CINEFOOT ARGENTINA International Football Film Festival ()

Крайние сроки

25 апр 2021
Позвоните для записей

20 авг 2021
Фестиваль закрыт

03 сен 2021
дата извещения

13 сен 2021
17 сен 2021


Av. Manuel V. Paz 1249,  7200, Las Flores, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Описание фестиваля
Football / Soccer Theme
фестиваль короткометражных фильмов >1' 30'<
Фестиваль художественных фильмов >31' 150'<

Требования фестиваля
 Не имеет платы за заявки
 Международный фестиваль
 Физическое расположение
 Дата производства: Любое
 Страны производители: Любое
 Страны, где снимали фильм: Любое
 Национальности режиссеров: Любое
 Школьные проекты 
 Короткометражные фильмы  >1' 30'<
 Полнометражные фильмы  >31' 150'<
English Portuguese Spanish
Поделиться в социальных сетях

Photo of CINEFOOT ARGENTINA International Football Film Festival
Photo of CINEFOOT ARGENTINA International Football Film Festival
Photo of CINEFOOT ARGENTINA International Football Film Festival
Photo of CINEFOOT ARGENTINA International Football Film Festival

Russian ML

Фестиваль начинается: 13 Сентябрь 2021      Фестиваль заканчивается: 17 Сентябрь 2021

Argentina CINEfoot 2021 · Football Film Festival, along with CINEfoot Brazil the first Latin American festival is conceptual and curatoring football. The festival aims at promoting, disseminating, and enhancing reflexionando film and audiovisual production related to soccer.

- CINEfoot Argentina 2021 provides two classes for Best Film Awards in different categories: Short Film, Feature, Promotion-Advertising. Which he awarded the Jury and popular vote that will decide the public (Popular Jury).

- The prizes are: Argentina CINEfoot Cup 2021 for Best Short Film, Best Film, Best piece of Promotion / Advertising.

- The public will vote by ballot itself, the calculation of the checked options.

- The results of the popular jury will be announced during the closing ceremony when the 2021 Argentina CINEfoot recount submitted by viewers.

Argentina CINEFoot 2021

- Directors / producers can enroll audiovisual works Short Film (30 minutes long), films of medium length and feature films, whatever the medium or genre, of any nationality, containing the "Football" as a key issue, regardless of year of production / completion.

- The director / producer must send a copy of the film with subtitles in Spanish (in case of this in a different language). If the film is in another language other than Spanish, additionally enclose the texts for subtitling in english regardless of the original language of the film.

- International participants can register online through Festhome. Argentine filmmakers should do so directly to the festival website:

- The work should be finished production at the time of registration.



1.1 - CINEfoot Argentina2021 - Football Film Festival is the first film festival in Argentina together with the CINEfoot Brazil, it takes place in Argentina and Latin America with the conceptual approaches and curatorial only about football. The festival aims to promote the diffusion, reflection and evaluation of football world cinema:

- International Short Film Competition Presentation;

- International Film Festival Feature competitive;

-Shows International Trade Promotional thematic parts or football.

The registered works will be selected to form part of the specific programs in Buenos Aires and venues that are effected in the Argentine territory, according to the decision of the Selection Committee 2021 CINEfoot Argentina.

The festival runs from 14 up June 18, 2021, in Buenos Aires and Las Flores, Buenos Aires.

At the discretion of the organization CINEfoot Argentina 2021 and for the better promotion of the event and the selected works, the festival will include the trailer and the pieces sent in their social networks and all communication actions to promote and disseminate the best event providing the acceptance of these rules, express authorization to dispose of the material presented with promotional character without commercial objectives.


2.1 - CINEfoot Argentina 2021 is sponsored by Buenos Aires and Libelula TV Films Festival Films, managing Institutional Sponsor INCAA and Culture of the City.


3.1 - Registration is open until Jun 01, 2021.

3.2 - No limit number of works by director / producer, registration is free.

3.3 - can register the (30 minutes) short audiovisual productions medium and feature film, whatever its format or genre, of any nationality, whose primary focus is the theme of "Football", regardless of their production year end shooting.

3.4 - The work, like any additional information on it must be completed registration form.

3.5 - Applications will be made by completing and sending the registration form in the appropriate form or through online platforms available on the website of Argentina CINEfoot 2021, and its web channels:www.facebook .com / cinefootargentina

3.6 - The registration form can be sent via the online form online platform or sent, duly signed, with audiovisual production which will involve up to 01 Jun 2021 at the following address:

CINEfoot Argentina- Festival Internacional de Cine de Fútbol
+54911 68334567
Av. Manuel V. Paz 1249
7200 Las Flores
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

3.6.1 - In addition to the registration form, the principal must send two copies of the work in DVD format, for organizing CINEfoot Argentina to the address given in paragraph

3.6.2 - Alternatively, the director and / or responsible for registration can send a link to view his work, provided it is available for download.

3.7 - International films must provide a copy of the audiovisual work with subtitles in Spanish. If the work is in a different this language file must accompany dialogues in Spanish / english. The organization does not insure the subtitling process.

3.8 - The Producer / Director / Producer of the work recorded here, sending the registration form by mail or Internet, declares that he agrees and accepts the rules of the Regulation in its entirety, since there is no dispute of any kind.

3.9 - Participants will participate in the selection of their work by completing all the registration requirements described in these rules.

3.10 - The works submitted must be sent for evaluation of the Selection Committee and may be used strictly for cultural purposes, without commercial goals. Giving the possibility of distributing them in cultural circuits for a period of one year regardless of the result obtained by the same decisions of the Jury / s of Argentina CINEfoot 2021.


4.1 - The selection of works will be conducted by a committee appointed by the CINEfoot organization. The results will be published on the site between days 3 to June 5 , 2021

4.2 - All selected will be communicated officially by the festival organizers.

4.3 - Technical materials for display conditions and the necessary materials for disclosure, the makers of the selected works will be informed.

4.4 - All selected works should send dialogue list.

4.5 - The decision of the Selection Committee CINEfoot is final and not subject to appeal.

4.6 - The selected works must have parental rating issued by the relevant government agency, if the applicant does not have this statement, respondable of the work must inform the Festival desired age qualification for the job and manage it with the Argentina INCAA.

4.7 - It is the responsibility of the Director / Producer send the work with the necessary qualifications and sufficient time to define the desired parental control rating, according to the appropriate age group for each project.

4.8 - The heads of the selected works must report if they have been protected musical works of authors who are linked to institutions operating on Copyright. If so, inform the authors and the Association of Copyright to which they are associated.

4.9 - It is the responsibility of Producer / Director reporting of works with rights of third parties referred to in Article 4.8, in all cases, the presenter, assumes all responsibility for works submitted and assume all related actions must ensure leave. organizing harmless CINEfoot Argentina 2021.

5 - awards

5.1 - CINEfoot provides for prizes for best film by POPULAR VOTE (Jury consists of the audience) only. In Short categories, Feature Piece Promotion / Advertising.

5.2 - CINEfoot Cup will offer the Best Short and Best Feature and piece Promotional / Advertising chosen by the Jury CINEfoot Argentina and whose decision is final.

5.3 - The public will vote through a ballot made available along with the entry of revenue to each function, the calculation will be made at the end of each of the functions. With regard to the vote on the same jury will be made in advance once the registration period closed for partipación of CINEfoot Argentna.

5.4 - Results of the popular jury will be announced during the closing ceremony when Argentina CINEfoot deliver the prizes assigned.

5.5 - Popular Jury decisions as designated by the organization are final and binding.

6 - The return of the works

6.1 - The organization of CINEfoot Argentina agrees to return the exhibition copies shortly after the event.

6.2 - The storage and safekeeping of the selected works are under the responsibility of the festival, from reception to return, and, in the case of damage or loss of any copy, the organization is not responsible. Insurance contracting at the time suggested in shipping the material to participate.

6.3 - The costs of the return shall be borne by CINEfoot Argentina, and shipping costs for registration by the producer / director Participant.

6.4 - No returns received in DVD movies.

Registration of films implies acceptance of each and every one of the conditions:

7.1 - The pre-selected, selected or not selected material may be exposed in whole or in part by CINEfoot Argentina, for promotional purposes of the Festival.

7.2 - The representatives of the selected films must provide on-site display or send the copy to be displayed in CINEfoot, with an advance of 5 business days before the date set for display.

7.3 - The Organization of CINEfoot not be responsible for matters relating to copyright, right of use of voice, image, soundtrack, qualification of parents or assign the content of the work involved.

7.4 - Entrants automatically yield to CINEfoot organizing extracts selected works of rights for broadcasting transmission of the event program as well as graphic, promotional or disclosure material.

7.5 - The dates and hours of the views of the sessions of the participating films are decided exclusively based on the criteria defined by the organization and communicated to CINEfoot selected.

7.6 - Application procedures for the selection of films to join the participant full acceptance of these rules.

7.7 - The cases will be resolved by the CINEfoot organization.

CINEfoot Argentina- Festival Internacional de Cine de Fútbol
+54911 68334567
Av. Manuel V. Paz 1249, 7200 Las Flores, Prov de Buenos Aires, Argentina



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