23º Punta Del Este Jewish Film Festival (uruguay) (23)

XXIII Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival (Uruguay)


24 Feb 2025
Call for entries

09 Jan 2026
Final deadline


27 Jan 2026
Notification date

07 Feb 2026
11 Feb 2026


Rbla. Lorenzo Batlle Pacheco (Parada 10, Playa Brava),  20100, Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 20'<
Feature film festival >50' 100'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 20'<
 Feature Films  >50' 100'<
 Any language
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Photo of 23º Punta Del Este Jewish Film Festival  (uruguay)
Photo of 23º Punta Del Este Jewish Film Festival  (uruguay)
Photo of 23º Punta Del Este Jewish Film Festival  (uruguay)
Photo of 23º Punta Del Este Jewish Film Festival  (uruguay)


Festival start: 07 February 2026      Festival end: 11 February 2026

This international meeting, already a classic in Punta del Este, has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other Jewish Film Festivals in the world, due to the fact that it takes place in such a special seaside resort as Punta del Este, a meeting point where communities from different countries gather annually in Uruguay.

The Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival (Festival Internacional de Cine Judío de Uruguay, FICJU®) was born in 2003, with the purpose of generating a cultural, educational, didactic and illustrative space, oriented to promote the knowledge of the history of the Jewish people and its diverse cultures and traditions, thus seeking to strengthen our identity and integration through art.

Fiction films and documentaries with different perspectives of the Jewish theme are shown, spaces are organized for the analysis and reflection of the history, customs and cultures of our people around the world, and the memory of the Shoa (Holocaust) is constantly maintained.

We discover new aspects of our heritage and identity, as well as learn about the current conditions of the different Jewish communities around the world, fostering the integration of all Jewish people through the knowledge of our shared essence.

Thanks to the above, the Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival becomes a focus of tourist attraction, with an average of 2,500 attendees.

Best Feature Film of the Festival

Best Documentary Feature

Best Latin American Feature Film

Best Short Film of the Festival

Best Documentary Short Film

Audience Award for Best Feature Film of the Festival

Audience Award for Best Documentary Feature Film

Audience Award for Best Latin American Feature Film

Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Festival

Audience Award for Best Documentary Short Film

1.- The Punta del Este Jewish Film Festival calls for entries for Short and Feature Films with different perspectives on the Jewish theme.

2.- They must have been made on or after January 1st, 2023 and in the following categories: fiction, documentary and animation. The maximum length accepted per work will be 20 minutes for short films and 120 minutes for feature films.

3.- The films may have been produced in any film or digital format, but must be submitted for exhibition in the following formats: H264-stereo-1920x1080 file or similar (MOV, MKV, MP4, AVI).

4.- In the case of films that are not originally in Spanish language, they must come with embedded subtitles in Spanish, or accompanied by SRT file with time codes and subtitles in Spanish (or in English in order to translate them into Spanish) EXCLUDING REQUIREMENT.

5.- The deadline for receipt of materials is Monday, January 9th, 2026.

6.- An international jury will discern the awards in the different categories, and its decision will be final.

7.- The festival will try to provide facilities for the presence of the filmmakers of the selected short and feature films during the festival, but the acceptance of the work does not imply the granting of an invitation with airfare and lodging, which must be paid by the participant.

8.- The inscription of the film in the festival implies the tacit acceptance of these rules. Any unforeseen event not established in these Rules and Regulations, or arising during the Festival, will be interpreted and resolved solely and exclusively by the Organizing Committee, and will not give rise to any subsequent claim. THE FESTIVAL DOES NOT PAY EXHIBITION FEES. It is a purely cultural event and counts with the help of several volunteers.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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