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Biografilm is known internationally as the cinematic event entirely dedicated to life stories and to quality cinema. Biografilm is organised by the Fanatic About Festivals association, under the Artistic Direction of Chiara Liberti and Massimo Benvegnù.
Biografilm promotes growth, development, knowledge, dialogue and inclusivity through the use of the cinematic language in all its forms, like art, entertainment and industry. By telling real lives and stories, it aims to create a free, democratic space with no distinction.
For the upcoming 21st edition of Biografilm we are pleased to officially launch the call for both national and international films to participate in the Festival, in Bologna, 06-16 June 2025.
For more detailed information regarding the event, programmes from previous editions, news about the upcoming edition and about Biografilm’s activity throughout the year, we kindly invite you to visit the Festival’s website: www.biografilm.it/en/