Zinetika ()

Fechas Límite

01 mar 2023

31 may 2023
Festival Cerrado

27 sep 2023
Fecha de notificación

17 nov 2023
02 dic 2023


-,  -, Pamplona-Donosti-Bilbao, -, España

Descripción del festival
Dance Films
Festival de cortometrajes 20'<

Requisitos del festival
 Festival de cine
 Cualquier tema
 Con tasa de inscripción
 Festival Internacional
 Online y Ubicación Física
 Fecha de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de producción: Cualquiera
 Países de rodaje: Cualquiera
 Nacionalidad del Director/a: Cualquiera
 Óperas Primas 
 Proyectos Escolares 
 Cortometrajes  20'<
 Cualquier idioma
Euskera Español
Compartir en Redes Sociales

Photo of Zinetika
Photo of Zinetika

Photo of Zinetika
Photo of Zinetika


Inicio Festival: 17 noviembre 2023      Fin Festival: 02 diciembre 2023

Zinetika es un festival multidisciplinar donde se exploran las relaciones entre la danza, el cine y las nuevas tecnologías, el cuerpo y la máquina creando conjuntamente en busca de diferentes experiencias artísticas.

El Festival, acoge propuestas de videodanza, performance, instalaciones, masterclass y talleres en torno a esta temática.

Es, además, una plataforma que permite establecer lazos entre artistas y entidades de forma internacional, enriqueciendo el intercambio cultural y que apuesta por las creaciones híbridas.

El festival se celebra en Pamplona, San Sebastián y Bilbao, en colaboración con Baluarte, Cines Trueba y BilbaoArte.

Premios en Metálico: 600€

Mejor película Zinetika 2023: 300€

Mejor director/a Zinetika 2023: 300€

General rules and regulations 2023


Submission of a film constitutes acceptance of the Entry Rules & Regulations.

General rules and regulations 2023

Submission of a film constitutes acceptance of the Entry Rules & Regulations.

1-The applicant submitting the film acknowledges that he or she has obtained consent from any and all owners, creators, writers, producers and/or other authorized representatives of the film. This consent is required to submit the film to Zinetika Festival. The organization reserves the right to interpret the bases.

2- Submission fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.

3-Zinetika is based in 3 cities and the festival tries to create "embassies" in order to promote dance films and the artist’s work. Besides the official festival screening, the selected films can be screened in other locations, cities and countries. Artists will always be notified about these screenings. The artists and its films will always be treated with the maximum respect they deserve.

4-Participation terms and conditions
• The call is open to filmmakers/collectives of any nationality, which may present one work or more.
• Works must be visual creations for dance/movement and vice versa, of a maximum duration of 20 min. Videos that only record a dance show are excluded from this call.
• There is no production year limitation
• The works must be original and all rights must be held by the authors.
• Submissions must be made through this platform.
• The selection will be made by a professional jury and the resolution of the commission will be final.
• The selected works will become part of the festival’s video library.

Required materials

If selected, following materials need to be provided to the festival within a maximum period of 10 days from notification date:

• Full HD, Ultra HD or 4K. Codec: H264. Format: MP4
• Ratio: 16:9 o 4/3 depending on the source
• AVG Bitrate: 10MBPS or more
• Sound: 5.1 AAC 48Hz 320 or stereo. (Only 1 audio layer mixed)
• Framerate: 24 or 25fps
• Also accepted: Master ProRes HD 422 5.1 and/or 2.0 at 25fps or 24 fps
• Subtitles: Films with dialogue require Spanish subtitles. We can help you with the translation if needed, but you will have to provide the subtitle file (.srt file or the film file with burned subtitles)
• Film trailer (if available)
• Film poster and stills or photos
• Title and short synopsis
• Year, production country, duration
• Director and choreographer
• Social Media

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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