Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival ()


29 Out 2023

20 Nov 2023
Festival fechado

10 Jan 2024
Data de Notificação

20 Jan 2024
31 Dez 2023


Viale Umberto I, 52,  07100, SASSARI, SASSARI, Italy

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens >1' 30'<
Festival de longas metragens >31'

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Data de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  >1' 30'<
 Longa-metragem  >31'
 Todos os idiomas
English Italian
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival
Photo of Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival

Photo of Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival
Photo of Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 20 Janeiro 2024      Fim do Festival: 31 Dezembro 2023

The "Fiorenzo Serra" Visual Anthropology Laboratory, managed by the Department of History, Human Sciences and Education of the University of Sassari (from now on, called "Department") and the Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda (from now on, called “Film Archive“), as part of a project aimed at enhancing public awareness of the director, filmmaker and ethnologist Fiorenzo Serra, announce for the year 2023 the Competition for ethnographic film productions titled “Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival”. The definition “film production" (from now on, “film”) means any audiovisual product, a documentary film, produced using analogue or digital technologies. The competition aims to promote the production of films that can contribute to the awareness of ethnographic cultural realities through the audiovisual medium and pursues the objective of protecting and implementing, in a scientific and systematic manner, national and foreign audiovisual productions concerning the ethnographic, archaeological, historical, cultural-linguistic and environmental heritages. The competition also has the function of better defining, within the framework of the theoretical-methodological debate of the demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines, not only the important role of visual anthropology, but also the objective of supporting the realization of audiovisual documentation concerning the identity and the cultural specificities of Sardinia, as well as the different national and international social realities.

Prêmios em dinheiro: 5,000€

Fiorenzo Serra Main Prize:
First place in the feature film category: €2,000
First place in the short film category (up to 30 minutes): €1,000

Antonio Simon Mossa Special Category:
First place in the feature film category: €1,000
First place in the short film category (up to 30 minutes): €500

There is a special mention called the "Accademia Prize" worth €500, which will be awarded by a jury composed of students from the film school at the Mario Sironi Academy of Fine Arts in Sassari.


Article 1 - OBJECTIVES

The Laboratory of Visual Anthropology "Fiorenzo Serra," affiliated with the Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education at the University of Sassari (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), in collaboration with the "Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda" (hereinafter referred to as "Cineteca"), announces, as part of the project aimed at promoting the figure of the director, filmmaker, and ethnologist Fiorenzo Serra, the Fiorenzo Serra Film Production Competition for the year 2023. This competition is dedicated to ethnographic film productions and is named after Fiorenzo Serra. The term "film production" (hereinafter referred to as "Film") includes any audiovisual work, whether fictional or documentary, produced using analog or digital technologies.

The competition aims to promote the creation of films that contribute to the understanding of ethnographic and cultural realities through audiovisual media. It also seeks to scientifically and systematically protect and enhance both national and international audiovisual productions related to ethnographic, archaeological, historical, linguistic-cultural, and environmental heritages. Furthermore, the competition aims to clarify, within the theoretical and methodological debate of demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines, the crucial role of Visual Anthropology and to support the creation of audiovisual documentation concerning the identity and cultural specificities of Sardinia, as well as various national and international social realities.

Article 2 - THEME AND deadline

The competition is divided into two sections. The main section, named after Fiorenzo Serra, is thematic. The second section is dedicated to filmmaker Antonio Simon Mossa and is intended for documentaries that, while not strictly related to the main theme, have special ethnological value. Both sections are open to film productions addressing aspects of ethnographic and historical-cultural realities in Sardinia, as well as at the national and international levels.

The theme for the seventh edition of the Fiorenzo Serra section is "FIRE, the Spark of Human Culture." Fire is recognized by paleoanthropologists as one of the most important elements of ecological transformation in the evolution of societies. It has evolved from a simple tool for altering diets and life in challenging environments to a fundamental element in religious rituals, agriculture, territorial control, and even a threat to ecosystems. The 2023 edition aims to expand knowledge of fire in all its forms and applications, including symbolic, ritual, culinary, land management, work-related, and its place in human culture in general.

The deadline for submitting films and the required documentation (see Article 5) is November 20, 2023, at 11:59 PM. Only files submitted through online computer systems will be accepted.

Article 3 – awards

The prizes will be distributed as follows:

Fiorenzo Serra Main Prize:
First place in the feature film category: €2,000
First place in the short film category (up to 30 minutes): €1,000

Antonio Simon Mossa Special Category:
First place in the feature film category: €1,000
First place in the short film category (up to 30 minutes): €500

There is a special mention called the "Accademia Prize" worth €500, which will be awarded by a jury composed of students from the film school at the Mario Sironi Academy of Fine Arts in Sassari.
The prize money will be paid to the person who submitted the entry within six months after the award ceremony.


Participation in the competition is free and open to everyone, regardless of age and nationality. Each author or group of authors may submit multiple films, but only one can be awarded a prize.

The competition is open to all audiovisual products, whether professional or non-professional, released or unreleased, shot anywhere in the world, with no restrictions on the production year, as long as they relate to the theme specified in Article 2.

Films can be produced in any format or medium, but only those with a resolution equal to or greater than 1080p will be considered. Submission of films for the competition must be done through online computer systems.

If selected for the final phase, it is mandatory to submit the film in DCP format (Digital Cinema Package).

Foreign films must be subtitled in either Italian or, alternatively, in english and must be accompanied by the corresponding SRT file.
Films for which full rights to participate in the competition and for public screening are not held will not be eligible for entry.

Short films are defined as those with a maximum duration of 30 minutes, including end credits. Feature films are those exceeding 30 minutes, including end credits.

Advertising spots, purely musical documentaries, and editorial videos of a promotional or commercial nature, or those that infringe upon human rights and dignity, are not eligible for participation.

The person signing the entry form for the competition assumes full responsibility for any potential misuse of the film, including the possible offense of the producing company or other parties due to the content of the work.

Participants are responsible for the costs of sending materials.

The organizers will not be responsible for any payments to those who submit films to the competition, whether personal or on behalf of the production or distribution company.

Participation in the competition implies the complete acceptance of this regulation.


Registration can be completed on the website: or through the platforms by searching for "Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival." The registration form and the competition notice are also available on the websites:; Facebook page "Fiorenzo Serra Film Festival" (@fiorenzoserrafilmfestival). The digital copy should be sent via online computer systems to the email address In all cases, the submission must be complete with all the required materials and documentation.

The documentation should include the following:
The original signed entry form.
The film in digital format with a minimum resolution of 1080p or higher.
subtitle track in Italian or english in SRT format.
A trailer or film excerpts for promoting the competition.
Film synopsis in Italian and english (maximum 600 characters) in Word format.
Biography and filmography of the author or authors in Italian and english (maximum 1000 characters) in Word or PDF format.
Technical details of the film, including cast and credits, in Italian and english, and a list of the musical tracks used in the soundtrack.
At least three scene photographs (JPEG format - 300 pixels per inch).
One or more photos of the author or authors (JPEG format - 300 pixels per inch).
Furthermore, it is recommended to submit informational material about the film and its authors (e.g., a press kit). This information will be used for communications with the press to promote the competition. For any questions or clarifications, please contact the festival secretariat at the following address:


By signing the entry form, the author declares the following: a) the submitted work does not violate current laws and regulations or the rights of third parties; b) they own all the rights necessary for the use of the work and music (with appropriate documentation); c) they release the organization from any losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses of any kind that may arise from the content of their work and its public screening; d) they irrevocably waive any claim and action against the competition organizers (Department of History, Human Sciences at the University of Sassari and Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda), the jury members, and all individuals involved in the competition in any capacity, and release them from any liability in this regard.


The competition consists of three phases.
1st Phase: Entries received by the deadline will be pre-screened by a committee appointed by the competition promoters, the "Laboratorio Fiorenzo Serra," and Cineteca. Films submitted beyond seven days after the competition deadline (see Article 2) or those presented without the complete and correct required documentation (see Articles 4 and 5) will not be pre-screened. The authors of the selected works will receive notification by email of their entry into the final phase.

2nd Phase: The films selected for the final phase will be reviewed by a jury appointed by the competition promoters. prizes will be awarded based on the jury's judgment, which will be the sole authority for determining the winners.
3rd Phase: Public event with the screening of the competition films or an additional selection of the same, concluding with the public award ceremony (see Article 8).

The jury will consist of members with the following characteristics: experts in demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines, cinema experts, cultural figures, and at least one representative appointed by the "Laboratorio di Antropologia Fiorenzo Serra." The jury will elect a "jury president" from among its members.

The prizes will be awarded to the films that best address the competition's theme. Therefore, the jury will evaluate the thematic relevance, the communicative and directorial effectiveness expressed in the narrative and aesthetic dimensions of the film, and any other elements it deems appropriate for the selection of the winners.

The competition winners will be informed 15 days before the award ceremony to allow for the organization and guarantee their presence for prize delivery. Winners are bound by confidentiality regarding the award, which should only be made public on the day of the award ceremony. Any premature release of the information by the winner will result in the cancellation and non-recognition of the prize amount.

Article 8 - PUBLIC EVENT

The films selected and evaluated by the jury within the competition will be presented to the public in an event to conclude the competition phase by December 31, 2023, and will conclude with the award ceremony. The competition organizers reserve the right to make all organizational choices concerning the event.


Any disputes arising in relation to the matters covered by this regulation will be submitted to the judgment of an arbitration panel, consisting of three members, as follows: a) one, as the chairman of the arbitration panel, appointed by mutual agreement between the director of "Società Umanitaria - Cineteca Sarda" and the director of the Department; b) one appointed by the contestant; c) one appointed by mutual agreement between the parties in points a) and b), or in the absence of agreement, by the President of the Sassari Tribunal. For any issues not covered in this regulation, the competition organizers reserve the right to make final decisions. This regulation is drafted in both Italian and english. In the event of interpretational issues, the Italian version will prevail.

Date: ____/___/____



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