Psaroloco International Children`s & Young People`s Film Festival ()


06 Apr 2020
Call for entries

10 May 2020
Early deadline

31 May 2020
Standard deadline

26 Jun 2020
Late deadline

26 Jun 2020
Festival closed

10 Oct 2020
Notification date

10 Nov 2020
15 Nov 2020


Akti Miaouli,  18533, Piraeus, Attiki, Greece

Festival description
Short film festival >1'
Feature film festival 90'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 Production date: Any
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1'
 Feature Films  90'<
 Any language
English Greek
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Photo of Psaroloco International Children`s & Young People`s Film Festival
Photo of Psaroloco International Children`s & Young People`s Film Festival
Photo of Psaroloco International Children`s & Young People`s Film Festival
Photo of Psaroloco International Children`s & Young People`s Film Festival


Festival start: 10 November 2020      Festival end: 15 November 2020

The Psaroloco is a program of cinema screenings specially formed for children and teenagers, with selected films and group workshops, in which children create entirely their own short films (fiction, documentary, stop motion, etc.).

Our aim is to encourage meaningful thought provoking films for children and showcase amazing works of Filmmakers from around the world. The short listed films compete for most coveted Audience choice Award.

Psaroloco's aim is to familiarize the novice audience with the basic terms of the cinematic experience and to promote media literacy. The project promotes the enhancement of the critical thinking of children and the ability to deconstruct images. It prioritizes vulnerable groups of children and adolescents.

Audience awards Psaroloco per category


We accept submissions in two categories: short films (less than 40 minutes) and feature films (40 minutes or longer)

Please read and understand the below mentioned rules & guidelines carefully. To submit your film(s) in the International Films section of Psaroloco, it is mandatory for you to comply with these rules & guidelines.

The film(s) submitted should showcase culturally varied content that is both entertaining and educative for the children of varied backgrounds.

The submitter should either own rights to the film(s), or should have obtained all necessary permissions from the rights owner to submit the film(s) to Psaroloco.

All decisions made by Psaroloco Programming Team will be final & binding on all parties.

Entry rules:

Short-films, Documentaries or Feature-films in live-action, animation, clay-motion or stop-motion can be submitted. The film(s) can be produced in any country.

You can submit as many film(s) as you want.

All forms, whether online or otherwise, shall be filled in and submitted by the individual authorized to license screening rights of the film(s). Psaroloco shall not accept any forms from any other person.

Language rules:

The film(s) can be in any language.

If the film(s) are in a language other than English, English subtitles are a must.

It is preferred that your film(s) have Greece subtitles, but are not mandatory.

By entering the competition, you agree that Psaroloco shall not be held liable for any copyright infringements by you, your organization or by your film(s).

Psaroloco reserves all the rights to screen or not screen any film(s) for any reason it deems valid.

Psaroloco retains all the rights to screen the film(s) received from you, in part or whole thereof, for publicity and educational purposes in the Greece.

In the event that the submitter is found to be in violation of any condition(s) of the rules & guidelines enshrined herein, Psaroloco at its sole discretion may choose to cancel and eliminate such film(s) from the selection or the final lineup of Psaroloco program.

The submitter acknowledges that Psaroloco shall not be held liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever for any loss or damage of whatever type or nature incurred as a result of the submission, acceptance and/or screening of the film and/or its related material. Further, the submitter undertakes to indemnify and keep Psaroloco, its officers, representatives, affiliates and agents indemnified against all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, costs, damages or loss arising out of the submission, acceptance and/or screening of the film and/or its related material.

Once the film(s) are submitted, it should not be available online or otherwise for public viewing before the festival concludes. For avoidance of doubt, the submitter(s) can make the trailers available online or otherwise to promote the film.
Content Guidelines:

The content of your film(s) should speak positively to children of diverse backgrounds and cultures. The film(s) should provide strong role models for both boys and girls.

Content of the submitted film(s) should be creative and completely original including the sound/music used and should not infringe on any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties. Under no circumstances, the content of your film(s) should contain any of the following: Offensive or foul language, Violence, Religious content, Child abuse, Drug and/or Alcohol usage, Defamatory content, Cruelty to Animals, Politically sensitive topics, material or comment, Sexual innuendos or nudity, Any film containing one or more of these mentioned above will be disqualified.


Psaroloco undertakes to take all possible anti-piracy precautions that are practically possible and commercially feasible.

All prints and associated copyrighted materials will be securely stored while on Psaroloco premises. Access is limited to Psaroloco nominated staff only and all movement of prints will be strictly monitored.

No duplication or loaning is permitted and no prints will ever leave the custody and care of Psaroloco or its authorised agents during Psaroloco.

Article 1

The International Film Festival Psaroloco is organized by Kyklos Non Profit every year in Greece and in a series of parallel destinations of screenings and activities all over Greece. The festival aims to provide a showcase of the work of new filmmakers from around the world and to promote the short film. The festival’s program includes screenings of International and Greek short films, as well as audiovisual events, seminars, workshops and exhibitions. It also includes educational activities that aim to promote filmic literacy and empower the culture and interest of the audience towards European audiovisual works, including the great audiovisual and cinematic heritage of Europe, welcoming new audiences.

Article 2

1. Entry requirements

Any type of film (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental) can be submitted to the selection committee.

All non-English films must have English subtitles.

Accepted screening formats: DCP and QuickTime files. Films already submitted to previous editions are not accepted, even in a new version.

Industrial or commercial films are not accepted.

All the Festival venues are not currently equipped for 5.1 sound and digital projection (DCP).

Article 3

Preview screener

Only files uploaded on platform will be taken into consideration.

Article 4.

Entry procedure and selection

Participants must enter their films via the online submission website platform.

The following material must be attached to the online submission:

- 2 still from the film (either colour or black and white depending on the film – no poster, no pictures of film set or crew), which can be used in any publication

- 1 photo of the director(s)

- 1 list/transcript of the dialogue in the original version and English translation

- 1 uploaded video file of the film.

The transfer of a video file for preview purposes requires an entry fee.

Article 5

Shipping of festival screening copies of selected films

The hard disk drive with DCP and QuickTime files of selected films must be sent to the Festival office preferably by EMS (TNT, DHL, FedEx) . Shipping costs and return expenses will be covered by the participants.

Article 6

Technical requirements for digital files of selected films screened at the Festival

DCPs must be delivered to us with no KDM encryption key and with a version in QuickTime 1080p (video codec H264/ MPEG-4 AVC; audio codec AAC; bitrate of 10Mb/s or more) or Pro Res 422.

Article 7

Publication authorization

All the texts, data and photos transferred by participants to Psaroloco via platform during online submission will be used for reference in various online and offline bilingual publications (including Festival catalogue, Short Film Market catalogue, website, video library screens). This material may be translated, corrected or edited prior to publication. Under the terms of the present regulations, all participants give Psaroloco free permission to publish and use this material for the above purposes.

Article 8


Participants declare that they hold all of the copyrights, intellectual property rights and all other types of rights, or the authorizations required, for the film to participate in the national, international or Lab competition and for all other rights granted to Psaroloco under the terms of the present regulations. Consequently, participants guarantee Psaroloco against any and all claims, demands, suits, and actions taken against it by third parties on any grounds whatsoever. Participants undertake to guarantee, compensate and hold harmless Psaroloco against any expenses, in particular expenses and fees related to court proceedings, and direct or indirect damage, as well as any sentences imposed on Psaroloco or payment resulting from a settlement signed with the plaintiff. In addition, participants are reminded that failure to hold the rights and authorizations required for the film to participate in the national, international or Lab competition and for all other rights granted to Psaroloco as referred to in the present article, may result in the application of criminal and civil penalties as provided by the law.

Article 9

Film Market

All the films submitted for selection will be listed in the Film Market catalogue, regardless of the fact that a film has been officially selected or not. Films will be visible at the Film Market video library provided that the “Market registration” box remains ticked during online submission. Please see under Film Market regulations.

Article 10

Other sections

Participants agree that films entered for the International Competition might be selected for other sections that are part of the Festival’s official selection: Young Audience, Eco Perspectives and more.

Article 1

Television broadcasting and the Internet

Participants give Psarocolo free permission to reproduce and broadcast clips of the selected films presented in the Festival on terrestrial, digital, cable, satellite and ADSL television channels and on Internet sites. These clips are limited to 10% of the total duration of any film and cannot exceed the three minute duration. They can only be used as part of stories covering the Festival, TV or Web programs and interviews and/or promotional trailers or advertising for the Festival current or future editions. Permission for using these clips is granted for a one-year period, starting on the date of submission of the film on platform , and is renewable by tacit agreement, unless terminated by recorded delivery mail at least two (2) months before its term.

Article 12

Archiving and viewing of films in Psaroloco

Since its creation Psaroloco has always conducted a mission of preservation of the short film heritage. To this effect, all the video recordings submitted for selection are stored and archived by Psaroloco, who may have to transfer them on new current or future (digital or other) formats for improved storage purposes. Participants give Psaroloco free permission to implement, as part of its mission of preserving the short film heritage, the free, individual consultation of the films archived in Psaroloco for a period of 10 years starting on the date of submission of the film on platform and renewable by tacit agreement unless terminated by recorded delivery mail at least two (2) months before its term.

Article 13

Prolongation of the Festival

Films selected for being presented at the Festival may be made available for free, individual viewing in the local libraries of Psaroloco Community to which the Resource Centre is attached. Participants give Psaroloco free permission to make a video montage of excerpts of several films selected in the Festival (especially prized and award-winning films) and broadcast it on any format for Festival promotional use in Hellas and abroad, for a period of one year starting on the date of submission of the film on platform, and renewable by tacit agreement, unless terminated by recorded delivery mail at least two (2) months before its term.

Article 14

Purchase of films

Psaroloco may ask the producer for the right to acquire a copy of any film selected, and especially prize-winning films, from the Psaroloco Film Festival. Psaroloco undertakes to use these films exclusively for its own strictly cultural, non-commercial purposes.

Article 15

Non-specified cases and disputes Psaroloco or its representative will settle all non-specified cases within the terms of the present regulations and may allow special dispensation regarding justified and specific requests.

Article 16


Participation in the Festival implies acceptance without reservation of all the terms outlined in the present regulations. Psaroloco or its representative reserves the right to cancel any submission or take any suitable measure in the event of a breach of regulations or in response to any behavior disturbing the course of the Festival. In case of litigation, only the Hellas courts shall be competent and have jurisdiction.

Article 17


The Organizing Committee of the Festival has chosen not to have a judging committee. The only judging committee for the festival is the audience, which votes for the best film while leaving the screening room. At the end of the festival, the ''Psaroloco'' Award is given to the film from the competition section which obtained the majority of the votes.

Article 18

The International Film Festival Psaroloco is not responsible for any loss of material before or after the end of actual event.

Article 19

The copy of the film submitted to the Festival along with the entry form and the promotional material will remain in the archives of the Festival and automatically become part of the library and the film market material of the Festival.

Article 20

The International film festival Psaroloco reserves the right to project part of the films that have been sent, in and out of the area of the Festival, whenever it is needed for reasons of promotion of the Festival and not for commercial purposes.

Article 21

The International Film Festival Psaroloco in the frame of its other activities, reserves the right to project the participating films beyond the specified date of the festival.

Article 22

The use of any recording device in the area of the Festival without the permission of the Organizing Committee is strictly forbidden.

Article 23

Parts of the event will be filmed. Members of the audience and participating artists that may appear in these parts have no claim from the Organizing Company.

Article 24

Kyklos Civil Non Profit Company reserves the right to cancel the festival due to circumstances beyond its control.

Article 25

In case of dispute, the Greek version of the regulations of the participation is considered as valid. Responsible for legal disputes are the Legal Courts of Athens.

Article 26

The dispatch of the signed entry form implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of the above regulations of participation.

Film Market Regulations

Registering a film to the Film Market offers the opportunity to ensure its visibility and promotion in the publications, reference and viewing tools that are made accessible to a number of key members of the industry and film professionals. Registration to the Film Market is free and optional, and must be confirmed during online submission to the national or international competition using the platform website.

The Psaroloco Film Market is organized by Kyklos Non Profit Company alongside the Festival in the aim of facilitating economic activity and encouraging professional interaction in the short film sector. The Short Film Market is a unique venue for meetings, promotion and networking. Its digital video library is a formidable tool for scouting talents; it is equipped with 10 viewing units where all the films registered for the Short Film Market are available for direct consultation.

Some productions will be highlighted by origin or by theme to facilitate the use of the video library and the search for quality programs. Registration to the Market includes the following services:

- the film is included to the Short Film Market video library and its online extension via a secure server for a period of nine months (restricted to industry delegates referenced by the Psaroloco Film Market);

- each film’s credited contact person and sales agent can access the track record and contact details of the professionals who saw their film, either using their codes from their Pro services account on the Psaroloco Film Festival website, or upon request for codes to a limited Pro service access restricted to their film’s viewing track record.

- 1 free accreditation is granted to one person representing the film.

Article 27

Non-specified cases and disputes

Psaroloco or its representative will settle all non-specified cases within the terms of the present regulations Film Market registration implies acceptance without reservation of all the terms outlined in the present In case of dispute, the Greek version of the regulations of the participation is considered as valid. Responsible for legal disputes are the Legal
Courts of Athens.

Karageorgi Servias 3
18533, Piraeus Greece
Phone: (030) 6930902022


The rules enshrined herein are subject to change without prior notice.

Psaroloco shall make all reasonable efforts in informing the submitter(s) of any change, whether minor or major, in these rules, but no guarantees are made or assumed that such intimation(s) will be given.

You are requested to visit this page regularly to identify, read, understand and comply with any change in the rules & guidelines.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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