Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Unproduced and produced feature-length screenplays between 70 and 130 pages in length
13 Jan 2025
Call for entries
31 Jan 2025
Early deadline
28 Feb 2025
Standard deadline
31 Mar 2025
Late deadline
31 Aug 2025
Extended deadline
14 Sep 2025
Notification date
20 Jun 2026
20 Jun 2026
Festival start: 20 June 2026 Festival end: 20 June 2026
Celebrating Outstanding Filmmakers and Writers from all over the world
The Bollywood USA International Film Festival is a highly esteemed and prestigious event that celebrates the vibrant, colorful, and diverse world of cinema from around the globe. This remarkable festival is an essential platform for filmmakers, talented actors, and industry professionals to come together and showcase their outstanding work. It features an array of films, including captivating feature films, thought-provoking documentaries, engaging short films, inspiring music videos, creative screenplays, and even novels that have been adapted for the screen.
This festival promotes cross-cultural understanding and encourages the appreciation of cinema internationally. The event attracts a diverse audience, allowing viewers to experience a rich tapestry of storytelling that transcends geographical boundaries. By highlighting various cinematic styles and narratives, the Bollywood USA International Film Festival plays a crucial role in fostering dialogue among different cultures and paving the way for future collaborations within the global film industry.
Don’t forget feedback, which is the one element most festivals ignore.
We don't just charge you a fee and ignore you if you're rejected.
With us, rejected films have access to feedback, the one element most festivals ignore.
Instead of paying submission fees and getting nothing in return, EVERYONE who submits to BUIFF will receive EITHER OF TWO benefits:
Either 1) your film is already competition caliber and becomes an Official Selection,
OR 2): You’ll receive a letter outlining exactly what prevents it from being accepted.
If you can make corrections, you can resubmit for FREE.
First-time filmmakers: when have you ever received a letter and had the festival explain WHY your film was rejected?
Much less let you resubmit for FREE, even the following season (In case you did not have enough time to fix it)
Top-winning films at our other successful festivals have already received distribution through our exclusive distributor relationships:
- Guaranteed distributor review by Worldwide Motion Pictures for features, Adler & Associates for features and shorts, “Cardinal XD Distribution and CCS Releasing among others that visit our online network,, every so often.
All for selected: Best of Festival.
- Other festivals claim to invite distributors to a venue: We Deliver Them To You Directly, Guaranteed.
- BUIFF is a live screening festival and virtual competition: We invest in getting distributor recognition for quality films to give them a life beyond a one-time festival showing.
We live-screen only the Best of Festival winners.
Our screening event is to collect audience reactions to be used by our distributors. We don't conduct after-screening networking parties or seminars.
Video interviews of the viewing audience may be conducted and shown on
- BUIFF, with WRPN.TV Entertainment Network, also offers a unique opportunity to show your film to a worldwide community of video fans from dozens of countries that filmmakers would not normally have access to as an optional online video exposure opportunity. This feature is available for "Best Of festival," “Best Of Show,” “Outstanding Excellence,” “Excellence,” and even some “Exceptional Merit” winners.
BUIFF, in cooperation with our distribution colleagues, is proud to offer guaranteed
distributor review to the top winners in Best of Festival Category*:
"Best of Festival Award: Selected by genre, category, and country. Presented to outstanding entries from among the Best of Show Winners."
"Best of Show" is selected by genre, category, and country, so there will be over one BOS, i.e., BOS Documentary (Domestic), BOS Documentary (Foreign), and so on.
* (If there is insufficient competition within any category, BUIFF reserves the right to withdraw a "Best of" presentation in that category.)
Other award levels include:
“Outstanding Excellence,”
" Excellence,"
" Exceptional Merit,"
"Jury's Choice Award,"
" Merit,"
"Kudos Endeavor,"
Get your winning scripts submitted to Polaris Pictures, a film finance company.
Polaris does not accept unsolicited submissions.
If your screenplay is rejected, we will tell you the reason (s), and you can re-submit it up to 30 days before the last deadline or for free the following season.
The Bollywood USA International Film Festival accepts unproduced and produced feature-length screenplays 70 to 130 pages, short scripts under 40 pages, Teleplays 45 to 70 pages, and Webisode pilots 10 to 20 pages.
What makes us different?......
To ensure that each screenplay or film is read, studied, and rated individually, BUIFF has instituted a system where entries do not compete against each other but are recognized for their own individual merits.
For all intents and purposes, they compete against themselves: each entry is judged on individual merits and scored on an inherent value system.
When it is your turn to be evaluated, the judge will focus on your screenplay or film, not on all the other screenplays or films in cue. This will ensure that they do not make comparisons when they should be focused entirely on you.
Top-winning films at our other successful festivals have already received distribution through our exclusive distributor relationships.
Worldwide Motion Pictures guarantees distributor review for features, Adler & Associates for features and shorts, Cardinal XD Distribution, and CCS Releasing, among others that visit our online network,, often.
All for selected: Best of Festival.
-- Other festivals claim to invite distributors to a venue: We Deliver Them To You Directly, Guaranteed.
- A festival that runs as a web-based competition PLUS, Best of Festival Award winners will screen at sponsored Event Rehoboth Beach, DE 2024
-BUIFF, with WRPN.TV Entertainment Network also offers a unique opportunity to show your film to a worldwide community of video fans from dozens of countries that filmmakers would not usually have access to in the form of an optional online video exposure opportunity. This feature is available for "Best Of Festival," “Best Of Show,” “Outstanding Excellence,” “Excellence,” and even some “Exceptional Merit” winners.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Unproduced and produced feature-length screenplays between 70 and 130 pages in length
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Novels in all genres and lengths. Must include a description, between 150 and 250 words and only three paragraphs. Novels can be up to 120,000 word range. NO VIDEOS PLEASE Action and Adventure Genre. ... Comedy Genre. ... Fantasy Genre. ... Horror Genre. ... Mystery Genre. ... Drama Genre. ... Science Fiction Genre. ..
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative feature FILM, 60-115 minutes: NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative feature FILM, 60-115 minutes: NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative feature FILM, 60-115 minutes: NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative feature FILM, 60-115 minutes: NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative films produced up until, and including, 2008; any length, any genre. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any production that doesn't fit any of the others and is considered innovative/groundbreaking. Any length
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Narrative feature FILM (NO SCREENPLAYS), 60-115 minutes, any genre. Actors and crew must be UNPAID. No fee-paid original music scores---music must be from pre-recorded software or associates who do it for free. Any entrants who are found not to meet these requirements will be disqualified.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any FILM, any length, produced strictly in a documentary style format ("based on a true story," "inspired by a true story," and "docudramas" do NOT qualify). NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Films with religious/faith topics.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Stage Play. Written form only. No video.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any FILM, any length, with inspirational, religious, or moral themes relating to the triumph of the human spirit, taking on the challenge to 'do what's right,' making the world a better place somehow, etc. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any FILM with a running time of 15-59 minutes. ANY GENRE! NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Music Video, any length.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Super short FILMS with a running time under 15 minutes. ANY GENRE! NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Feature or short FILMS produced by students. Must have proof of student enrollment. Student fees are always $40.00, regardless of deadline status. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Episodic TV shows, 60 minutes or less. ANY GENRE! NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any TV Commercial 1 minute or less
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any Public Service Announcement, any length.
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any animated feature or short, any length (may include live-action segments).
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Films relating to various sports. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any FILM series produced in a webisode format, length, or genre. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any FILM produced using alternate filming methods (i.e., cell phone), length, or genre. (Please: no ‘home movie’ type submissions. This is for scripted plots only) NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
Any genre of FILM (drama, comedy, documentary, inspirational, etc.), and length (short or feature), related to the LGBT community/lifestyle. NO SCREENPLAYS
Submissions deadline
31 Aug 25
FILM genre encompasses films where the content and style – often artistic or experimental – adhere with as little compromise as possible to the filmmakers’ artistic vision. The narrative is often in the social realism style with a focus on the characters’ contemplation of their existence or immediate concerns. Great for any film with an artistic flair that does not adhere to a 'typical' category. It can be short or feature-length. NO SCREENPLAYS
Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.