Festival Internacional de Cine, Videojuegos y Narrativas Audiovisuales (8)

El Cecehachero


07 Mai 2024

28 Jun 2024
Festival fechado

29 Ago 2024
Data de Notificação

10 Set 2024
14 Set 2024


Av. 100 metros,  07760, México, México, Mexico

Descrição do festival
Festival de curtas-metragens 20'<
Festival de longas metragens

Requisitos do festival
 Festival de Cinema
 Music Video
 Qualquer gênero
 Qualquer tema
 SEM taxas de envio
 Festival Internacional
 Localização física e on-line
 Janeiro 2021
 Países de produção: Qualquer um
 Países de gravação: Qualquer um
 Nacionalidades do diretor: Qualquer um
 Filmes de estréia 
 Projetos escolares 
 Curtas-metragens  20'<
 Todos os idiomas
Compartilhar em Redes Sociais

Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine, Videojuegos y Narrativas Audiovisuales
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine, Videojuegos y Narrativas Audiovisuales
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine, Videojuegos y Narrativas Audiovisuales
Photo of Festival Internacional de Cine, Videojuegos y Narrativas Audiovisuales

Portuguese ML

Início do Festival: 10 Setembro 2024      Fim do Festival: 14 Setembro 2024

The festival was created in 2015 and has the goal to become a space for professional development for filmmakers and amateurs that are looking for a platform to show their films and do some networking.

It has different categories for competition open for high school and university students (in Mexico), international filmmakers and french-speaking people. In addition, it has two international film exhibitis, one for gender and sexual diversity and one for long feature films.

You can find more info in cchfilmfest.com


• The winners of each section and category will get a certificate of achievement.

• All winning short films will be shown in the post festival screening tour.

• Prizes awarded by sponsors and/or partners will be announced at the time of the ceremony.



El Cecehachero ∞, a Mexican film and video game festival in its eighth edition, brings together ENCCH students, high school students nationwide, university students nationwide, film schools, as well as professionals from the national and international film industry.
international, as well as the national video game industry to participate in the different
Sections of the Official Selection of this edition, which will take place in the month of September


Since the last edition, the Cecehachero Film Fest has had a single OFFICIAL SELECTION divided into four sections, which are:


Mexican students enrolled in the College of Sciences and Humanities may participate.
from UNAM, from any of the five campuses (Vallejo, Azcapotzalco, Oriente, Naucalpan and Sur),
the nine campuses of the UNAM National Preparatory School and middle level schools
national level with up to two fiction or non-fiction short films that have been filmed
between January 2021 to May 2024, with a maximum duration of 08:00 minutes including credits and
that the short films have not competed in previous editions of this, or other festivals. HE
You must verify that at least 90% of the crew and talent must be high school students.
superior. The people participating in this section will have one week at the close of this
call to resolve any situation with the nominated jobs, otherwise your
participation will not be considered.

The categories to be awarded in this section are:

• The Creative Minds category awards the best short film for its narrative, technical and
aesthetics of the youngest filmmakers, who seek to begin to venture into competitions
National and international.
▪ Best youth short film Cecehachero
▪ Best National Youth Short Film


All higher level students of the National University may participate.
Autonomous University of Mexico and any university in Mexico, except specialized film schools, with
up to a proposal for a fiction or non-fiction short film whose production has concluded between
January 2021 and May 2024 with a maximum duration of 12:00 minutes including credits.

The categories to be awarded in this section are:
• Manuel González Casanova Category awards the best university short film for its values
narrative, technical and aesthetic of the filmmakers who do not have training
specialized, but who look for a way to tell stories in cinema:
▪ Best university short film
• Adela Sequeyro Haro Category awards the best sound of university short films that,
Due to its technical quality, it provides the short film with essential support in its language and
▪ Better sound


All people at a national and international level, professionals of the
film industry and film school students with up to two short film proposals
fiction and/or non-fiction whose production has concluded between January 2021 and May 2024, with a
maximum duration of 18:00 minutes each, including credits.

The categories to be awarded in this section are:
• Gloria Shoemann Category
▪ Best National Short Film
• Alice Guy Category
▪ Best International Short Film


Duly fill out the participant registration form found on the official website
of the festival, at the following link: FORM from the publication of this call.

1. The definition of the movies to be registered must be in Full HD (1920x1080). Although the relationship of
aspect does not correspond to 16:9.

2. The maximum duration of the short films will depend on the section to be registered:
to. Cecehachera: 08:00 minutes including credits.
b. University: 12:00 minutes including credits.
c. General: 18:00 minutes including credits.

3. The theme of the films will be free.

4. In the Cecehachera and University sections, students will be able to participate and be
advised by one, one or several teachers.

5. In the event that the participating short film has been advised by one, one, or several teachers,
Their names must be present in the credits of this one.

6. The deadline for delivery of materials and receipt of registrations will be Friday, June 28
2024 at 11:59 p.m., Central Mexico time.

7. The music of the films must be original or if it includes copyrighted music,
must have the corresponding rights, otherwise the work will not be considered
for the section.

8. If the film is selected, it must have a subtitle file, French or
English. The subtitle file will need to be embedded independently with a .SRT extension (NOT

9. If the film is spoken in a language other than Spanish, it must
have subtitles in Spanish to be considered.

10. For viewing, the short film must be hosted in its maximum definition and in mode
private to a Vimeo (NOT YOUTUBE), Drive or Dropbox account, with the download option
enabled, so when filling out the registration form the link to the movie and password will be requested for viewing and downloading.

11. Short films from the Cecehachera and Univeristaria categories that have
been selected in other festivals or previous competitions.

12. For the Cecehachera and University categories, at least 90% of the members of the
film (crew and talent) must be students.

13. The required materials must be delivered digitally with a link to a folder
labeled as follows: “Section-to-register_Name-of-the-shortfilm”, this will be
requested when answering the form.
A. The folder must contain the following materials:
Yo. A .pdf file named “01_Data_Name-of-the-film”, with the information requested in the
following points:
ii. Data of the person responsible for the registry.
iii. Short film technical sheet (Name of the short film, duration, country, color or B/W, format:
iv. Maximum synopsis of 300 words.
v. Name of the cast and crew members of the production with their respective credits
In the film, if you are students, include the name of the school and semester.
saw. Brief profile of the director.
vii. Brief profile of the producer.
viii.For registration to Cecehachera and University sections, include photographs in a .pdf file
or scan of proof of registration, stamped strip of subjects or current credential with a stamp of
all participating people who study (90% minimum). The file must be named:
ix. Three high-resolution frames (images) of the short film and, if applicable, poster
promotional of the same .JPG, .RAW or .PDF format for the catalog and its dissemination during the
festival. These images must be named as follows:
i) 03_Name-of-the-short-film_Poster
ii) 04_Name-of-the-short-film_Image-1
iii) 05_Name-of-the-short-film_Image-2
iv) 06_Name-of-the-short-film_Image-3.
x. A photograph of the director, as well as one of the producer of the
short film, in .JPG, .RAW or .PDF format. The photographs must be named after the
Following way:
i) 07_Photo-director
ii) 08_Photo-producer


In case of selection, the submission of the film with the following characteristics will be required:

1. Maximum definition FULL HD (1920x1080).
2. Stereo Sound (minimum).
3. .MP4 format (H.264 codec).
4. File of subtitles in French or Spanish, as the case may be and according to the indication of the
organizing committee, with .SRT extension


Independent Mexican video game production companies may participate, with a proposal
video game of any platform and genre, whose production has concluded between 2021 and at
closing of this call.


Duly fill out the participant registration form found on the official website
of the festival, at the following link: FORM from the publication of this call.

1. The game must be available on an official platform to be able to play it safely:
Steam, Epic Games, Xbox Microsoft Store, PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, Appstore (iOS),
Google Play, or it may be sent privately if it has not yet been released.
You can also apply for jobs available to play on online servers, example:

2. The theme of the video game will be free.

3. The deadline for delivery of materials and receipt of registrations will be Friday, June 28
2024 at 11:59 p.m., Central Mexico time.

4. The music of the video game must be original or if it includes copyrighted music,
you must have the corresponding rights, otherwise, the work will not be considered
for the section.

5. When filling out the registration form, the link to the video game, downloadable file, the
platform and only one license key for download.

6. If selected, the director agrees to deliver approximately 5 licenses
or file download to be able to showcase the game during festival activities.

7. The required registration materials must be delivered digitally with a link to a
folder labeled as follows:
“Official-video-game-selection_Project-name”, this will be requested at the time of
answer the form.
A. The folder must contain the following materials:
Yo. A .pdf file named “01_Data_Name-of-the-project”, with the information requested in the
following points:
ii. Data of the person responsible for the registry.
iii. Technical data sheet of the video game (Name of the project, country, platform, genre, number of
iv. Maximum synopsis of 300 words.
v. Name of the production house and the members of the project crew with their respective
credits in the video game.
saw. Brief profile of the production house, as well as the director.
vii. Three high-resolution frames (images) of the video game and, if applicable, poster
promotional of the same .JPG, .RAW or .PDF format for the catalog and its dissemination during the
festival. These images must be named as follows:
i) 03_Name-of-the-videogame_Poster
ii) 04_Name-of-video-game _Image-1
iii) 05_Name-of-videogame _Image-2
iv) 06_Name-of-the-videogame _Image-3.
viii.A photograph of the director, as well as one of the producer of the
short film, in .JPG, .RAW or .PDF format. The photographs must be named after the
Following way:
i) 07_Photo-director
ii) 08_Photo-producer


1. The winners of each section and category will take the certificate that accredits them as

2. All the winning short films will be shown in the itinerant after the week of the

3. Prizes awarded by sponsors and/or allies will be announced at the time of the awards.

4. In our short film sections (Cecehachera, Universitaria, General) the award for Best
Short film will be awarded to the producer together with the director of
every movie.

5. Your registration confirmation will be notified via email.

6. The directors and producers of the selected short films and video games that will integrate
festival programming are committed to spreading El Cecehachero through their material
promotional (posters, social networks, etc.).

7. The short films and video games that are selected to make up the different sections
of the festival will be announced in our press conference, official website, social networks and will be
will notify those responsible for the work via email.

8. Work that does not comply with the guidelines of the call WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.

9. Proof of participation will be provided to all selected works and proof of
winners to the winning projects of each section.

10. The closing of this call will be on Friday, June 28, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., time of the
central Mexico.

11. Any work received after the closing of this call will not be considered.

12. The awards ceremony will take place at the closing of the eighth edition of the festival.

13. A group of people will be designated as a jury in each section and will be made up of a
group of industry professionals and academics, national and international.


15. Cases not provided for in this call will be resolved by the festival organizers.

16. Consider that, if a call extension time is opened, the registration and registration to the
Cecehachera, University, General** sections will have a cost. The amount will be announced in
the extension of the call, as long as this happens.

17. If the short film is spoken in English or another language other than Spanish, it will be mandatory
integrate subtitles in Spanish to be considered in the official selection.

18. Questions, clarifications and more information regarding this call, write to us at:

The festival will take place in September 2024.
EL CECEHACHERO ∞ International Festival of Film, Video Games and Audiovisual Narratives
As of May 7, 2024



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