Festival De Cine De Mujeres Y Diversidades_Festmyd ()

Women and Diversities Film Festival FESTMYD


30 Sep 2024
Aufruf zu Einschreibungen

30 Okt 2024
Festival geschlossen

08 Nov 2024

19 Nov 2024
30 Nov 2024


Dirección Itinerante,  Valparaíso y Ovalle, Territorio Nacional, Territorio Nacional, Chile

Festival Beschreibung
Women and Diversities of the genre films
Kurzfilmfestival >1' 30'<

Festival Anforderungen
 Alle Genre
 Alle Themen
 Hat KEINE Einsende-Gebühren
 Nationales Festival
 Physischer Standort
 Januar 2020
 Produktionsländer: Erforderlich
 Länder Dreharbeiten: Erforderlich
 Nationalitäten Regisseur: Jede
 Kurzfilme  >1' 30'<
 Jede Sprache
Teilen in sozialen Netzwerken

Photo of Festival De Cine De Mujeres Y Diversidades_Festmyd
Photo of Festival De Cine De Mujeres Y Diversidades_Festmyd

Photo of Festival De Cine De Mujeres Y Diversidades_Festmyd
Photo of Festival De Cine De Mujeres Y Diversidades_Festmyd


Festival Start: 19 November 2024      Festival Ende: 30 November 2024

The Women and Diversities Film Festival (FESTMYD) will celebrate its fourth edition this year in a self-managed manner with the support of the Film School of the University of Valparaíso and the Ovalle Film Festival. The main objective of the festival is to give visibility and promote national and international cinematographic works directed by female (cis/trans), trans or transmasculine men, non-binary, gender fluid or intersex filmmakers, who address issues from a gender perspective.

On this occasion, FESTMYD will take place in person in the region of Coquimbo and Valparaíso, linking the activities to the territories where they are developed, seeking to generate a reciprocal relationship with the audiences we address, in order to be a contribution to the collective construction of intangible cultural heritage. FESTMYD 4th will take place in the month of November from the 19th to the 22nd in Valparaíso and from the 27th to the 30th in Ovalle.

In the fourth version of FESTMYD, we want to once again give space to the voices and teams of women and gender diversities, maintaining the commitment acquired in our previous versions, giving a showcase to their works in both regions for school audiences and adults.

This year all slots will be non-competitive and the official selection will come from a selection of short films made in educational contexts (formal and informal) made throughout the national territory.

The Festival reserves the right to change the venues and dates mentioned, if it deems necessary for the correct execution of the project.


In this special, self-suggested edition, there will be no competitive slots for which no special recognition will be given, but there will be an official slot for the national short films that are selected, to which the festival's winners will be provided.

Prizes may eventually be added, based on the alliances and commercial agreements that are closed between the publication of these rules and the realization of the fourth version of FESTMYD.

FESTMYD does not consider payment of fees for competing samples.

of women and diversities

Rules Call 2024

The Women and Diversities Film Festival (FESTMYD) will celebrate its fourth edition in November 2024, in a self-managed manner thanks to the support of the Valparaíso University Film School and the Ovalle Film Festival.

The main objective of the festival is to give visibility and promote cinematographic content with a gender perspective and open instances of artistic mediation with communities, committed to making visible women and gender diversities, national and international audiovisual filmmakers and workers.

On this occasion, FESTMYD will not hold a competitive section but invites you to exhibit a selection of short films, coming from all over Chile, made by film/audiovisual students (over 18 years old), with the purpose of making visible the various perspectives with a gender perspective. that arise in training contexts, whether informal (workshops, self-training, etc.) or formal (universities and institutes).


They may apply for works of fiction, documentary, experimental and/or animation, produced in regions of Chile.

Directed by national filmmakers and foreign filmmakers who have permanent residence in Chile, Women (Cis/Trans), Gender Diversities (Non-Binary, Fluid Gender and Trans Men) and Intersexuals.

Developed on any type of support.

Made from 2020 to date.

Its maximum duration is 30 minutes credits included.

Carried out in educational contexts (formal and informal).


A total of 8 short films will be selected.
Once the work becomes part of the Competition Selection, it cannot be withdrawn.

By accepting these rules, and remaining in our official selection, an exhibition commitment will be stipulated after the competition is held, where we will be able to have a performance of the work at no cost to the Festival. The activity must have prior management and authorization with the counterparty, and as long as it does not interfere with their previous or other commitments. The activity will be of a training nature and with the purpose of developing new audience strategies. The sample will be free of charge.

The registration of a work in this Call presumes full acceptance of these Rules. Furthermore, the signatory declares to authorize the public dissemination of the work during the contest period for its promotion, in accordance with Law 17,336 on Intellectual Property.

In the event that the applicant declares that their project includes or concerns the partial or total use of works protected by national or international legislation on Intellectual Property, they must have the express authorization of the holders of said rights. The Festival is not responsible for legal proceedings that may be caused by failure to comply with the aforementioned legislation.


_Call opening: September 30

_Closing of call: October 30

_Selected notification: November 8 via e-mail

_Selected publication: November 12 at @festmyd

_Exhibition: November 21 in the city of Valparaíso.

_SHIPPING OF COPIES from November 8 to November 14.


_3 frames or poster of the film

_Trailer or teaser (if available)

_Presentation director/re (500 characters)

_Technical sheet

_subtitles (if available)


_Codec H264 or Quicktime

_MP4 or MOV container

_Aspect ratio 1920 x 1080p

_23.97 fps

_Audio stereo format 2.0.

It does not consider payment of fees for competing samples.

The Festival reserves the right to change the venues and dates mentioned.

For inquiries you can write to:

cc: festmyd@gmail.com / produccionfestmyd@gmail.com



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