Festival start: 02 December 2025
Festival end: 10 December 2025
MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.
The Festival compromises two separate competitions:
- SHORTS International Short Film Competition
- VOLUME International Music Video Competition
“SHORTS” awards the best shorts-films in the three categories of Fiction, Documentary, and Animation. And “VOLUME” awards the best winning music video incorporating Macau original music. A list of Macau original songs is available on the Festival's WEBSITE for download purposely for VOLUME.
SHORTS is open for submission from 1 March to 31 May 2025, and VOLUME is open for submission from 16 March to 20 July 2024.
The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.
The Festival will be held from 3 to 10 December 2024. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS” official selection and “VOLUME” music videos official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Choice”; as well as gala awards ceremony.
Cash Prizes: 7,000$
Best Film of the FESTIVAL - MOP20,000
Best Fiction - MOP10,000
Best Documentary - MOP10,000
Best Animation - MOP10,000
Best Local Entry - MOP10,000
Macau Cultural Identity - MOP10,000
Audience Choice - MOP4,000
Best Music Video - MOP10,000
MOP 8 ≈ USD 1
Other awards include:
• Best Director
• Best Cinematography
• Best Editing
• Best Music
• Best Sound Design
• Best Student Film
• Best Visual Effects (Shorts)
• Best Visual Effects (Volume)
• Best Song (Volume)
1.1 MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival which aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.
1.2 The International Short Film Competition SHORTS awards the best short films in the categories of FICTION, DOCUMENTARY and ANIMATION.
2.1 The submission opens from 16 MAR to 20 JUN 2024. Unless the FESTIVAL announces an extension, no submission will be accepted after this date.
2.2 All films in the OFFICIAL SELECTION will be included in the public screening sessions from 3 to 10 DEC 2024. The venue will be announced later.
3.1 SHORTS is open to anyone of any nationality and age.
3.2 The production of submitted films must be completed between 1 JAN 2023 and 16 JUN 2024. Films selected in past editions of the FESTIVAL will not be admitted.
3.3 No submission fees.
3.4 The FESTIVAL accepts only ONE film by the same director(s) in the categories of FICTION, DOCUMENTARY and ANIMATION.
3.5 The maximum duration of each film, including intro and end credits, is 30 minutes for FICTION and DOCUMENTARY, and 15 minutes for ANIMATION.
3.6 For non-English spoken films, English embedded captions/subtitles is required.
3.7 The minimum quality should be:
• Video File: QuickTime mov or mp4
• Resolution: 1280 x 720 or above
• Frame Rate: 24, 25 or 30fps
• Codecs: H.264 with AAC
3.8 All submissions must be sent to the FESTIVAL either:
a) By using online submission platforms listed on the FESTIVAL’s website and have the information filled in ENGLISH. Basic Information includes:
1. Category
2. Film title
3. Duration
4. Synopsis [max 40 words]
5. Credits
6. Director’s Biography [max 40 words]
7. Video file [please refer to 3.7]
3.9 Failure to comply or provide any of the required materials mentioned in 3.8 will result in disqualification.
3.10 All third-party audio or visual material, legally owned or copyrighted, must be cited clearly during the on-screen credits sequence of the submitted film. Submitters have to attach a proof of authorization from the third party upon request.
3.11 By submitting a film to the FESTIVAL, submitters imply the acceptance of this Regulation.
4.1 The FESTIVAL will notify ONLY the contact of the pre- selected films in August 2024 by sending email and/or messages on the online submission platforms.
4.2 Directors / Producers / Representatives are required to provide further information:
a) SHORTS SUBMISSION FORM - properly filled in capital letters and signed, downloadable on the FESTIVAL website.
b) Video file without subtitles [at least 1080p]
c) English Subtitle files (even the pre-selected film is in English) in the format of srt or vtt.
d) [To be nominated for BEST LOCAL ENTRY] A valid Macau Resident ID Card (BIR) / Non-Resident Worker’s ID Card (Blue Card) / Authorization to Stay - Student Type.
4.3 Failing to submit the requested materials by the designated deadline will be automatically excluded from the OFFICIAL SELECTION.
4.4 By submitting the requested materials, Directors / Producers / Representatives agree that the pre-selected film to be selected in the FESTIVAL’s OFFICIAL SELECTION and agree the film to be included in the public screening sessions during the FESTIVAL.
4.5 The FESTIVAL will not pay any screening fees for public screening of the selected film.
5.1 The members of JURY PANELS, consisting of local and international directors, producers, and other professionals in the film industry, will individually select the potential best films for the OFFICIAL SELECTION in FICTION, DOCUMENTARY and ANIMATION.
5.2 The panels will also select the potential student films for the Best Student Film award in the above categories.
5.3 The FICTION Jury Panel will indicate the best films for the PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS:
• Best Director
• Best Cinematography
• Best Editing
• Best Music
• Best Sound Design
• Best Visual Effects
5.4 The GRAND JURY PANEL is composed of international experts individually to judge and decide mutually among the short films in OFFICIAL SELECTION on the winner of each of the following film awards:
• Best Fiction
• Best Documentary
• Best Animation
• Best Film of the FESTIVAL
• Best Local Entry
• Macau Cultural Identity
5.5 During the public screenings of the FESTIVAL, the audience will VOTE at the venue for the winner of:
• Audience Award
5.6 Cash prizes for the award winners listed in 5.4 and 5.5 will be announced if the sponsorship is confirmed. Without any announcement, it indicates there will be no sponsorship of cash prizes.
5.7 If there is no winner for Best Local Entry, the sponsor will revert the prize value towards audio-visual training organised by CREATIVE MACAU - Center for Creative Industries for the local participant of the FESTIVAL.
5.8 There will be no appeal to the decision made by the FESTIVAL.
5.9 The GRAND JURY PANEL and the ORGANIZATION of the FESTIVAL can also recognize any film with a special award.
5.10 All winners will receive a TROPHY and a CERTIFICATE.
6.1 Films in the OFFICIAL SELECTION will be presented to the mass media and be edited in the promotional videos (up to a maximum of 10% of the total duration of the work), exclusively for the promotion of the FESTIVAL.
6.2 After the FESTIVAL, the films in OFFICIAL SELECTION may be invited to be screened in the FESTIVAL’s extensions in Macau and overseas film festivals, with prior consent of the directors / producers / representatives.
7.1 Only original films are accepted by the FESTIVAL.
7.2 Submitted films not in the OFFICIAL SELECTION might be included, with prior consent of the directors / producers / representatives of the film, in the EXPANDED CINEMA session of the FESTIVAL.
7.3 Considering all legal issues, directors / producers / representatives of the submitted films assume full responsibility. The FESTIVAL will decline any sort of responsibility regarding authorship or other issues.
7.4 The FESTIVAL reserves the right to consider and decide on any substance not included in this Regulation.
7.5 If any cash prize winner requests an overseas transfer and/or a payment in a foreign currency (other than MOP), the winner is fully responsible for ANY taxes or fees applied during the transfer.
7.6 In case of doubt or discrepancy, the Portuguese version of this Regulation shall prevail.
VOLUME - Music Video
1.1 MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival which aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.
1.2 The International Music Video Competition VOLUME awards the best MUSIC VIDEO (“MV”), which brings Macau original music to worldwide filmmakers to compete in the FESTIVAL by producing an MV based on one Macau original song.
2.1 The submission opens from 16 MAR to 20 JUL 2024. Unless the FESTIVAL announces an extension, no submission will be accepted after this date.
2.2 All MVs in the OFFICIAL SELECTION will be included in the public screening sessions from 3 to 10 DEC 2024. The venue will be announced later.
3.1 VOLUME is open to anyone of any nationality and age.
3.2 Filmmakers could use the listed soundtrack of original song (“LISTED SONG”) on the FESTIVAL website or any original song by Macau band (“BAND”).
3.3 For any SONG not listed on the FESTIVAL website, at least ONE MEMBER of the BAND must hold a valid Macau Resident ID Card (BIR) or Non-Resident Worker’s ID Card (Blue Card) or Authorization to Stay - Student Type.
3.4 The BAND of the LISTED SONG on the FESTIVAL website gave consent to the song to be used exclusively in the production of MVs for the submission to VOLUME. Any other purposes require the authorization from the OWNER of the LISTED SONG and is out of the scope of the FESTIVAL.
3.5 The production of submitted MV must be completed between 1 JAN 2023 and 20 JUL 2024. MVs selected in past editions of the FESTIVAL will not be admitted.
3.6 No submission fees.
3.7 The FESTIVAL The FESTIVAL accepts at most three original MVs by the same director.
3.8 The minimum quality should be:
• Video File: QuickTime mov or mp4
• Resolution: 1280 x 720 or above
• Frame Rate: 24, 25 or 30fps
• Codecs: H.264 with AAC
3.9 The entire soundtrack of the MV should ONLY contain the song itself in full length, with no more than 30 seconds allowed for intro and end credits.
3.10 All submissions must be sent to the FESTIVAL either:
a) By using online submission platforms listed on the FESTIVAL’s website and have the information filled in ENGLISH. Basic Information includes:
1. MV title
2. Duration
3. Credits
4. Director’s Biography [max 40 words]
5. [for SONG not on the website]: BAND’s Biography [max 40 words]
6. Video file (please refer to 3.8)
3.11 Failure to comply or provide any of the required materials will result in disqualification.
3.12 All third-party audio or visual material, legally owned or copyrighted, must be cited clearly during the on-screen credits sequence of the submitted MV. Submitters have to attach a proof of authorization from the third party upon request.
3.13 By submitting the MV to the FESTIVAL, submitters imply the acceptance of this Regulation.
4.1 The FESTIVAL will notify ONLY the contact of the pre- selected MVs in August 2024 by sending email and/or messages on the online submission platforms.
4.2 Directors / Producers / Representatives are required to provide further information if they are submitted via the online platform:
1. VOLUME SUBMISSION FORM - properly filled in capital letters and signed, downloadable on the FESTIVAL website.
2. Credits
3. Director’s Biography [max 40 words]
4. [for SONG not on the website]: BAND’s Biography [max 40 words] with ID copy (please refer to 3.7)
5. ID copies of MV’s Director and the Band
6. Video file [1080p or above]
4.3 Failing to submit the requested materials by the designated deadline will be automatically excluded from the OFFICIAL SELECTION.
4.4 By submitting the requested materials, Directors / Producers / Representatives agree that the pre-selected MV to be selected in the FESTIVAL’s OFFICIAL SELECTION and agree the MV to be included in the public screening sessions during the FESTIVAL.
4.5 The FESTIVAL will not pay any screening fees for public screening of the selected MV.
5.1 The members of JURY PANELS, consisting of local and international directors, producers, and other professionals in the film industry, will individually select the potential best MV for the OFFICIAL SELECTION in FICTION, DOCUMENTARY and ANIMATION.
5.2 The following PRESTIGIOUS AWARDS will be presented:
• Best Song
• Best Visual Effects
5.3 The GRAND JURY PANEL is composed of international experts individually to judge and decide mutually among the MVs in OFFICIAL SELECTION on the winner of each of the following MV awards:
• Best Music Video
5.4 Cash prizes for the award winners listed in 5.3 will be announced if the sponsorship is confirmed. Without any announcement, it indicates there will be no sponsorship of cash prizes.
5.5 There will be no appeal to the decision made by the FESTIVAL.
5.6 The GRAND JURY PANEL and the ORGANIZATION of the FESTIVAL can also recognize any MV with a special award.
5.7 All winners will receive a TROPHY and a CERTIFICATE.
6.1 MVs in the OFFICIAL SELECTION will be presented to the mass media and be edited in the promotional videos (up to a maximum of 10% of the total duration of the work), exclusively for the promotion of the FESTIVAL.
6.2 After the FESTIVAL, the MVs in OFFICIAL SELECTION may be invited to be screened in the FESTIVAL’s extensions in Macau and overseas film festivals, with prior consent of the directors / producers / representatives.
7.1 Only original MVs are accepted by the FESTIVAL.
7.2 Submitted MVs not in the OFFICIAL SELECTION might be invited to be included, with prior consent of the directors / producers / representatives of the film, in the EXPANDED CINEMA session of the FESTIVAL.
7.3 Considering all legal issues, directors / producers / representatives of the submitted MVs assume full responsibility. The FESTIVAL will decline any sort of responsibility regarding authorship or other issues.
7.4 The FESTIVAL reserves the right to consider and decide on any substance not included in this Regulation.
7.5 If any cash prize winner requests an overseas transfer and/or a payment in a foreign currency (other than MOP), the winner is fully responsible for ANY taxes or fees applied during the transfer.
7.6 In case of doubt or discrepancy, the Portuguese version of this Regulation shall prevail.
CREATIVE MACAU / Institute of European Studies of Macau
MISFF “SHORTS” awards the best shorts-films in the three categories of Fiction, Documentary, and Animation, which aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.