Festival start: 21 September 2025
Festival end: 28 September 2025
The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix “VIOLETTA D’ORO” (Golden Violette), a flower that is the symbol of Parma, but also represents the name of the most famous female heroin created by Giuseppe Verdi, much loved by the public.
In addition to the first prize, the Violetta d'Oro, will be assigned the “Violetta d'Argento” to the best movie, and Honorable Mentions to best director, best photography best actor, best script and best short film.
The purpose of this initiative is not only pointing out to the audience recent and important features, but also underlining the value of a musical score as an essential element for the poetry and the success of a movie itself.
Besides, the contest will be a chance for film makers and producers to show their own works to a various audience and to a high-qualified international jury.
In addition of the section about feature films, it has been included also a section concerning short films, that will participate in the contest for a dedicated award.
The attendance is open to feature films and videos of any nationality, subject and length (musical productions but also dramatic films, comics, historical or Tv productions, etc).
SPECIAL CATEGORY: short film of Dance, with a Jury that will give a "DANCE AWARD".
Award Ceremony will take place at Casa della Musica in Parma on September 21th 2024 at 5.00pm with Dinner Gala, at which all producers or directors who have their film in nomination will be invited.
Deadline of inscription: 15th June 2024.
a) Gran Prix “Violetta D’Oro” (Golden Violet) to the best composer and to the best soundtrack.
b) “Silver Violetta” to the best film.
c) “Dance Award” to the best short film on Dance.
d) “Special Award” to the best Fiction TV.
e) Honourable mention to the best photography.
f) Honourable mention to the best actor.
g) Honourable mention to the best screenplay.
h) Honourable mention to the best documentary.
Special Awards:
1. “Luigi Malerba Award” to the best screenplay of short-film
2. “Special Award Art-Pop Jury” to the best production.
Parma International Music Film Festival
XIII Edition
September 21st - 28th , 2025
Art. 1
Cultural association Parma OperArt organizes the XIII edition of “Parma International Music Film Festival”, that will take place in Parma, from 21st to 28th September 2025, and will award the prize “La Violetta d'Oro (Golden Violette)” to the best soundtrack and “La Violetta d'Argento (Silver Violette)” to the best film.
Parma International Music Film Festival is proposed as a moment of encounter to present and promote films and videos from every nation, genre and duration, which have as a prerequisite a good soundtrack, that’s include also a special category of short films dedicated to dance.
Art. 2
The Art Direction of the festival will be guided by M° Riccardo Joshua Moretti. General Manager Eddy Lovaglio, Parma OperArt president.
Art. 3
Entries close on June 30th , 2025. It is possible to present feature films, short film, documentaries, film subjects and animated movies, musical productions, Tv productions (dramatic, comics, historical, dance short film, etc), Italian productions or foreign productions from all over the world.
Art. 4
The XIII edition of the Parma Music Film Festival is divided into five different sections:
● Full-Length Movies
● Short-film
● Fiction TV
● Documentary
● Short-film dedicated to Dance
Art. 5
Admission to the contest and to the other sections is unquestionably decided by the Festival Direction, with the collaboration of a Selecting Committee. Communication on the works admitted to the contest will be given within July 30th , 2025.
Admission to the contest is subordinate to the following requirements:
● The soundtrack must be contained within a production of absolute artistic relevance.
● Cinema productions with original subject of any genre and duration can take part to the contest.
Film and documentary admitted to the final contest will be screening from 23rd to 27th September 2025 at Casa della Musica in Parma. On 21st and 22nd Sept. is dedicated to musical events and 28th Sept. will be held Award Ceremony.
Art. 6
The works admitted to the contest will be assessed by an International Jury who will give the following awards:
a) Gran Prix “Violetta D’Oro” (Golden Violet) to the best composer and to the best soundtrack.
b) “Silver Violetta” to the best film.
c) “Dance Award” to the best short film on Dance.
d) “Special Award” to the best Fiction TV.
e) Honourable mention to the best photography.
f) Honourable mention to the best actor.
g) Honourable mention to the best screenplay.
h) Honourable mention to the best documentary.
Special Awards:
1. “Luigi Malerba Award” to the best screenplay of short-film
2. “Special Award Art-Pop Jury” to the best production.
The announcement of the winners by the International Jury will take place at on Saturday
September 21st , 2024, during the Awards Ceremony and Gala Dinner. The official Awards will be given during this ceremony. Those who will not be present to collect their prize can ask the shipping of it (in case of Honourable Mention), that will be the days after at their own expense.
The organization is not liable for loss or damaged packages. The awards "Violetta Gold" and "Silver Violet" will be withdrawn only personally during the awards ceremony, they will be not shipped.
Art. 7
The films enrolled for the selection must be sent preferable with link of Vimeo or another similar platform with the entry form properly filled in and signed, two picture of the film, and with the required informative material, as well as the receipt of payment for the entrance fee, will have to be presented within June 15th 2024.
The copies sent for screening at the film festival, if the production is admitted in competition, must have subtitles in Italian or send to the Festival Organization script in English language for translation. It’s possible to send file by internet platform or by download in Vimeo.
Art. 8
Payment of € 45,00 as entrance fee, for secretarial expenses, to the contest will be addressed to:
Associazione Parma OperArt c/o Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, at the branch 55000, Piazza Paolo Ferrari n. 10 – 20121 Milano, IBAN: IT63 E030 6909 6061 0000 0075 155, for foreign payments BIC code: BCITITMM.
If you will do inscription with website
Festhome - https://festhome.com
Art. 9
Entry forms will have to be followed by the film synopsis, a short biography of the director, at least two high-resolution photos taken from the work presented and at least one photo of the director. Foreign works presented for the selection will have to be followed by a short description in Italian or English. For the aforementioned material electronic format is preferable. Or send them by email to:
For further information visit the website: www.parmamusicfilmfestival.com or phone +39 0521 1641083.
Shipment costs of the material for entry is on charge of the participants. As for customs, please write on the package the indication: “No commercial value, for cultural purposes only”.
Works coming from Italy and other countries of the European Union will have to be sent to the following address:
Parma OperArt - Via G. Garibaldi n. 57 - 43121 Parma (ITALIA)
Works coming from Non-EU countries will have to be sent to the same address provided with all the necessary documents for customs clearance (pro-forma invoice).
No return of the DVD copies of non-admitted works is possible.
Art. 10
Texts and images of the films in the sections listed in Art.9 of the present Regulations will be used for publication on publishing material, on the Festival website and social networks, for the organs of information in relation to the Festival activities and at its discretion. Parma OperArt reserves the right to use for its promotion short passages of the works presented on local and non-local TV channels, or in the Internet, in 2024 or also for the promotion of the next festivals. Any single Author or Producer is responsible for the contents of his works and declares, through the Festival entry, having fulfilled every obligation towards a third part deriving from the use of materials subject to copyright.
Art. 11
The format of the works to send for projection in case of admission must be full HD 1920x1080i as well as 1280x720p, compression .mp4 codec h264, Birate max (speed of datas) 9mbit/sec, all 50-60Hz compatible, given on usb2 pen drive or SD card. Any other format to be agreed with the organization of the festival. The digital format is recommended via the web and with Italian subtitles.
Art. 12
The Festival organization – Parma OperArt – will not assume any responsibility for loss or damages to the works during transport or shipping.
Art. 13
Competitors whose works have been admitted to the contest have to leave a copy of their works for the historical archive of the Festival. It will be possible to use such copy only for internal consultation and for cultural purposes aiming at the promotion of the event, non-profit. The participation in the contest implicates the implicit release of the acquittance free and for use of screening at the festival and for promotion next festival and in one of the event of Parma OperArt organized in 2026.
Art. 14
The Festival organization – Parma OperArt – provides hotel hospitality for 2 persons, for the night of September 28th, 2025, for those who will have their productions in the final at the Award Ceremony. During the Festival week there will be meetings with directors, composers, actors and screenwriters, who have their productions in the contest, and hospitality charges will be upon them, and they must communicate their presence by 10 August 2025 so that it can be included in the program.
Art. 15
In order to ensure that the treatment of personal datas is in accordance with the rights, in particular reference to privacy and personal identity, related communications shall be made as provided by Regulation 30.06.2003 n. 196 and consecutive modifications and integrations, and and in accordance with the art. 13 of the European Regulation on privacy in the EU 2016/679 (GDPR).
Art. 16
Forwarding the Parma Music Film Festival entry form means to accept every single standard contained in this guideline. It is the responsibility of producers, distributors or other subjects who present the film to be legitimately entitled to enroll it in the Music Film Festival.
The Parma Music Film Festival crew owns the right to resolve all the cases not provided by this Regulations, as well as disregard it in particular and well-motivated cases.
For any controversy on the meaning of the single articles of the Regulations, only the original text in Italian is deemed authentic. Eventual controversies will be solved throught the Tribunal of Parma.
Competing Full-Length Movies
Feature Films >80' 130'<
Standard Fee45€ -8% 41.4€ PRO 33% 30.15€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
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Competing Shortcuts
Short Films >8' 30'<
Standard Fee45€ -8% 41.4€ PRO 33% 30.15€
Get an Annual Pass and get the maximum discount on festival and submission fees
Submissions deadline
30 Jun 25
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