Luces Cameros Acción (9)

Lights Cameros Action


05 Fev 2024

30 Jun 2024
Festival fechado

21 Ago 2024
Data de Notificação

20 Ago 2024
30 Nov 2024


c/ Centro,  26124, El Rasillo, La Rioja, Spain

Descrição do festival
Rural world
Festival de curtas-metragens >3' 30'<

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Janeiro 2023
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >3' 30'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Luces Cameros Acción
Photo of Luces Cameros Acción

Photo of Luces Cameros Acción
Photo of Luces Cameros Acción

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 20 Agosto 2024      Fim do Festival: 30 Novembro 2024

LUCES CAMEROS ACCION is a short film festival with two sections.

1 – “Rural World" Section
International section of short films in Spanish or Spanish subtitles.

Recorded in villages in rural areas or dealing with rural idiosyncrasies.

Made after January 1, 2023.

2 – “Cameros" Section
The works submitted will be original pieces that are not accessible through Internet.

With 30% of the "footage" recorded in recognizable places of Cameros (New and old Cameros located in La Rioja Spain).

Deadline for submission of works:
"Rural World" section: before April 30, 2024.
"Cameros" section: before June 30, 2024.

Screenings and Awards Ceremony:
21,22,23 and 24 of August in villages of Cameros, La Rioja, Spain.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 6,100€

Rural world Section:

1000€ Best Spanish short film.
1000€ Best Foreign Short Film.

Cameros Section:
1000€ Best Short Film
300 € Best Production.

Special prizes:

500€ Best actor.
500€ Best actress.
500€ Best photography.
300€ Audience Award.

Young Contestants Award:
Worth 500 € and Trophy. (Cinema tickets,Sección Mundo Rural:

1000€ Mejor cortometraje Español.
1000€ Mejor cortometraje Extranjero.

Sección Cameros:
1500€ Mejor cortometraje.

300€ Mejor producción.

Premios especiales:

500€ Mejor Actor.
500€ mejor Actriz.
500€ Mejor fotografía.
300€ premio del publico.

Por valor de 500 € y Trofeo. (Cinema tickets, merchandising y plataformas audiovisuales).


1.- Sections.
The festival LUCES CAMEROS ACTION has two sections: RURAL WORLD and CAMEROS. In both sections any individual, collective or company may submit a short film entry. The short films must comply with the following features for each of these sections:

1.1 "Rural World" Section
International section of short films. They must be in Spanish or have Spanish subtitles embedded in them. These works must have been made on or after January 1, 2023, and will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes. An additional requirement is that they be filmed in rural areas (surrounded by countryside, mountains, nature, etc.) or that they deal with the idiosyncrasies of rural life.

1.2 "Cameros" Section
In this section, the main requirement is that 30% of the final footage be shot in recognizable locations in the Cameros Mountain Range (La Rioja, Spain), both in Camero Nuevo and Camero Viejo. Created after the completion of the eighth edition (September 1, 2023). The works submitted will be original pieces and without public access on the web. The length of these short films will be between 3 and 8 minutes.

They will have to contain the official bumpers of the festival, both at the beginning and at the end. These bumpers will be available on our website from July 1st.

2.- prizes.
The prizes of this festival total 6.100€, plus other prizes of non-quantifiable value. They will be distributed as follows:
"Rural World Section":

● 1.000€. Prize for best spanish short film awarded by the town council of El Rasillo de Cameros.
● 1.000€. Prize for best foreign short film awarded by the town council of El Rasillo de Cameros.

"Cameros Section":
● 1.500€. Prize for best short film.The winner of this section will also be selected for the OCTOBER SHORT 2025 festival in the RIOJA SECTION.
● 300€. Award for best production.

Special awards. These awards are valid for both sections and compatible with other awards.

● Best actor: 500€.
● Best actress: 500€.
● Best photography: 500€.
● Audience Award: 300€.
● Youth Award: 500€ gift merchandising LCA and / or movie tickets.

This award is only open to short films made entirely by people under 22 years of age (born up to the year 2002), except for actors or actresses if required by the script.

The prizes are subject to the corresponding tax withholding as established by law.

3.- Technical requirements.

3.1 The works submitted will have a minimum quality of Full HD.

3.2 Format: .MPEG-4 .MP4 .MOV. If the format is not suitable, the submission will be disqualified from the competition.

4.- Registrations and deliveries.

4.1 All persons who wish to participate, individually or in groups, may do so.

4.2 Short films must be submitted through the platform
in the corresponding section:
“Rural World” section: before 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2024.
“Cameros” section: before 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2024.
Accompanied by the mandatory data of the platform (technical and artistic data sheet, locations, director's portrait, synopsis, poster (.jpg) and making off photo.
Making of photography will be mandatory for the cameros section.

This information may be used for the festival's programming, on social networks, media, etc...

5.- Selection and Jury.

5.1 Among all the works received, the organizers will select films from both the "Rural World" and "Cameros" sections for viewing at the screenings and for the jury to deliberate on the winners.

5.2 The jury will be composed of several people linked to the film industry and audiovisual productions.

5.3 The jury for the audience award will be the audience itself. The prize will be awarded by counting the votes obtained on the screenings.

6.- Screenings and awards ceremony.

6.1 The screenings will be held in El Rasillo Cameros (La Rioja, Spain) August 21 to 24, 2024(may undergo variations).

6.2 awards ceremony:
Attendance will be mandatory by at least one member of the team of the selected short films in the "Cameros" section.
In the case of the RURAL WORLD section, it will be possible to send a video the same day of the awards ceremony.

7.- Legislation.

7.1 The organization will upload the short films only from the section "Cameros" to the networks two years after the deadline. period so that the participants can submit their short films to other contests.

7.2 Images and/or music from archives may be used, provided that the participants own or are assigned the rights to the audiovisual material used in their works, including music, effects, and animations.

Under no circumstances may the works violate any law of intellectual protection, and the Festival Organization is not responsible if any short film does not comply with this rule.

7.3 The organization is not responsible for any offence committed by the participants, being them responsible for any type of action and / or claim, judicial or administrative.

7.4 Works that denigrate women will be disqualified, Denigration of any social group because of their sexual condition, gender, race, or economic status, and/or that advocate terrorism or animal abuse in the short films will mean automatic disqualification from the competition.

7.5 In short films in which minors participate in any way (in front of or behind the camera), it shall be the responsibility of the directors or producers to have parental permission.

7.6 Participants agree to be interviewed by the organizers of the event.

7.7 The participants must be the authors of the works submitted to the competition and agree to grant broadcasting rights for the duration of the festival to both the organizers of the event and its sponsors to be used later by different channels such as:
Internet, movie theaters, television.... In the case of the section "Cameros" they must agree to grant the broadcasting rights of the short films (two years after their screening at the festival) and in the case of the "Rural World" section, only the trailer will be broadcasted.

7.8 The organization may record on video and photograph the activities related to the competition.

7.9 The prizes are subjected to the corresponding tax deduction established by law.

The organization may declare the prizes void if it considers that the works submitted do not meet the minimum requirements desired by the festival.

7.10 If the organization considers that the requirements for participation are not being met, it may request original files or justification from the participants, if the organization is not satisfied, the work will not be eligible to compete.

7.11 Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these rules.

7.12 These rules are subjected to the necessary changes by the organization and will be communicated with the necessary advance notice.



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