XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género ()

Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

Dates limites

16 juil. 2024
Appel à Inscriptions

15 sept. 2024
Festival fermé

09 nov. 2024
Date de notification

06 nov. 2024
09 nov. 2024


Plaza de San Francisco, 2,  23071, Jaén, Jaén, Spain

Description du Festival
Festival d court métrage 30'<

GOYA Qualifier festival logo festival de qualification
Exigences du Festival
 Festival de cinéma
 Music Video
 Tous les genres
 Tous les thèmes
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription
 Festival National
 Lieu physique
 janvier 2022
 Pays de production: Obligatoire
 Pays de tournage: Obligatoire
 Nationalités des directeurs: Tout
 Premiers Films 
 Projets scolaires 
 Courts-métrages  30'<
 Toutes langues
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Photo of XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género
Photo of XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género

Photo of XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género
Photo of XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género


Début du Festival: 06 novembre 2024      Fin du Festival: 09 novembre 2024

The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction.

The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.

Prix ​​en espèces: 11,000€

The following prizes are established:

• First prize: 3600 euros

• Second Prize: 2400 euros

• Best Female Director award: 2400 euros

• Special award to the best young provincial short: 1500 euros

• Jury's Special Award: 1800 euros. (*1)

• Canal sur Radio and television Award to the Andalusian audiovisual creation: consisting of trophy and in the channel South TV broadcast of the short winner in this category. (* 1)

(* 1) This award may only be chosen by producers, directors or groups of persons of 11.3 L.G.S., whose head-director is Andalusian. And it will be an indispensable requirement to be able to opt for this award that the person in charge of the group sign the transfer of the rights of emission of the prized short in any of the channels South Channel TV. The complete bases can be found in www.canalsur.es.

The prizes will be subject to the corresponding legal withholdings and will be in each case for the direction of the short film.

For the justification of the cash prizes granted by this provincial administration, the awardee must subscribe a document prepared to the effect in which the following information will be specified: personal data of the awardee, the prize amount and the tax withholdings that are legally to be practiced.

The delivery of all prizes will be held in place and date to be determined.

1. Object and internal processing:

The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction. The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.

With respect to the specific prize for the best short provincial young people will be rewarded that short that within the object of this call is made by youth until 35 years of age; Being compatible to obtain this category of prize, with the rest of those who are part of the call.

For the development of this prize will be necessary the approval of the bases of the same one by the President of the provincial deputation of Jaén or deputy to whom it corresponds by delegation, the extract of the bases of the same in the BOP and the full text in the bulletin board of the Corporation and in the national database of subsidies must be published.

2. Participants and modalities:

All producers and directors may attend the proper legal control of the work they submit to the competition.

(1) The presentation of work will be valid both individually and in a group. The work must have been rolled after the year 2022. Article 11.3 of the general law on subsidies shall be provided in the event of the participation of groups of natural or legal persons, public or private without personality, and must expressly state in the application the implementing commitments assumed by each member of the group of members.

(2) The works submitted shall not be longer than 30 minutes.

(3) The works will be presented in the original language. In the case of a different version of Spanish (Castilian), you must have subtitles in Castilian.

(4) Participants can present their works in the following formats:

• Through the FESTHOME platform, according to article 3 of these bases.

• On DVD (if done by postal mail), in accordance with article 3 of these bases. Not being able to contain the disc more than one work. Two copies of each work will be sent. These copies will be held by the festival for incorporation into the archive.

• In MP4 (if you do it telematically) or by agreeing to the format with the organization of the festival. Under article 3 of these bases.

(5) The participants under 18 years of age at the end of the period of delivery of the work of this call, must provide permission from their mother, parent or guardian (annex III).

They may not participate in the prize the persons who are part of the jury or those who collaborate with it, nor relatives until second degree of consanguinity or affinity or anyone with legal incompatibility.

3. Submission of works and deadlines:

People interested in participating in this call will have to get there, from the day following the date of the publication of the extract of these bases in the bop of Jaén until the 15th of September 2024 inclusive, the works carried out, the registration bulletin and the required documentation, by the following forms and ways:

• Through the FESTHOME platform, it is essential to complete the registration form provided by each platform and adhere to the video formats supported by each one as previously indicated.

• Telematically, through the electronic register of Diputación Provincial de Jaén with access to the electronic headquarters: https://pst.dipujaen.es/. Once the documentation entry is recorded, the participant will send the short for a telematic service to share files.

At the post offices; Or in the general register of the Provincial council, Plaza de San Francisco, nº 2. 23071 Jaén. As stipulated in article 16.4 of law 39/2015 of 1 October of the common administrative procedure of the public administrations,
Providing in any case the work done, the registration form and the required documentation.

The envelope must include:

Equality and social welfare area of the Diputación de Jaen
V Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence
Plaza de San Francisco, 2, 23071 Jaén

The deadline for the reception of the work will be on September 15th, 2024.

The following documentation must be attached to the submission of the works:

- Photocopy of the identity card of the author or in his/her case authors.

- Brief dossier with information on the filming, technical and artistic equipment, as well as other additional information as technical sheet, synopsis and biofilmography of the director.

- Poster of the short film and two photographs in digital support of different scenes.

- Registration Form Annex I duly completed in each and every one of its sections.

- Form of responsible Declaration Annex II duly completed in each and every one of its sections.

4. Rectification of applications:

If the applications are defective or incomplete, the applicant shall be required to do so within 10 working days, to remedy the fault or accompany the perceptual documents, indicating that if they do not, the request will be waived, after resolution in accordance with the provisions of article 68 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, of the common administrative procedure of the public administrations.

Furthermore, in order to better solve the procedure, interested persons may be asked to provide as many data and documents as necessary, at any time of the development of the competition and not to be held by the administration.

5. Valuation and award criteria:

Weighting criteria and maximum score
Originality and creativity 0-3 points (30%)
Script Quality 0-3 point (30%)
Quality of interpretation 0-1 point (10%)
Address quality 0-2 points (20%)
Technical criteria: photography, editing and music 0-1 points (10%)

6. Endowment of prizes and budgetary credits and justification:

The following prizes are established:

• First prize: 3600 euros

• Second Prize: 2400 euros

• Best Female Director award: 2400 euros

• Special award to the best young provincial short: 1500 euros

• Jury's Special Award: 1800 euros. (*1)

• Canal sur Radio and television Award to the Andalusian audiovisual creation: consisting of trophy and in the channel South TV broadcast of the short winner in this category. (* 1)

(* 1) This award may only be chosen by producers, directors or groups of persons of 11.3 L.G.S., whose head-director is Andalusian. And it will be an indispensable requirement to be able to opt for this award that the person in charge of the group sign the transfer of the rights of emission of the prized short in any of the channels South Channel TV. The complete bases can be found in www.canalsur.es.

The prizes will be subject to the corresponding legal withholdings and will be in each case for the direction of the short film.

For the justification of the cash prizes granted by this provincial administration, the awardee must subscribe a document prepared to the effect in which the following information will be specified: personal data of the awardee, the prize amount and the tax withholdings that are legally to be practiced.

The delivery of all prizes will be held in place and date to be determined.

7. Compatibility

In accordance with article 35.39 of the implementation of the budget of the provincial Council of Jaén for 2024, the prizes granted will be compatible with other subsidies, aid, income or resources for the same purpose, from any administration or public or private entity, national, of the European Union or of international organizations that could be granted to the beneficiaries after the awards concessions.

8. Jury:

A committee shall select the work to be included in the official section of the competition, the Committee consisting of persons representing the area of youth and equality, as well as professionals.

A jury will be in charge of awarding the prizes. This jury will be chaired by the Deputy delegate for equality, and in which the work of the Secretariat shall be carried out by the Equality and social welfare area. They will form part of the jury, up to a maximum of eight vowels, professionals of the cinematographic, artistic and cultural medium.

The verdict of the jury will be unappealable, being able to declare itself desert any of the prizes or categories.

The jury shall fail within a maximum of one month from the day following the date of completion of the application-rectification period.

The verdict of the jury, will be elevated to the presidency of the deputation for approval by resolution and exhibited in the Bulletin board of Equality and Social welfare, as well as on the website www.dipujaen.es

Participation in this call implies the full acceptance of its bases. Any clarification or doubt will be resolved in the provincial council of Jaén, area of equality and social welfare. Carretera de Madrid S/n, e-mail igualdad@promojaen.es and phone 953-248000, extensions 3227 and 3264. Mobile 630,922,286.

9. Purpose of the work presented:

During the celebration of the event, the Organization reserves the right to exhibit the selected works in many public sessions. For this purpose, a schedule will be developed in which the exhibition rooms, timetable and timetable of such projections are determined in advance. Other works presented in informative sessions during the festival may also be exhibited.

All the short films that are projected within the official section will appear in the official catalogue of the festival.
Producers and directors or groups of persons referred to in article 11.3 of the General Subsidies Act, participants in the official competition section of the festival authorize, when submitting their registration form, the use of one or more fragments of their work for dissemination as informative material in any media.

The participants accept the public display of their work in this event, as well as any other supposition related to the presentation of works and deadlines of these bases.

The works presented will become part of the archives of the festival can be used by the provincial Council of Jaén in activities of sensitization on the theme of the festival, in the different municipalities of the province.

Copies of the works and other documentation of the works presented will remain in possession of the equality and social welfare area of the Diputación de Jaén. The works selected for the official section of the festival, can also be included in their different activities and collaborations, to later become part of the archive of this contest.

In relation to the rights of publication, retransmission, broadcasting or recording will be as foreseen in the bases of execution of the budget of the provincial deputation of Jaén.



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