Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias – Isla Calavera (8)

Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival – Isla Calavera

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19 апр 2024
Позвоните для записей

01 окт 2024
Фестиваль закрыт

01 ноя 2024
дата извещения

08 ноя 2024
17 ноя 2024


Obispo Rey Redondo, 22,  38209, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Описание фестиваля
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов 20'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >70'

Требования фестиваля
 Любая тема
 Имеет плату за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Январь 2023
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  20'<
 Полнометражные фильмы  >70'
 Любой язык
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias – Isla Calavera
Photo of Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias – Isla Calavera

Photo of Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias – Isla Calavera
Photo of Festival de Cine Fantástico de Canarias – Isla Calavera

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 08 Ноябрь 2024      Фестиваль заканчивается: 17 Ноябрь 2024

The Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival - Isla Calavera opens the call for entries for feature and short films, fiction and documentary in real image and animation.

The awards of the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna– Isla Calavera are non-economic.

 Jury Awards. The Jury will consist of professionals of the cinema. They will choose the winning films of the official competitive sections. The Jury will present the following awards:

1. Isla Calavera Award for Best Feature Film

2. Isla Calavera Award for Best Short Film

3. Isla Calavera Award for Best Director

4. Isla Calavera Award for Best Screenplay

5. Isla Calavera 'Jack Taylor' Award for Best Actor

6. Isla Calavera Award for Best Actress

7. Isla Calavera ‘Deborah Nadoolman’ Award for Best Costume Design.

8. Isla Calavera 'Colin Arthur' Award for Best Special Effects

9. ‘Fantastic Solidarity’ Award for the best short film with solidarity or social content. This award may be declared void if no candidates apply.

The Jury’s decision will not be open to appeal.

The jury will undertake to not express publicly the deliberations of the awards. The Festival Management could be present at the deliberation of the jury, with the right to speak but not to vote.

In addition, the Jury will reserve the possibility to award a maximum of two special awards to highlight technical and artistic aspects of some of the films in competition.

Awards could be ex aequo.

 Audience Awards. The audience of the fifth edition of the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna– Isla Calavera will hand out the Audience Award to the Best Short Film and the Audience Award for the Best Feature Film, through a ballot paper that will be delivered along with the ticket and will be returned completed at the end of the screening.

10. Legal responsibilities:

The competitor will be the only one responsible for the short / feature film and its content, as for copyright.


1. Submission.

The Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna- Isla Calavera opens call for submissions for its 2024 edition to short films and feature films of the fantasy genre (horror, science fiction, fantasy, thriller...), both animation and live action. Films of all nationalities can be submitted, either in Spanish languages or with subtitles in Spanish (if it is necessary, the material to subtitle the film must be provided).

There are two ways to submit feature-length films or short films for consideration by the Festival's Programming Committee:

 Via the platforms FESTHOME (festhome.com)

 By email (programacion@festivalislacalavera.com), with the subject “2024 Contest”, with a VIMEO link (or similar platforms with password).

The submission deadline is October 1st, 2024.

2. Terms for the Shorts Films Official Section (competition) and Panorama (out-of-competition):

The Program Committee will only take into consideration short films satisfying the following conditions:

 Production date: All short films must be fantastic genre with a production date between 2023 and 2024 that have not been selected in previous editions are eligible to participate.

The festival may schedule short films from previous years, out of competition (Panorama).

 Runtime: The maximum runtime accepted for short films is 20 minutes.

The festival reserves the right to make exceptions of this rule.

• Format: To avoid carbon footprint, the festival asks to submit only screening files that can be sent via Internet (DCP, MOV, MP4, etc.). In particular cases, other formats can be accepted.

 subtitles: If necessary, Spanish subtitles or a list of dialogue must be submitted. If the film already has distribution in the Spanish territory, the distribution company must provide a subtitled screening copy to the festival.

The festival reserves the right to make exceptions of these rules.

3. Terms for the Feature Films Official Section (competition) and Panorama (out-of-competition):

 Production Date: All feature films must be fantastic genre with a production date between 2023 and 2024, preferably unreleased in Spain.

The festival may schedule, out of competition, unreleased in Spanish theatres feature-length films from previous years.

 Runtime: The minimum runtime accepted for short films is 70 minutes. There are no restrictions on its maximum duration.

 Format: In order to avoid carbon footprint, the festival ask for submitting only screening files that can be sent via Internet (DCP, MOV, MP4, etc.). In particular cases, other formats can be accepted.

 subtitles: If necessary, Spanish subtitles or a list of dialogue must be submitted. If the film already has distribution in the Spanish territory, the distribution company must provide a subtitled screening copy to the festival.

The festival reserves the right to make exceptions of these rules.

4. Participation:

Those selected titles will receive confirmation from The Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna- Isla Calavera to formalize their participation.

The no-selection of the work won’t be individually communicated by the festival.

Those works not mentioned in the official release or that didn’t receive solicitation from the festival will be understood as non-selected.

The company or individual submitting the feature film/ short film must provide the Festival with promotional material: stills, posters, pressbooks, trailers, etc., so the Festival can promote the film correctly. To avoid carbon footprint, these materials should be sent via internet. The festival reserves the right not to return these promotional materials.

The producers and/or distributors of the selected films (short and feature films) authorize, by accepting their participation, the use of one or several fragments of their title for its diffusion as informative material in any media or institutional presentation. For this purpose, the production and/or distribution companies will select sequences available to the Festival's Press Department with a maximum duration of three minutes.

In addition, the company must also provide the appropriate material to subtitle the film, in case the original language is not Spanish (subtitles file o list of dialogues). In case the film has already distribution in Spain, the distribution company must provide a screening file with Spanish subtitles.

Selected short films and feature films may have more than one screening, according to the needs of the program and the criteria of the organization.

Submitting a film in the festival implies full and unreserved acceptance of all of the provisions included in these Terms and Conditions.

Once the Festival has made and communicated the selection of a film for any of its Sections, and once its participation has been confirmed by the production/distribution company that submitted it, participants will not be able to withdraw their films from the selection.

5. Selected feature films and short films can participate in following sections of the Festival:

 Isla Calavera Short Films Official Section. In competition.

 Isla Calavera Feature Films Official Section. In competition.

 Isla Calavera Short Films Official Section. Panorama. Out-of-competition.

 Isla Calavera Feature Films Official Section. Panorama. Out-of-competition.

 Isla Calavera Documentary Films Official Section. Panorama. Out-of-competition.

6. Official selection for Competition:

The Selection Committee will announce the selected films (shorts and feature films) to contend in the competition of the eighth edition of the Festival before October 20th, 2024.

The selection of a feature film or a short film in the festival DOES NOT IMPLY AN INVITATION from the organization to a representative of the work (distributor, filmmaker) to attend the festival.

The festival will not assume any cost regarding travel, accommodation or meals of the representatives of the awarded works.

The festival reserves the right to make exceptions of these rules.

7. Dispatch.

The selected feature films and short films must be available for the organization before October 31, 2024.

In order to avoid carbon footprint, the festival asks for submitting only screening files that can be sent via Internet (DCP, MOV, MP4, etc.). In particular cases, other formats can be accepted. In these exceptional cases, the festival will not assume any cost regarding transport or insurance policy of the material.

The festival reserves the right to reject files that, after the due technical analysis, do not meet the minimum screening requirements. A new screening copy could be solicited to the production/distribution company.

In case that a screening copy could not arrive on time, the organization could replace the film/ short with another which guarantees its availability to carry out the necessary tests.

The only cost the festival will cover is the shipping costs generated by the sending and return of physical media to be screened (hard drive or similar). If the copy must be sent later to another film festival, the latter will pay the delivery from our address.

8. Festival Program:

The selected films will be screened in the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna– Isla Calavera eighth edition’s program.

The organization of the festival will decide each film’s screening dates and times. In case of changes in the program, the festival will communicate it to the production/distribution company.

Dates of the festival or program could change or enhance due to major setbacks or in case of force majeure.

The festival will decide the number of times and the schedule in which each title will be screened.

9. awards:

The awards of the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna– Isla Calavera are non-economic.

 Jury awards. The Jury will consist of professionals of the cinema. They will choose the winning films of the official competitive sections. The Jury will present the following awards:

1. Isla Calavera Award for Best Feature Film

2. Isla Calavera Award for Best Short Film

3. Isla Calavera Award for Best Director

4. Isla Calavera Award for Best Screenplay

5. Isla Calavera 'Jack Taylor' Award for Best Actor

6. Isla Calavera Award for Best Actress

7. Isla Calavera ‘Deborah Nadoolman’ Award for Best Costume Design.

8. Isla Calavera 'Colin Arthur' Award for Best Special Effects

9. ‘Fantastic Solidarity’ Award for the best short film with solidarity or social content. This award may be declared void if no candidates apply.

The Jury’s decision will not be open to appeal.

The jury will undertake to not express publicly the deliberations of the awards. The Festival Management could be present at the deliberation of the jury, with the right to speak but not to vote.

In addition, the Jury will reserve the possibility to award a maximum of two special awards to highlight technical and artistic aspects of some of the films in competition.

awards could be ex aequo.

 Audience awards. The audience of the fifth edition of the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna– Isla Calavera will hand out the Audience Award to the Best Short Film and the Audience Award for the Best Feature Film, through a ballot paper that will be delivered along with the ticket and will be returned completed at the end of the screening.

10. Legal responsibilities:

The competitor will be the only one responsible for the short / feature film and its content, as for copyright.

11. Acceptance of these rules:

The participation in the Canary Islands Fantastic Film Festival City of La Laguna- Isla Calavera implies the total acceptance of these rules.

Any matter arising during the Festival which is not covered by these regulations, will be decided on by the Festival organization in accordance with international rules.

These rules can be modified or enhanced before the opening date of the present edition, previously communicated to the parties concerned.

The interpretation of these rules will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Festival.

12. Special terms in case of force majeure:

If by case of force majeure the Festival could not take place on-site, the registration fee paid through the platforms will not be refunded. This is due that fee is dedicated to cover the expenses of the selection process.

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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