Logo of National Rural Film Festival

15 Jul 2020

Published: 11 Jun 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of National Rural Film Festival

Banner Festival Nacional de Cine Rural

National Rural Film Festival

Ayacucho, Argentina


The Rural Film Festival was created in 2016 as an initiative presented by Lic. Emilio Quiroga to the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Ayacucho, with the goal of promoting audiovisual production in our city.

Every year, we launch an open call at the national and international level for short films of fiction and non-fiction that address the concept of "RURAL" through their form and/or content. Our intention is to explore the perspective of this concept and enrich ourselves with productions from other places in our country and the world.

The Festival offers training programs and support with theoretical and practical audiovisual production tools to those who join this initiative locally. This includes teachers and students from schools and educational institutions, community centers, organizations, or simply groups wishing to participate and residing in the city of Ayacucho.

These are some of the central concepts we have implemented over the years and will continue to develop in this space:

Short film production as a powerful educational tool that strengthens cognitive skills, creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork, while motivating students in an innovative way.

Basic audiovisual production training, workshops for teachers on how to guide students in creating short films. This includes teaching them the basics of planning, shooting, and editing videos. Many teachers have no previous experience in these areas, so the training helps them lead these projects.

Integrated evaluation of student-made short films across different subjects, so that teachers recognize the relevance of these projects beyond their specific area of expertise.

Collaborative projects where teachers from different disciplines (such as arts, history, literature, science, and technology) work together to create an interdisciplinary short film. This could include combining thematic areas to address a common issue from different perspectives.

Online educational resources or YouTube tutorials for teachers on how to apply film to various subjects. This may include how to shoot a scene, how to light it correctly, or how to work with sound, all at a level accessible to educators with no cinematic experience.

Access to simple editing software or online platforms (such as InShot or CapCut) that students can use at home or in the classroom to edit their projects. They can also use sound recording tools or simple effects to help with content creation.

Scriptwriting talks and courses or storyboard models that teachers can adapt to their subjects. This helps students follow a proper structure when writing their scripts, ensuring that their stories are more consistent, regardless of the area in which they are working.

We promote and encourage the cinema room in our city and other alternative screening spaces.

We foster cooperation between rural and urban schools.

We generate socio-educational projects in schools, institutes, and training centers.

We offer talks, courses, and training open to the community.

We produce audiovisual content and resources for the departments of the Municipality of Ayacucho.

We produce local short films that address fiction stories and rural documentaries, as well as other themes of interest to filmmakers.

This experience has become a phenomenon that grows each year, surpassing its initial expectations. We are motivated to make our identity known, promoting the value of Ayacuchense culture and that of our country. We emphasize human relationships and the bonds that arise from this encounter for mutual benefit.

We strengthen alliances between our community and people and groups who come to the city of Ayacucho from nearby towns, other provinces, and cities across our country, drawn by the social event and the values that the Rural Film Festival represents.

It is necessary, through our intervention, to guarantee access to a symbolic language, which is essential to navigate the world around us and construct the images and sounds of our time. This is a fundamental task for the development of society, the strengthening of democracy, equity, and access to work. We approach audiovisual media as an object to be thought about and constantly transformed.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental