
5442 legitimate festivals waiting for your film. 
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Molins Horror Film Festival

Logo of Molins Horror Film Festival

Molins Film Festival was established in 1973 in Molins de Rei (Barcelona). In November 2025 we will hold the 44rd edition.

Known as TerrorMolins, the Festival consists of a competitive Feature Films Official Sections, Short Films Official Section, Retrospectives, Documentaries, Live shows, Workshops, Networking/Pitching, projections for high-schools, projections for children... and one of the oldest horror movies marathon in the world, our 12 Hours Horror Movies Marathon (1973) ...

MHFF - Molins Horror Film Festival is one of the oldest festivals dedicated solely to horror in Spain and in Europe. The Festival is a member of the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF).

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Published: 16 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Deadline: 01 May 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

4 Vilafamés International Film Festival. A town officially recognized as one of the Most Beautiful Towns in Spain.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Vilafamés, Spain

Logo of TRETS - Festival Internacional de Cinema i Cultures de La Ràpita. Cultura JAPONESA
Published: 13 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

TRETS - Festival Internacional de Cinema i Cultures de La Ràpita. Cultura JAPONESA

Deadline: 20 Mar 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

TRETS is a film festival organized by the CineClub La Ràpita that wants, from a cinematographic approach, to show the identity and way of life of a town or culture. TRETS 2025: JAPANESE Culture

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

La Ràpita, Spain


Logo of Lugo Film Week
Published: 12 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Lugo Film Week

Deadline: 10 May 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

47th Lugo Film Week (Spain). Celebrated from September 22 to 27, 2025 (SECILUGO 47).

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Lugo, Spain

Logo of International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films
Published: 12 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

International Festival of Red Cross and Health Films

Deadline: 02 Mar 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The motto of the festival is: "By humanism to peace and friendship". It is held every two years. Bulgarian Red Cross is the main organiser of the forum.

It has a growing importance as a powerful tool for the dissemination of humanitarian and cultural values through cinema. The Festival is traditionally attended by the most senior leaders of the international Red Cross organisations. The International Committee of the Red Cross, the League (now Federation) of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the World Health Organisation, UNESCO, SIDALC, the Association of Film Producers, Association of Film Distributors, the International Organisation of Film Critics, National cinematographies and film production houses.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Varna, Bulgaria


Logo of IndiFest - Barcelona Indigenous Film Festival
Published: 10 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Indifest - Festival De Cinema Indígena De Barcelona

Deadline: 12 Mar 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

IndiFest is festival organized by alterNativa in collaboration with CLACPI (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), with the aim of giving its own voice to the indigenous peoples and to demand the fulfillment of their Rights.

The Festival’s main objective is to promote the Identity and the Rights of the indigenous peoples through audiovisual tools. The festival includes screenings at physical venues as well as an online week event.

IndiFest is complemented with other activities such as political incidence and conversations with indigenous leaders.

A commitment that enhances the decentralization of cultural habits as well as the communication of indigenous peoples concerning their Rights and intercultural relations.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of Actrum International Film Fest (AIFF)
Published: 10 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Actrum International Film Fest (AIFF)

Deadline: 28 Feb 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

ACTRUM is a non-profit Cultural Association that works in all areas of the artistic sector.

In this festival, the finalist works will be screened online and it will be open to the public, who will have to vote through our website for their 3 favorite shorts/feature films from each section to award the public prizes.

Register your project! We accept any gender.

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Rivas Vaciamadrid, Spain


Logo of Duemila30 - International Film Festival & Experience
Published: 08 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Duemila30 - International Film Festival & Experience

Deadline: 31 Mar 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Duemila30 is the biggest international gathering on social impact storytelling for emerging international filmmakers. Each year, over 100 young talents from all over the world meet for four days of screenings, workshops and meet-ups in Milan (Italy).

Duemila30 is much more than a film festival; conceived as a platform for the advancement of social impact storytelling, Duemila30 is permeated by a unique atmosphere, made of young filmmakers from all over the world, international movie industry professionals, social and environmental activists and the young and passionate staff.

In addition, by joining Duemila30 Festival in Milan from the 27th to the 30th of June 2024 you will forever become part of our community and have access to:

Production grants (for your future projects)

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Milan, Italy

Logo of Chennai World Cinema Festival -2025
Published: 06 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Chennai World Cinema Festival -2025

Deadline: 15 Sep 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Chennai World Cinema Festival successfully held its inaugural event on September 19th-25th, 2025.

700 seater Sri Devi Karumari Theater.
A widescreen is like an IMAX theatre.
The theatre has a 4K projection and Dolby Atmos sound system.

Three days,
18 screenings,
27 Short Films & Feature Films,
All visitors were admitted free of charge.

The 1st Chennai World Cinema Festival was held from October 4 to 10, 2024.

200 seater Prasad Preview Theater.

The theatre has a 4K projection and Dolby Atmos sound system.

3300 submissions from 114 countries.

6000 visitors.

Seven-day screening.

Eight venues.

38 Short Films and Movies.

Ambassador of Venezuela's two-day participation.

Direct participation of 42 foreign and domestic [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Chennai, India


Logo of Mostra Dr. Mabuse
Published: 05 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Mostra de Curtmetratges Dr. Mabuse

Deadline: 15 Jan 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Mostra Dr. Mabuse is an international short film festival taking place in Barcelona for three days. It is conceived as a festival open to new artists as well as experienced. A jury consisting of professionals in the audiovisual world, teachers and students of film festivals and other collaborators carry out the selection of films to be screened in the three sessions that are scheduled during the month of June in Barcelona. The project was initiated twenty years ago and has been growing and multiplying the number of films screened and registered, having received works of relevant directors such as JA Bayona, Nacho Vigalondo, Mateo Gil or Kike Maillo. Instead of just being an audiovisual festival, Dr. Mabuse is intended to be an homogeneous and free event, in which everyone can [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barcelona, Spain

Logo of International Unseen Film Festival Social Films from Bilbao
Published: 04 Jan 2023
Film festival
Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Festival Internacional De Cine Invisible Film Sozialak De Bilbao

Deadline: 01 May 2023

Call for entries

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

The International Unseen Film Festival 'Social Films' from Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is organized by Kultura, Communication y Desarrollo KCD NGOD; Organization dedicated to promoting a human, intercultural, equitable and sustainable development through Communication and Culture.

The International Unseen Film Festival 'Social Films' from Bilbao is an annual celebration dedicated to show a cinema full of diversity and social commitment, a cinema that is usually excluded from commercial screens.
The Festival is centered on four major themes: Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Interculturality and Gender Equity.
With its continuous work, it has become an indispensable appointment for all those interested in communication for development and social transformation.

The [...]

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Barakaldo, Spain