Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio (12)

Fusagasugá International Film Festival FICFUSA - Woman and Territory


08 Mar 2025
Call for entries

31 Aug 2025
Final deadline

30 Sep 2025
Notification date

14 Nov 2025
17 Nov 2025


Calle 9 # 3-60,  no, Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca, Colombia

Festival description
Gender issues - women.
Feature film festival >45' 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 January 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Feature Films  >45' 120'<
 Any language
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Photo of Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio
Photo of Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio

Photo of Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio
Photo of Festival internacional de cine de Fusagasugá FICFUSA - Mujer y Territorio


Festival start: 14 November 2025      Festival end: 17 November 2025

Fusagasugá International Film Festival (FICFUSA) aims to bring the residents of Fusagasugá and the Sumapaz region new screens, points of view and cinematographic work of high quality to promote a critical thinking around the problems and issues experienced by women. In the short term, we aim to become an international platform for gender and women thematic films, attracting producers, directors, and distributors interested in these subjects.

The orchid, national flower of Colombia, represents the progress of Sumapaz (where FICFUSA takes place) because the region is linked to the cultivation of their species. It is a symbol of the colorful natural beauty of the area. Based on this concept, the awards will be the work of a plastic artist from the region.
The main award of the contest will be the “Orchid of the Andes” for the Best Film of FICFUSA 2025 and two special mentions for: “Woman who fight” and “The voice that breaks the silence.”

WOMAN WHO FIGHT, to the film in the international feature film competition, which highlights the work of those who fight for the defense of fundamental women rights worldwide.

THE VOICE THAT BREAKS THE SILENCE will go to the film, which highlights the facts, characters or groups of women within a reality we ignored, or from an original point of view, or a reality sidelined by the mass media.


QUICK INTERESTING DATA: Type of competition and scope: International Feature Film
Theme: Feature films questioning the role of women in relation to their environment. The woman’s body as the first territory.

Pre-selection format: online
Exhibition formats: Digital file
Call deadline: Sunday, August 31, 2025


The goal of the Fusagasugá International Film Festival (FICFUSA) is to be an international reference point for films addressing women’s themes, attracting producers, directors, and distributors interested in the festival's focus. We aim for our logo to be recognized for the highest cinematic quality.


FICFUSA will take place from November 14 to 17, 2025.


This call is aimed at audiovisual works of documentary, fiction, and animation completed after January 1, 2023, with a minimum duration of 45 minutes. Films addressing topics related to women, such as diversity, rights, struggles, cultural and social norms, and equity, will be accepted, regardless of the gender of the director. Special consideration will be given to first and second films by female filmmakers. We seek hopeful films with optimistic messages that propose changes for society and the well-being of women and their communities.


Films not in Spanish must have Spanish subtitles or a transcript of dialogues in Spanish.


By submitting a film, short film, or music video in any of the categories of FICFUSA, the submitter enters into a contract under the terms published herein. It is understood that the contract is binding for all parties, in accordance with Article 1602 and the following articles of the Colombian Civil Code. By submitting their film, short film, or music video, the submitter agrees to comply with the terms of this call and the regulations governing cinematographic activity, including Law 397 of 1997, Law 814 of 2003, Decree 1080 of 2015, Resolution 1021 of 2016, Law 1556 of 2012, Law 1446 of 2011, Law 1819 of 2016, Law 23 of 1982, and Decree 366 of 2013.


From Friday, March 8, until Saturday, August 31, 2025, the registration form for FICFUSA will be available on the official website: www.ficfusa.com
Through this form, participants must provide all details about the feature film, the technical team, and a viewing link with a password if necessary.

Any questions regarding the registration process can be addressed by writing to: contacto@ficfusa.com or ficfusa@gmail.com, with a response time of two (2) business days.

PARAGRAPH: The Fundación para las Artes Rodrigo Morales, as the legal entity organizing the Fusagasugá International Film Festival (FICFUSA), will not be responsible for any unauthorized use of third-party works contained in the audiovisual works submitted to the "Women's Stories" feature film competition. In such cases, the producer or the individual submitting the audiovisual work to FICFUSA is solely responsible under the law for any use of third-party material in the work.


All final copies of the films in competition must be sent via a download link. Since 2020, no physical materials are accepted. There will be no fee or payment for the projection rental of films participating in this competitive category.


The Festival reserves the right to select and invite films for competition and parallel screenings. During the Festival, no invited film may be shown outside the designated spaces established by FICFUSA in the Sumapaz region, Colombia.

For selection, films must be submitted in their final version, in digital format through an online viewing platform (preferably Vimeo), along with a completed and signed registration form. Films must also include the corresponding subtitles. Any costs related to subtitling or registration will be borne by the submitter.

The deadline for submissions for the "Women's Stories" international competition is Sunday, August 31, 2025. Late submissions will not be accepted.

If your film is selected, an invitation email will be sent confirming your participation. Once the invitation is accepted, the Festival will send a follow-up email requesting the required materials. Once the invitation is accepted, submitters may not retract, and they commit to the exhibition of the film during FICFUSA 2025.

The accepted exhibition format for the festival is: H264 Full HD or ProRes digital file. To ensure minimum projection quality, the material must be presented with stereo sound tracks, even if it includes other sound distribution systems.

Submitted materials must be exhibition copies.

Under no circumstances will original or unique copies that do not have a backup be accepted by the participants.


The Fundación para las Artes Rodrigo Morales and the platform Cat Bros have reached an exclusive exhibition agreement for the festival during November 2025, and they request the granting of a license for the exhibition of the feature film during this period.

License Grant for the Bibliotele Platform: The Licensor grants Cat Bros. an exclusive right to transmit, distribute, promote, and exhibit the content through the Cat Bros platform, BIBLIOTELE, to educational institutions, libraries, and other clients within the Territory, during the period from November 1, 2025, to November 30, 2025. This includes the right, license, and privilege under copyright to exhibit, transmit, reproduce, publicly display, and project the Titles, either in-person at the facilities of the library or institution, or online via the Bibliotele platform, by any exhibition means exclusively determined by Cat Bros. (On-Demand Services - Subscription (SVOD) and Transactional On-Demand (TVOD) or others), and through any means of transmission and delivery, whether known or developed in the future ("Granted Rights"). The territory for the granted rights under this Agreement includes all of the Americas (North, Central, and South America), as well as Spain.
In light of the exhibition agreement with the Bibliotele platform during the festival month, it is established that there will be no charges for users accessing content through the platform. Viewing of films, short films, or music videos will be free for Bibliotele members, who can enjoy the content at no additional cost.

Due to this free access modality, no payment or direct financial compensation will be provided to the licensors or producers of the films during the exhibition period on the platform. The exhibition is exclusively based on the cultural and promotional interest of the event, with no profit intended for the involved parties.


The orchid, Colombia’s national flower, represents the progress and development of the region due to its link with the floriculture of its species. It is a symbol of the colorful natural beauty of the area. Based on this concept, the awards will be created by a visual artist from the region.
The main award of the competition will be the "Orchid of the Andes" for Best Film of FICFUSA 2025, along with two special plaques for the awards titled "Women Who Fight" and "The Voice That Breaks the Silence."


The Festival will designate the jury members, who will consist of at least three people, including at least two with a connection to the film industry, and one from the Sumapaz region with experience in culture and/or women’s organizations.
Decisions will be made in a meeting where all three jury members will be present, either in person or remotely. During this meeting, there will be an enriching discussion in which each member will propose the films they consider winners and justify their choices. Afterward, the proposals will be submitted to a vote, and decisions will be made by majority vote.
Additionally, jury members will provide written feedback on the winning films, which will be sent to the filmmakers' emails after the Festival. This feedback aims to contribute to the creative process and enrich the artistic development of participants, offering constructive and valuable input for their professional growth.


Producers and directors of awarded films agree to mention the award in all publicity and press materials related to the film, using the FICFUSA logo and/or the laurels graphic provided by the Festival.


FICFUSA reserves the right to modify these rules. In case of any disputes regarding the rules or the winners, participants agree to abide by the decisions of the FICFUSA organizers. Submitting a film implies acceptance of all points in these rules.

deadline for Feature Film Registration
August 31, 2025

WhatsApp: +57 322 7180617 (Colombia)
CONTACTO@FICFUSA.COM; ficfusa@gmail.com

Fusagasugá International Film Festival
“Women and Territory”

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