Curtas – Festival do Imaxinario (53)



27 Jan 2025
Call for entries

03 Aug 2025
Final deadline


25 Oct 2025
Notification date

24 Oct 2025
02 Nov 2025


Rúa Pintor Manuel Colmeiro, 4 - 3C,  36003, Pontevedra, Pontevedra, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival >1' 20'<
Feature film festival >60' 180'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Any Theme
 Does NOT have submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films  >1' 20'<
 Feature Films  >60' 180'<
 Any language
Spanish Galician
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Photo of Curtas – Festival do Imaxinario
Photo of Curtas – Festival do Imaxinario

Photo of Curtas – Festival do Imaxinario
Photo of Curtas – Festival do Imaxinario


Festival start: 24 October 2025      Festival end: 02 November 2025

Born as the Amateur Film Festival of Vilagarcía in 1973, the Curtas Film Fest has been held uninterruptedly in Vilagarcía de Arousa. It’s the film festival dean of Galicia and one of the contests with more tradition of Spain. Specialized in fantastic cinema.

The following awards will be given:

Feature Films
◦ Best Feature Film
◦ Best Director
◦ Best Performance
◦ “Roberto Camba” Award for best special/visual effects or cinematography.
◦ Special Award from the International Jury
◦ “Fantástica Latinoamérica” Award for the best Latin American film at the Festival.

Short Films
◦ Best Fiction Short Film
◦ Best Animation Short Film
◦ Best Director

Transversal Awards
◦ Best Film “Made in Galicia”
◦ Best Director “Made in Galicia”

Check the regulation here:


The Curtas Festival do Imaxinario is calling for entries for its 53rd edition (2025) to short and feature films in the fantastic genre (horror,
science fiction, fantasy, thriller, etc.), both live action and animated.

Productions of any nationality and in any language may be submitted.

The submission of works for consideration by the Festival Programming Committee will be carried out through the digital platform FESTHOME

The deadline for receiving viewing copies is August 3, 2025.

The Programming Committee will only consider short films that meet the following conditions:

Official Fantastic Section (Short Films and Feature Films)

Production date: All short films of any nationality, whose production date is between 2024 and 2025, that have not previously been screened in Galicia, may participate.

The Festival reserves the right to program short films from previous years, or those that have been released in Galicia, out of competition in the Alucine section.

Length: The short films submitted must not exceed 20 minutes in length. The feature films presented will have a minimum duration of 60 minutes.

The Festival reserves the right to make exceptions.
Formats: In order to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible, the Festival will request screening files that can be sent via digital means (DCP, MOV, MP4, etc.). Other formats will only be
accepted in exceptional cases.

Subtitles: If necessary, Spanish subtitles or the appropriate material to subtitle the film must be provided: download link and list of dialogues and/or English subtitles. If the film is to be distributed in
Spanish territory, the distributor must provide the Festival with a screening copy in OV subtitled.
The Festival reserves the right to make specific exceptions to these rules.

Official Section “Made in Galicia” (Short films)
Production date: All short films whose production date is between 2024 and 2025 may participate. It will be valued if they have not been previously screened in Galicia.

Nationality: Works of Galician production, or at least 20% accredited, and/or of Galician authorship (director of Galician origin or with more than two years of accredited residence in Galicia)

Length: The short films submitted must not exceed 20 minutes in length.

The Festival reserves the right to make exceptions.
Formats: In order to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible, the Festival will request screening files that can be sent via digital means (DCP, MOV, MP4, etc.). Other formats will only be
accepted in exceptional cases.

Subtitles: Spanish subtitles and/or English subtitles must be provided. If the film is to be distributed in Spanish territory, the distributor must provide the Festival with a subtitled screening copy
in original version.

The Festival reserves the right to make specific exceptions to these rules.

3. Selection
Notification through the enabled platforms will be made on September 1, 2025. From this date, the Festival will contact the selected films, who will receive an additional form (entry form) to formalize their participation in the Festival.

The Festival will not communicate the “non-selection” of works on an individual basis. Titles that have not received the request from the organization or have been notified by the platform as “not selected” will be excluded from the selection.

The company or individual who registers the short/feature film for participation in the Festival must provide advertising material: photos, posters, press kits, trailers, clips, etc. so that the organization can promote the film appropriately. In order to reduce the carbon footprint, this material must be sent by digital means.

The Festival reserves the right not to return these promotional materials.

The producers and/or distributors of the selected films (short and feature films) authorize, by accepting their participation, the use of one or more fragments of their title for dissemination as information
material in any media or institutional presentation. For these purposes, the producers and/or distributors will make available to the Festival Press Department a selection of sequences with a maximum duration of three minutes.

Depending on programming needs, or motivated by the receipt of an award, the selected short film/feature film may have more than one screening at the discretion of the organization.

The registration of a film in the Festival implies full acceptance and compliance with these Regulations and any Annexes.

Once the Festival has selected a film for any of its Sections and notified it, and its participation has been confirmed by the production company/distributor that registered it, by sending the entry form, participants may not withdraw their works from the

The selected works may be part of the following sections of the Festival:

◦ Official Section Fantastic Short Films. In competition.

◦ Official Section Fantastic Feature Films. In competition.

◦ Official Section Made in Galicia. Short films. In competition.

◦ Official Section Alucine. Short films. Out of competition.

◦ Official Section Alucine. Feature films. Out of competition.

The selection of a feature film or short film to participate in any of the sections, or the obtaining of a prize, does not entail the invitation
(travel, accommodation or subsistence) to the representative of the distributor, the director, or members of the artistic or technical team,
etc., a decision that will be subject to the discretion of the Festival.

The selection of a feature film or short film to participate in any of the sections, or the obtaining of a prize, does not entail the invitation
(travel, accommodation or subsistence) to the representative of the distributor, the director, or members of the artistic or technical team,
etc., a decision that will be subject to the discretion of the Festival.

The selected short and feature films must be made available to the Curtas Festival do Imaxinario organisation by 25 September 2025.

In order to reduce the carbon footprint as much as possible, the festival will request screening files that can be sent via digital media (DCP,
MOV, MP4, etc.). In exceptional cases, other formats may be accepted.

The Festival reserves the right to refuse copies that, after the necessary technical checks, are found to be unsuitable for screening. A new copy may be requested from the representatives and/or authors.

If, for reasons beyond the control of the organization, the screening copy cannot arrive in time for exhibition, the organization may replace
the title with another.

In the event of providing a screening copy on physical media, the festival undertakes to return this copy as soon as possible, with a maximum of 20 days after the end of the competition.

Curtas Festival do Imaxinario will screen the selected short films/feature films as part of its 2025 edition's programming.

The Festival organisers will decide the start and end dates of the event, as well as the days and times of screening, which may vary depending on the needs of the event. Interested parties will be notified in due time.
The date of the Festival may be postponed or the screening days may be extended due to programming setbacks or situations not contemplated in these Regulations and which are due to force majeure.

The Festival will decide the time at which each work will be screened.

The prizes of the Curtas Festival do Imaxinario are NOT of a financial nature.

An International Jury made up of professionals related to cinema and the fantasy genre will choose the winning works of the Official Fantastic and Made in Galicia Section.

The following awards will be given:

Feature Films

◦ Best Feature Film
◦ Best Director
◦ Best Performance
◦ “Roberto Camba” Award for best special/visual effects or
◦ Special Award from the International Jury
◦ “Fantástica Latinoamérica” Award for the best Latin American film at
the Festival.

Short Films

◦ Best Fiction Short Film
◦ Best Animation Short Film
◦ Best DirectorTransversal Awards
◦ Best Film “Made in Galicia”
◦ Best Director “Made in Galicia”

The Jury's decision will be final.

The Jury may award special mentions to highlight technical and artistic aspects of the works in competition.

The awards may be shared (ex aequo).

Audience Awards.

Attendees of the Curtas Festival do Imaxinario will be able to vote through the Festival App for the Audience Award for Best Short Film and the Audience Award for Best Feature Film.

The participant will be solely responsible for his/her short film/feature film in terms of copyright and/or civil, criminal or any other type of liability or jurisdictional and/or administrative order arising from its content.

Participation in the Curtas Festival do Imaxinario implies full acceptance of these Regulations and any Annexes.

The interpretation of these Regulations will be the exclusive responsibility of the Festival organization.
Any question or dispute not covered by these Regulations will be settled by the Festival organization.

In the event of a discrepancy, the criteria of the Festival organization will prevail.

These Regulations may be supplemented or modified, prior to the start date of this Edition of the Curtas Festival do Imaxinario and after prior
communication to the interested parties, with any other annexes deemed appropriate by the members of the organization.



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