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Gijon International Film Festival

Logo of Gijon International Film Festival

GIJÓN/XIXÓN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICX) aims to showcase a wide and varied selection of auteur cinema currently being produced worldwide and especially focused on innovative films and emerging filmmakers. High quality, personal, young in its shape, edgy and independent cinema at a creative level. During its selection process, the Festival will prioritise those works of interest that have their World, International, European or Spanish premiere at FICX as well as those that do not have commercial distribution agreements in the Spanish territory.

Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association)

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Most recent calls for entries and upcoming deadlines.

Logo of Lamarr Film Festival
Published: 06 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Lamarr Film Festival

Deadline: 15 Feb 2024

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Festival Internacional de cortometrajes y largometrajes de todos los géneros.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna
Published: 06 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

Deadline: 31 Aug 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.

The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.

Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.

Everyone can take part in this competition.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Tolmezzo, Italy


Logo of IKUSKA - Internacional Short Film Festival of the Bay of Pasaia
Published: 05 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

IKUSKA - Muestra Internacional De Cortometraje De La Bahía De Pasaia

Deadline: 31 Aug 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

XXVI the International Short Film Show of the Bay of Pasaia, IKUSKA 2024.

The festival has an international short film competition in 5 screenings, and other parallel non-competition sessions related to the development of Basque and language coexistence (MINTZAGUN projection in collaboration with Oarsoaldea euskaltegis), Gender Equality (BEKOZ BEKO award in collaboration with the Association against gender violence Bekoz Beko), the promotion of culture in Pasaia and its surroundings, etc.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Pasaia, Spain

Logo of Maratón de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Sants (Barcelona)
Published: 04 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Marató De Cinema Fantàstic I De Terror De Sants (Barcelona)

Deadline: 12 Sep 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Fantasy and Horror Film Festival.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain


Logo of Homeless Film Festival
Published: 04 Apr 2023
Film festival
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Short films
Feature films

Homeless Film Festival

Deadline: 30 Jun 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Bizitegi has been organizing the Homeless Film Festival in Bilbao since 2016, creating awareness-raising sessions on social inclusion through cinema and theatre.

The Bizitegi Team works for the incorporation into society of people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion in Bizkaia through intervention processes, aimed at improving their living conditions, and through these awareness-raising and denunciation actions that allow raising awareness in building a fairer society.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Bilbao, Spain

Logo of Actrum International Film Fest (AIFF)
Published: 03 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Actrum International Film Fest (AIFF)

Deadline: 30 Apr 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

ACTRUM is a non-profit Cultural Association that works in all areas of the artistic sector.

In this festival, the finalist works will be screened online and it will be open to the public, who will have to vote through our website for their 3 favorite shorts/feature films from each section to award the public prizes.

Register your project! We accept any gender.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain


Logo of Dissident Film Festival
Published: 02 Apr 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Festival De Cine Disidente

Deadline: 01 May 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Being a dissident in a square society represents a challenge, and not only that, it allows seeking alternatives to get out of that box. For us, being dissidents has meant fighting against stigma and discrimination, however, that has given us the opportunity to open paths that have been difficult to walk, but in each fall we have found people who help us move forward.

In audiovisual production, as in our lives, being a dissident has meant looking for other ways of telling stories, other ways of bringing them to the screen. Creative ways to talk about sensitive issues, or to sensitize ourselves to reality. In any case, dissident production has been a constant since the constant innovation of technology and, in the context of the pandemic, other ways of telling stories have [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Guatemala, Guatemala

Logo of Zaragoza International Film Festival
Published: 31 Mar 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival Cine Zaragoza

Deadline: 12 Aug 2023

Call for entries

GOYA Qualifiers

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The Zaragoza Film Festival, founded in 1995 to create a cinematic activity in the city. At first his main title was the Young Filmmakers. Since 2007 its official name became the Zaragoza Film Festival.

Festival with various events, generalist and national character (although some of its events are international).

Starting in 2021, after celebrating the 25th edition of the Festival, we propose an evolution of the project.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Zaragoza, Spain


Logo of Fantastic Gijón
Published: 30 Mar 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival De Cine Fantástico Y De Terror De Gijón

Deadline: 15 Jul 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

FantasticGijón was born with the illusion of filling a space that we believe empty in Asturias, to accommodate national and international productions of the Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction genres that, due to the genre to which they belong, have less chance of reaching our community within of the programming of the rest of regional festivals.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Gijón, Spain

Logo of One Shot Terrassa City of Film
Published: 26 Mar 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

One Shot Terrassa City of Film

Deadline: 25 Sep 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The One Shot Terrassa City of Film is a film festival that takes back the old Sequence Shot Contest organised in Terrassa between 2004 and 2012. It came last year again, and we're following the success. So this is the 11th Edition of the festival.

The particularity of this festival is that ONLY ACCEPTS ONE SHOT FILMS. What does it mean? As is well known, is about telling a story - at least 3 minutes long - in just a single shot, that is: no cutting or image editing.

In 2017, Terrassa was selected as a "Creative City of UNESCO in Film", a recognition that only 17 cities in the world have. This leads to recover a past that it is what brought us this present.

The festival will take place during the week from October 20th to 23rd 2024, also being part of the "3rd Cinema Week of [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Terrassa, Spain