Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad (13)

Inclus, Barcelona International Disability Film Festival


18 Mar 2025
Call for entries

07 Jul 2025
Standard deadline

07 Jul 2025
Final deadline


30 Sep 2025
Notification date

10 Dec 2025
16 Dec 2025


Girona 166 ent 1,  08037, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Festival description
Short film festival
Feature film festival 120'<

Festival requirements
 Film festival
 Music Video
 Any Genre
 Has submission fees
 International Festival
 Physical Location
 December 2023
 Production countries: Any
 Shooting countries: Any
 Director nationalities: Any
 Debut Films 
 School projects 
 Short Films 
 Feature Films  120'<
 Any language
Catalan Spanish English
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Photo of Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad
Photo of Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad

Photo of Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad
Photo of Inclus Festival Internacional de Cine y Discapacidad


Festival start: 10 December 2025      Festival end: 16 December 2025

Festival Inclús is a festival of audiovisual productions, both documentary and fiction centered on the theme of physical and mental disabilities. It is an initiative Associació Inclús and conducted by Fish Muvi.

The aim of Festival Inclús is to give visibility to audiovisual works produced around the theme of disability with a different point of view. The goal is to provide a deepest perspective of the reality of disabilities, whether the production is carried by entities directly involved in the world of disability, or other persons or groups.

We also are an inclusive festival that is why we have two new sections: Inclus values, cinema for kids and teens about social issues and Sing Language cinema, movies in sign language.

The Festival will be held in December 10 to 16, 2025, close to the International Day of Disability December 3rd. The Audiovisual material of the finalists will be played during this day according to the different categories. There will be awards for the best submittals. Inclús focuses on audiovisual productions, but it also has other artistic and commercial activities and disciplines in order to give visibility to this sector.

There will be one prize per category consisting of money and/or technical audiovisual material.


Contest rules for the submission of films for the Official Selection

1. Purpose of the call

Inclús is a festival of audiovisual productions, both documentary and fiction, focused on the theme of disabilities. It is an initiative of Associació Inclús, organized by the audiovisual company Fish Muvi.

The aim of Festival Inclús is to give visibility to audiovisual works about disability with a different point of view.

The 12th edition of Inclús, Barcelona International Disability Film Festival will be held at December 10 to 16, 2025 in Barcelona. The audiovisual material of the finalists will be screened during this festival, according to each different category. There will be one award for the best submittals of each category.

2. General submission requirements

Participants can be either individuals or collective and associations.

In this second case, a person must be
designated as responsible/single spokesperson on behalf of the association or collective.

Participants shall be born before 31/12/2007.

3. Entry form
The works will be delivered through the platform Festhome.

There are four categories. Each work can apply only in a single category:

- Feature Documentary Film (30'-120')
- Short Documentary Film (1-29'59”)
- Feature Fiction Films (30'-120')
- Short Fiction Film (1-29'59”)

The submission deadline for deliver audiovisual works is July 7, 2024 at 00:00, GMT +1 hour (Madrid).

4. Films Requirements
Only films made after December 31st, 2023 can participate in the contest (2 years production).

Projects already submitted in previous editions of Inclús are not eligible and will not be accepted.

Registered films performed in a foreign language must be subtitled in Catalan, Spanish or english.

Since the Festival promotes inclusion, all selected works will be captioned for deaf people and audio description commented for blind people by Inclús. If available, it is highly recommended to include it in this format.

All the works that do not meet these requirements will not be eligible to participate. The Festival management reserves the right to make an exception and program films that do not meet these requirements.

The participant guarantees that the film submitted is original and that it is not subject to any contracts, assignments or third-party licenses relating to copyright, intellectual property or other rights other than those belonging to the creators of the film.

The organization may reject works that do not offer technical guarantees. It also reserves the right to exclude competition works whose content promotes hate and/or discrimination.

5. Submission fee

The festival will charge a submission fee of 6€ (taxes included) to cover the processing and viewing of all films. Submission fees are non-refundable.

Submissions will only be accepted if all the required materials and information are received on time. Incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration.

If you want an invoice, please send your invoicing details (VAT number included) and the title of the film to

6. Jury and awards

The jury will be composed by professional personalities of culture areas. The jury reserves the right to declare the prize desert in any category.

There will be one prize per category consisting of money and/or technical audiovisual material. There will be and Audience Award; the winner film will be the one with the highest score from audience votes.

Prize will be given in Barcelona at the time that the Festival is being held. By accepting the prize, the winner also accepts the terms and conditions of the notice.

Inclús reserves the right to incorporate some other award and the right to replace the prizes with others of equal or greater value when justly necessary. In any case, the relevant participants will be duly notified of such circumstance. The award winners are not entitled to request an exchange of their awards for any other prize.

Cash prizes are subject to the personal income tax legislation in force and in accordance with any existing agreements for international double taxation.

7. Selection procedure

Festival programmers select the films that will participate in the Official Section. Their decision is unappealable.

Inclús is under no obligation to provide feedback to the applicants regarding the submitted films.

The Festival will notify the applicant no later than the end of September 2025.

8. Conflict Resolution

The Festival reserves the right to deal at its own will, any situation not covered by these terms.

By sending the film, the applicant accepts the terms and conditions of the Festival.

9. Contact information

Questions concerning regulations and/or submission process should be directed to

  Festhome holds accountable fees festivals by holding the payment of the fees of most newer festivals until they have viewed the submissions, held their festivals and other methods.



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