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The 9th Ajayu International Animation Festival is a cultural event organized by Sapa Inti Studios and the Ajayu Cinematographic Association. For the ninth consecutive year, it stands as the only animation festival in Peru, carrying out hybrid film and educational activities from the highest point of the Peruvian highlands to the world.
This event, which also includes various cultural activities, has become a crucial event for the Animation industry in our country over the years, also promoting the cultural and tourist industry in the southern region of Peru. Additionally, through our in-person activities, we aim to boost tourism in our region by creating a tourist route with a cultural and historical focus.
This year's festival will take place from October 2 to October 5, 2024, renewing the commitment to showcase the artistic expression of animation.
Participants include artists from the animated audiovisual field and other disciplines, from the Puno region, Peru, and various countries around the world, who through their expression make each edition a contemporary Andean experience.