deal with spaces of time. Muestra Cero 2024 is a platform for innovative and ambitious forms of expression in film that reflect temporal possibilities from a narrative, conceptual, aesthetic and/or acoustic point of view.

1. Fictions from here, there and further away
Fiction feature length films from Colombia, Ibero-America and the world.

1.1 From Here
Fiction feature films with Colombian legal and cultural nationality. (Fictions from Colombia)

1.2 From There
Fiction feature films with Ibero-American legal and cultural nationality. (Fictions from Latin
America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)

1.3 From Further Away
Fiction feature films with legal and cultural nationality from countries other than Colombia and
Ibero-America (Fictions from the United States, Canada, Non-Iberian Europe, Africa, Asia and

2. Documinds
Section for documentary feature films from Colombia, Ibero-America and the world.

FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for documentaries (Documentary Films Qualifying
Festival List) at the Academy Oscar Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American
documentary features participating in the respective sections will be put to a vote among the
members of Alados (Colombian Corporation of Documentalists ALADOS) and taking into account
that vote, the Curator Committee of the festival will notify the Academy and the production house
of the title of the documentary that has been chosen. This also applies to all FICCI sections for which Ibero-American documentary features are eligible.

2.1 Homemade
Feature documentaries with Colombian legal and cultural nationality. (Documentaries from

2.2 Something to Declare
Documentary feature films with Ibero-American legal and cultural nationality. (Documentaries
from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)

2.3 Globo - Globe
Feature documentaries with legal and cultural nationality from countries other than Colombia and
Ibero-America. (Documentaries from the United States, Canada, Non-Iberian Europe, Africa, Asia
and Oceania)

3. People who make films and what films do to people
Section for documentary, animation, essay or fiction feature films with any nationality, where the crew and the process are important parts of the document itself, that is, where the production and the talent that makes the document behind the scenes, also participates significantly in the narrative that is built in front of the camera.

4. Short Wave
Section for documentary, animation, essay or fiction shorts of Ibero-American nationality.

The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for short films (Short Films Qualifying Festival List) at the Academy Oscar Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American short films that
participate in any section, will be submitted to a vote among the members of the Curator
Committee of the Festival, and taking into account that vote, the Academy and the production
company will be notified of the title of the short film that has been chosen. This also applies to all FICCI sections for which Ibero-American short films are eligible.

5. Cortizona
Section for short documentary, animation, essay or fiction films made by students with Colombian nationality from any university or academy in Colombia or the world.

6. De Indias
Section for short and feature films, documentaries, animation, essay or fiction, with Colombian legal and cultural nationality, that have been shot in Cartagena as a main location, or by production houses or filmmakers established in Cartagena. Exercises and audiovisual searches developed in schools, universities or groups of Cartagena considered relevant for the future of the city’s cinema will be considered.

7. Heat Waves
Section for documentary, animation, essay or fiction feature films with legal and cultural nationality of any country that has a coast on the Caribbean Sea.

8. Inland
Section for short and feature films, documentaries, animation, essay or fiction, with Colombian legal and cultural nationality, that have been shot in Colombian cities, towns or territories with great shortages of cinematographic infrastructure and that, according to the criteria of the Curator Committee, should be included in this Section, designed to promote contact between the Festival audiences and the cinema of the territories that seeks opportunities to be exhibited.

9. Omnivore
Section for short and feature films, documentary, animation, essay or fiction, of any genre and with any nationality that proposes experimental and novel narratives and searches.

10. Afro Cinema
Section for short or feature-length documentaries, animation, essay or fiction films produced in the Americas and whose central theme revolves around the Afro-descendant Communities, their cultures, realities, representations and claims.

11. Indigenous Cinema
Section for short or feature-length documentaries, animation, essay or fiction films produced in the American continent and whose central theme revolves around the Indigenous Communities of our America, their cultures, realities, representations and claims.

12. Animotion
Section for short or feature films, documentary, essay or fiction, of any genre and with any nationality developed and produced with any animation technique.

13. Infra Red
Support section for film completion.
WORK IN PROGRESS (WIP). Four grants worth USD $ 50,000 granted by CINECOLOR, aimed at Colombian fiction feature films, Colombian documentary feature films, Colombian short films and Ibero-American documentary or fiction feature films that are at an advanced stage of editing and are ready to move on to the next stage of post-production.

13.1 Infra Red Documentary
Colombian documentary feature films with final cut but without conformation, colorization, Dolby
mix and master DCP. Aid of USD $ 15,000 in post-production services.

13.2 Infra Red Fiction
Colombian fiction feature films with final cut but without conformation, colorization, Dolby mix and
master DCP. Aid of USD $ 15,000 in post-production services.

13.3 Infra Red Short
Colombian short films with final cut but without conformation, colorization, Dolby mix and master
DCP. Aid of USD $ 5,000 in post-production services.

13.4 PuertoLab
Documentary or fiction feature films from Ibero-America with final cut but without conformation,
colorization, Dolby mix and master DCP. Aid of USD $ 15,000 in post-production services.

A call is an Adherence Contract and whoever registers a film in any of the proposed sections by
the FICCI 63 on this platform, signs that contract in the terms that are published here.
It is understood that the contract is law for the parties, in accordance with article 1602 and S.S. of the Colombian Civil Code, so when registering your film you are bound by the conditions
established in this call and in those provided by the regulations governing cinematographic
activity, Law 397 of 1997, Law 814 of 2003, Decree 763 of 2009, Decree 1080 of 2015 and Resolution 1021 of 2016.


All sections, without exception, must be subject to the following general rules:
A. Comply with the condition of being feature films or short films, fiction, essay, documentary, animation or experimental, exercises or audiovisual pieces in accordance with what is required in the call.

B. Submit to whether or not the Curating Committee considers them feature films or short films, fiction, essay, documentary, animation or experimental, exercises or audiovisual pieces in accordance with what is required in the particular call, according to considerations that they find relevant and to accept the decision of the Committee.

C. Submit to all the decisions that the Curator Committee adopts, be them to include feature films or short films, fiction, essay, documentary, animation or experimental, exercises or audiovisual pieces in the section that the committee finds most convenient, or not to include it in any section of the edition 63 of the FICCI, this, taking into account the faculty of the Curator Committee to redefine the category in which it can or cannot participate.

D. The sections will not be competitive and being part of a section will give all productions press
opportunities, public exposure, contact with the industry, producers, sales agents, exhibitors,
distributors, academia and moviegoers and filmmakers in general. Some sections listed under the heading "exceptions" at the end of these general conditions, could include special incentives for one or more of their productions.

E. The productions that are registered for selection by the Curator Committee cannot have had
previous exhibitions in Colombia under any form of public communication. Thus, in order to be considered and selected by the curatorial committee, the film must maintain the Colombian premiere status.

F. All productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces must have a projection copy in one of the
following formats: DCP, Apple ProRes 4444, Bluray or H264 Full HD or higher.

G. Only productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces produced and/or released worldwide in the
years 2023 and 2024 will be considered.

H. The cultural nationality of the productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces will be decided by
the Curator Committee in accordance with the criteria it deems relevant.

I. The decisions to include, exclude, reclassify, schedule a film in several sections or not to
include it in any section made by the Curating Committee will be final.

J. The Curator Committee is made up of a group of filmmakers and experts who share criteria
with the artistic direction of the organization and are in charge of visualizing and deliberating on
which productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces will or will not be part of the sections.

K. Language and subtitling: Productions spoken in Spanish must have English subtitles; those
spoken in English must have Spanish subtitles; and those spoken in languages other than
Spanish or English, must have subtitles in Spanish and English.

L. All productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces must register through Festhome
(www.festhome.com). The programming area of the International Film Festival of Cartagena de
Indias FICCI edition 63, will be in charge of *reviewing, selecting and inviting the films, exercises or audiovisual pieces that have been registered on the Festhome platform, to be part of the different sections as decided by the Curator Committee.

M. If the call is closed and the Curator Committee considers that the titles registered through the
Festhome platform do not meet their expectations, they can freely invite and at their discretion,
any productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces to be part of the sections of the festival and
special programs, even if they have not been entered by the Festhome platform.

N. In exceptional cases, given the pertinence or relevance of the films, the Curator Committee
may include, if they choose to, titles made prior to 2023 and 2024, in any sections as they find it

O. The productions selected for the different sections of FICCI 63 will be informed of the policies and conditions of the Festival related to the coverage and validity of the policies that cover possible damages and/or losses of the material sent.


In all the sections proposed on this platform, for FICCI 63, all feature films or short films, fiction, essay, documentary, animation or experimental, exercises or audiovisual pieces, may be made from real images or any form of animation and will have absolute freedom in terms of theme, content, aesthetics, point of view and form.

4. Short Wave
Fiction, essay, animation or documentary short films of Ibero-American nationality
Comply with the condition of being a fiction or documentary short film of Ibero-American
nationality, which duration does not exceed 30 minutes.

5. Cortizona
Fiction, essay, animation and documentary short films made by Colombian students from any university or academy in Colombia or the world.
The works registered in this section will not pay the registration fees on the Festhome platform.
Comply with the condition of being a fiction, essay, animation or documentary short film with Colombian cultural nationality made by Colombian students from any university in Colombia and the world, whose duration does not exceed 30 minutes.

8. Inland
Section of short and feature films, documentaries, essay, animation or fiction, with Colombian legal and cultural nationality, that have been shot in Colombian cities, towns or territories with great shortages of cinematographic infrastructure and that, according to the criteria of the Curator Committee, should be included in This section designed to promote contact between the Festival's audiences and the cinema of the territories that are looking for opportunities to be exhibited.
The works registered in this section will not pay the registration fees on the Festhome platform

This call is adjusted and in force of Law 814 of 2013 and other regulations consistent with the

The Curator Committee will have total freedom and autonomy to establish which cities, towns and
territories have shortages of cinematographic infrastructure, which merit that the films or
audiovisual pieces produced in those geographies be considered for participation in this section.

For all Ibero-American documentaries that participate in any section of the FICCI 63.

The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for documentaries (Documentary Films Qualifying
Festival List) at the Academy Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The documentary feature films from Ibero-America that participate in the respective sections will be submitted to a vote among the members of Alados (Colombian Corporation of Documentary Filmmakers ALADOS) and taking this vote into account, the Festival Curator Committee will notify the Academy and the production company of the title of the documentary that has been chosen.

For any Ibero-American short film that participates in any section of the FICCI 63.

The FICCI is part of the festivals that qualify for short films (Short Films Qualifying Festival List) at the Academy Awards (www.oscars.org/rules). The Ibero-American short films that participate in
the respective sections will be submitted to a vote among the members of the Festival's Curator
Committee, and taking that vote into account, the Academy and the production company will be
notified of the title of the short film that has been chosen.

13. Infra Red
All films chosen to get an aid as a WIP, Infra Red Documentary, Long Infra Red, Short Infra Red
and PuertoLab, as they receive the stimulus from CINECOLOR COLOMBIA, they commit
themselves to include in their head credits, promotional and press material a mention of the grant received and the logos of Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival FICCI and CINECOLOR
- All grants or aids expire a year after the official announcement is officially made by the Festival.
- In order to execute the postproduction services granted by CINECOLOR, all winning films must
have finished the final stages for editing, sound design, premix, credits, VFX, and any graphic
piece that will go into the final film.
- All winners will contact CINECOLOR to book their shifts and schedules at least one month in

13.1 Infra Red Documentary
Post-production services for a Colombian documentary feature film for USDUS $ 15,000 granted
Colour adjustments, Dolby mix, master DCP, Prores 444 5.1 + 2.0, final viewing and check up on
a film theatre screen.

13.2 Long Infra Red
Post-production services for a Colombian fiction feature film for USD $ 15,000 granted by
Colour adjustments, Dolby mix, master DCP, Prores 444 5.1 + 2.0, final viewing and check up on
a film theatre screen.

13.3 Short Infra Red
Post-production services for a Colombian short film, not exceeding 30 minutes, for USD $ 5,000
granted by CINECOLOR.
Colour adjustments, Dolby mix, master DCP, Prores 444 5.1 + 2.0, final viewing and check up on
a film theatre screen.

13.4 PuertoLab
Post-production services for an Ibero-American documentary feature film for USD $ 15,000
granted by CINECOLOR.
Colour adjustments, Dolby mix, master DCP, Prores 444 5.1 + 2.0, final viewing and check up on
a film theatre screen.
- Films by Ibero-American directors whose main production company is based in an Ibero-
American country may participate.
- Projects that have been part of past submissions to PuertoLab won´t be considered. However, if
the project has undergone substantial changes you can contact us explaining the new
circumstances and the Curator Committee will evaluate and decide.
- The Producer or Director of each one of the project selected in this section commits to be
present in Cartagena to represent the film before the Curator Committee and other members of
the industry, sales agents, distributors, festival programmers, funds and postproduction
- The projects that are selected for PuertoLab must send to FICCI all required materials
- Productions spoken in Spanish must have English subtitles; those spoken in English must have
Spanish subtitles; and those spoken in languages other than Spanish or English, must have
subtitles in Spanish and English.


* Opening: date on which the public call opens for interested producers to register their projects in
the different sections of the festival called.
* Closing: date until which the producers will be able to register their projects through the platform
* Selection notification: Date on which the organization will communicate the decision to select
the projects that will participate in one of the sections of the festival.
*Benefits: Press opportunities, exposure to the public, contact with industry, producers, sales agents, exhibitors, distributors, academia and film buffs and filmmakers in general.
*Curatorial Committee: The Curatorial Committee is made up of a group of cinephiles and experts who share criteria with the artistic direction of the organization and are in charge of visualizing and deliberating on which productions, exercises or audiovisual pieces will or will not be part of the sections.
*Viewing: The exercise of reviewing a production in its entirety and evaluating the possibilities of integrating it or not into a section of the festival.

Ficciones de aquí, de allá y acullá
De Indias

WIP Infra Rojo


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