Festibaldo, Festival de curtmetratges del barri de Sant Roc ()

Festibaldo, Sant Roc Short Film Festival


06 Nov 2024
Call for entries

27 Nov 2024
Festival closed

01 Apr 2025
Notification date

06 Nov 2024
27 Nov 2024


Av. Marquès de Montroig, 178 ,  08918, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >3' 15'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2024
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >3' 15'<
 Any language
Catalan Spanish
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Photo of Festibaldo, Festival de curtmetratges del barri de Sant Roc
Photo of Festibaldo, Festival de curtmetratges del barri de Sant Roc
Photo of Festibaldo, Festival de curtmetratges del barri de Sant Roc
Photo of Festibaldo, Festival de curtmetratges del barri de Sant Roc


Festival start: 06 November 2024      Festival end: 27 November 2024

The FestiBaldo was born with great enthusiasm and also a lot of effort, in the Sant Roc neighborhood (Badalona), in 2022. It is a festival organized by the 4th year ESO students of the Institut Escola Baldomer Solà.

Given that we, the 4th year ESO students, are at the end of the road at this educational stage, we are faced with concerns, fears and many doubts about the future, so we would like to see the representation of adolescents who are in the same situation as us.

The festival will have the following prizes:

-Award for the best professional short film.

-Popular jury award for the best short film.

-Award for the best short film in Catalan.

-Audience Award for Best Short Film

- Award for the best child short film.

1. Short films from all countries of the world can participate in FestiBaldo. The short films must have a maximum length of 15 minutes, and must have been made after 2023.

2. Festibaldo is divided into two sections, the PETIT FESTIBALDO aimed at students from 10 to 12 years old and the FESTIBALDO aimed at students from 14 to 16 years old. IMPORTANT: select which section the short film is sent to.

3. FESTIBALDO THEME: Although short films from any film genre (animation, fiction, documentary, etc.) can participate, especially those that deal with the theme based on The essence of ADOLESCENCE, specifically, those topics related to the lives of young adolescents, as well as their concerns, fear of the future, their concerns, mental health, physical changes, anxiety...

4. PETIT FESTIBALDO THEME: Although short films from any film genre (animation, fiction, documentary, etc.) can participate, especially those that deal with the theme based on the journey TO ADOLESCENCE, focusing on friendship during childhood, dreams, emotions, family, school stage...

5. Registration for the festival will only take place through the FESTHOME platform (www.festhome.com), and until November 27, 2024 for FESTIBALDO and until November 13, 2024 for PETIT FESTIBALDO.

6. The selected short films will receive an official notification from the festival via email, to which you must respond by sending a download link of the short film (via vimeo or we transfer) and the requested documentation before April 15, 2025.

7. Short films in languages other than Catalan or Spanish must incorporate subtitles in Catalan or Spanish.

8. The festival will have the following juries:

-An official jury composed of students related to the audiovisual world.

- A jury of neighbors and neighborhood associations.

- A student jury made up of secondary and upper secondary school students.

- A jury of Catalan language teachers

9. The festival will have the following prizes:

- Award for the best professional short film.
- Popular jury award for the best short film.
- Audience Award for Best Short Film
- Award for the best short film in Catalan.

10. The festival may edit and use printed material of the works exhibited. Likewise, you may use a fragment of the work for its dissemination in the media or social networks.

11. The organization reserves the right to show the selected films during the celebration of the festival. For this reason, it will be essential that the production companies cede free of charge the public exhibition rights of the short films selected during the time of the Festival.

12. The organization reserves the right to partially or fully modify these rules at any time.

13. Participation in the festival implies full acceptance of these rules.



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